• 坚持用户至上注重优雅简洁,这种理念自己的公司已经根深蒂固已经传播竞争对手那去了。

    His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance and simplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading to rival firms too.


  • 事实的确如此苹果产品表象之下包含丰富功能苹果公司本事这些复杂的功能利用优雅设计掩盖起来。

    True, Apple's products contain lots of features under the hood, but the company has a knack for concealing such complexity using elegant design.


  • 阿拉巴尔称建筑一座优雅纪念碑”,将会公司城市港湾区域开发房地产项目增值

    Alabbar described the new structure as an "elegant monument" which would add value to property being developed by the company along the city's creek.


  • 这些设计相当一部分先知公司设计体现写字楼优雅简约时尚风格

    In the design, there are quite a part is designed by the Wewin company, embodies the elegant office space, contracted, fashionable style.


  • 公司每年投入一定资金厂区实施绿化工程使员工能够优雅环境中舒心的工作。

    The company invests some funds in implementing the green project of the factory area each year. The elegant environment puts the staffs in a happy mood.


  • 公司内部设计主要选用蓝绿色调,环境优雅大气舒适具有现代企业气息

    The company's internal design is also the main choice of blue and green hues, elegant environment, atmosphere and comfortable atmosphere with the modern enterprise.


  • 公司拥有先进经营理念优雅工作环境

    The company has the advanced management idea, the graceful working conditions.


  • 无论是优雅宝马标志简单迪斯尼人影,标志设计图像往往成为任何公司促销活动的主要识别部分

    Whether it is the elegant BMW logo or the simple Disney silhouette, logo design images often become the key recognition component of any company's marketing promotions.


  • 负责艾菲尔铁塔管理公司额总经理让•贝尔纳·布罗斯在接受记者采访时表示:“适合艾菲尔铁塔的颜色,是优雅外装。”

    "This is the color that suits the tower best - its most elegant dress," Jean-Bernard Bros, head of the company that operates the tower, told reporters.


  • 公司一家连锁型便利店环境优雅四季空调奎文昌邑滨海开发区都有分店

    This company is a chain-like convenience store, the environment is graceful, four season air conditioning, in the Kui article, Changyi, the Binhai development zone have branch store.


  • 公司成立中高端的烤肉工作环境优雅工作氛围融洽

    Our company for new establishes the high-end roast meat shop. The working conditions are graceful, the work atmosphere is harmonious.


  • 这次,琳茜能荣幸的N&M公司选中,不仅是因为有着优雅气质,还有着可人的形象。

    She has been picked up by the M&N Company because of her elegant temperament and cute outlook.


  • 君越具有鲜明的外观设计优雅室内提供整洁的座椅缝线通常不会通用汽车公司的汽车。

    The LaCrosse boasts a sharp exterior design and an elegant interior, offering neat stitching on seat covers not usually associated with General Motors cars.


  • 满足国人欧美风格装饰需求公司设立内销提供优雅蒂凡尼工艺灯饰产品

    In order to meet Chinese demand for European and American styles of decoration, the company set up domestic sales department, to provide you with elegant Tiffany Lighting Technology Products.


  • 优雅太阳能企业建造一个产品只是坐在那里发电20年25,”公司总裁布鲁斯

    "The elegance of the solar business is that you construct a product and it just sits there generating power for 20 to 25 years," says company President, Bruce Sohn.


  • 先知命名创意的京东作为一个时尚服饰的网络销售公司,其定位必然时尚、潮流美丽相联系,先知为做的公司命名标志形象,色彩清新格调优雅韵味无穷。

    As a fashion network marketing company, JDYB is bound to and fashion, trends and beauty. Wevin designed company LOGO and its publicity pictures, colors fresh, elegant style and lasting appeal.


  • 目前公司有如水晶系列热带风情北欧风情、河滨风情、梦幻优雅系列等多个系列的优质产品

    At present, the company has been like a crystal series, intertropical amorous feelings, boreal Europe amorous feelings, riverside amorous feelings, elegant series multiple series products.


  • 公司服装的消费人群定位于80-90年代追求时尚潮流年轻女性为主要群体。时尚优雅高贵不失可爱风格永远KK以及D&Q品牌追逐的一个不变主题!

    Young girls pursuing fashion trend among 80s or 90s are main target consumers. Fashion with elegance and nobility with loveliness are the style KK AND D&Q will never stop pursuing.


  • 留下深刻印象除了优雅模特佩戴着名贵的金伯利钻石饰品现场走秀以外,就是金伯利钻石公司缔造多年的广阔强大的关系渠道网络

    Besides the spectacular diamond show presented by elegant Kimberlie models, what impressed me the most is that the broad and strong network Kimberlite has built over years.


  • 塑胶制品厂一家开发生产销售于一体专业型工艺玩具企业,公司位于有中国玩具礼品城之美称的澄海,地处外埔工业区,交通便利,环境优雅

    Yuxin plastic toys factory is located in the chenghai city, Is a set of development, produce and sale of toys factory. it with the good traffic and elegant environment.


  • 拉斯维加斯优雅之旅都是免费孟斐斯大会和旅游局以及三角洲航空公司也帮助付钱

    Both the Las Vegas and Graceland trips are on the house, with the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau and Delta Airlines helping with the TAB.


  • 公司位于莱阳市食品工业园内,烟青一级路旁,位置优越交通便利环境优雅

    The corporation is located in Laiyang Food Industrial Zone, on the side of Yantai -Qingdao highway with an excellent enviroment and convenient transportation.


  • 公司创建以来,一直专业致力于现代时尚品位优雅室内照明商业照明、市政照明。

    Since its inception, has specialized in modern fashion, taste and elegant interior lighting, commercial lighting, municipal lighting.


  • 宁波泰旺文具有限公司一家台商独资企业,位于宁波机场市区之间交通方便环境优雅

    Our company is an exclusively Taiwan businessman - owned enterprises, standing between Ningbo Airport and Ningbo City, with convenient traffic and neat environment.


  • 拥有着天使般的面孔、优雅举止,专辑一经发售就被抢购一空,可惜她的音乐同行一样,她只是日本游戏公司开发的虚拟歌手软件中的主角,也是第一个拥有自己专属声音的人物。

    She is cute, stylish and has had a number one chart-topping single. But Japan's newest and biggest pop star differs from most of her peers in one crucial aspect: she is a hologram.


  • 盛欣化妆品有限公司坐落于广州白云区,交通便利,环境优雅

    Located in Baiyun District of Guangzhou City, Shengxin Cosmetics Co.


  • 这次讲话丰田几个月北美欧洲中国日本召回八百五十万丰田车为了改进公司形象而做的,是积极优雅进攻计划一部分。

    The speech was part of an aggressive charm offensive by Toyoda to bolster the company's image after 8.5 million cars were recalled in North America, Europe, China and Japan in recent months.


  • 这次讲话丰田几个月北美欧洲中国日本召回八百五十万丰田车为了改进公司形象而做的,是积极优雅进攻计划一部分。

    The speech was part of an aggressive charm offensive by Toyoda to bolster the company's image after 8.5 million cars were recalled in North America, Europe, China and Japan in recent months.


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