• 你们公司主要设计美工?他们背景,取得过什么成就?。

    Who are some of your major designers and artists, and what is their background or accomplishments?


  • 公司主要设计开发生产销售功率放大器调音台均衡器周边系列产品

    Our company majors in designing, developing, manufacturing, marketing amplifier, mixer and equalizer and other peripheral products.


  • 公司下辖三个公司工程机械公司主要设计制造公路铁路市政领域建设工程机械。

    The company, it has three branches: the main branch of construction machinery design, manufacture, highway, railway, municipal areas such as construction machinery.


  • 韩德胜通用汽车计划明年2月中旬推出新的雪佛兰赛欧(Chevrolet Sail),款车是泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司主要设计研发的。

    Mr. Henderson said GM plans to launch a new Chevrolet Sail in mid-February, designed and developed primarily by the Pan-Asia Technical Automotive Center Co.


  • 一个主要设计公司研发方面取得大的回报-和诺基亚迥异的途径-诺基亚总提供许多不同种类的手机

    One main design allowed the company to gain a larger return on the research and development — a very different approach than that of Nokia which offers dozens of different phones.


  • 最终数据成为每次决策主要依据,这僵化了整个公司并且扼杀了作出任何大胆设计决定的可能。

    And that data eventually becomes a crutch for every decision, paralyzing the company and preventing it from making any daring design decisions.


  • 公司官员哈里斯公司根据合同负责设计安装验证这九个地点主要通信子系统以及各自基础设施

    Under the contract, Harris will design, install and certify major communications subsystems and their respective infrastructure at nine initial sites, company officials said.


  • 选择了吉姆·波尔谢克及其公司作为建筑设计主要是因为设计纽约的专门展示地球太空历史玫瑰中心一个钢筋玻璃的建筑里飘浮巨大的球体

    I chose Jim Polshek and his firm as my architects, largely because of his design for the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York, a huge glass-and-steel structure with a massive globe inside.


  • ARM公司自己制造芯片设计芯片主要大多数手机应用的基础

    ARM does not make its own chips, but its designs are the basis for most of those that go into most mobile handsets.


  • 公司国防部主要厂商联合开发整个项目商业案例概念设计和整个生命周期成本模型

    The Company will work in partnership with the mod and key industry partners to develop the business case, concept design and a cost model for the whole life of the programme.


  • 展示广告往往搜索广告复杂设计目的主要提升公司品牌不是达成生意

    Display ads tend to be more complex than search ads and are designed primarily to enhance a company's brand rather than to clinch a sale.


  • 首先用户体验经理大部分网站设计公司工作,主要根据用户浏览页面习惯开发网站。

    User experience managers were first widely seen in Web-design firms, focusing on a website in development from the viewpoint of a user who would eventually have to navigate the thing.


  • 这类航空公司其中之一就是马来西亚亚洲航空是一家位于吉隆坡的低价航空公司经过特别设计廉价终点站主要业务

    One such new airline is Malaysia's AirAsia, a budget airline based in Kuala Lumpur that operates from a specially designed low-cost terminal.


  • 2001年,哥伦比亚广播公司CBS拉斯维加斯开设了一个称作电视研究机构,其主要目的检验浏览导航设计方案

    In 2001, CBS opened a research facility in Las Vegas called Television City, with a primary aim of testing pilot programming.


  • ASDI开始只是一家从事扬声器制造设计的小公司主要开发针对个人用户的一些定制的扬声器方案

    ASDI started as a niche speaker construction and design company, developing custom speaker solutions for individuals.


  • 甚至聘请了《阿斯龙召唤》的主要设计托比•拉加尼担任诺威尔制作公司(Novel Studios)的副总裁

    He's even hired Toby Ragaini, a lead designer on Asheron's Call, as vice President of Novel Studios.


  • 菲律宾主要电力公司——马尼拉电力公司,却一个不错的点子:在设计出色的购物用电提示”,然后分发大家。

    Meralco (the Philippines' leading power company) had a better idea: give away cool designer shopping bags that have "Electricitips" printed on them.


  • 公司成立于2006年,主要从事模具液压系统方面设计生产

    The company was established in 2006, mainly engaged in mould and hydraulic systems, the design and production.


  • 文中微软公司设计研发部门VPMikeNash暗示造成这些硬件和外围设备失败主要原因投入运行的64PC机数量增加

    In the article, Microsoft Corporate VP for Design and Development Mike Nash implies that the cause of the failures might be the rising number of PCs shipping with 64-bit versions of Vista.


  • 阿古斯塔·韦斯特兰公司TAI土耳其公司Aselan该项目的合作伙伴,主要负责参与设计开发生产

    AgustaWestland, TAI and Turkish firm Aselan are partners on the program, which features Turkish involvement in design, development and production.


  • 公司主要业务安徽省大高校设计明信片

    The company's major business is to design postcards for various universities in Anhui province.


  • 在进入Innotas之前,Entrekin人共同创立了Convoy 公司,并且公司启动产品主要设计者。

    Prior to Innotas, Entrekin co-founded Convoy Corporation and was Chief Architect of its initial products.


  • 公司内部设计主要选用蓝绿色调,环境优雅大气舒适具有现代企业气息

    The company's internal design is also the main choice of blue and green hues, elegant environment, atmosphere and comfortable atmosphere with the modern enterprise.


  • 公司主要生产气动元件设计生产销售一体化公司

    This company mainly produces pneumatic components, design, production, sales for the integration of the company.


  • Powermat公司本周发布了几款无线充电器系列产品 ,系列产品主要由底座无线能量接收器组成,其中底座部分采用超薄型设计,而系统中的通用能 量接收器则可与被充电设备连接一起

    Powermat has released its lineup of wireless chargers on Wednesday. The system utilizes an ultra-thin mat along with a receiver that attaches to each portable device a user charges.


  • 公司成立以来主要致力于医药食品化工等包装机械设计生产

    Since the establishment of the company, focused on medicine, food and chemical packaging machinery design and production.


  • 主要介绍了OMRON公司CPM1A系列太阳能热水器自动控制系统中的应用重点阐述了系统的硬件构成系统软件设计过程

    Application of OMRON CPM1A series PLC in solar water heater automatic control system is mainly introduced, emphasises on the system hardware constitution and the system software design process.


  • 公司成立于2005年,主要从事汽车用品设计

    I was founded in 2005, mainly engaged in the design of automotive supplies.


  • 喷气推进实验室指导下洛克希德马丁公司空间系统部的主要研究人员工程师们探测器中央控制器设计一个特殊钛合金抗辐射拱顶

    With guidance from JPL and the principal investigator, engineers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems designed and built a special radiation vault made of titanium for a centralized electronics hub.


  • 坐落于卡尔加里SYC标识公司已经走过将近24年了,它主要主题环境设计制作立体显示屏例如游乐场购物中心。

    Calgary-based Studio Y Creations (SYC) has been in business for nearly 24 years, designing and manufacturing dimensional displays for themed environments, such as amusement parks and shopping malls.


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