• Wikipedia是“大众资源”现代产物—它理念:无数匿名个人(个人与个人之间有一定的距离)可以公共项目协同工作

    Wikipedia was the modern birth ofcrowdsourcing”, the idea that vast numbers of anonymous individuals can labor together (at a distance) on a common project.


  • 公共营造物瑕疵管理责任立法理念、责任根据构成要件、证明责任一领域研究主要问题

    Defects in Public Management concept of responsibility legislation, the components of responsibility and the burden of proof are on the main issues in this field.


  • 我们建国理念激励各国议会的领导人,也激励着世界各地公共广场上发起运动

    The values of our founding inspire leaders in parliaments and new movements in public squares around the globe.


  • 警察公关理念警察组织建立良好公共关系前提,是支配警察公关行为思想意识

    Police public relation(PR) concept is the premise of setting up a good public relation for the police and controls the idea and awareness of PR behavior.


  • 既基于人性化设计理念设计高校校园公共空间

    That is to say, design the public space of college campus according to humanization design principle.


  • 使追求公共利益真正成为深入人心理念不幸的是,他的接下来的继任者并不当回事儿

    The common good became a real concept and one that, unfortunately, some of his successors didn't some of his successors didn't take terribly seriously.


  • 公共组织采取“小集团”化设计,采取功能目标识别化设计理念

    A "small group"design for public organization construction should be made and an identifiable design concept of function and objective adopted.


  • 经营城市理念城市管理公共管理理论理论的回应,但我们注意回避经营城市所内含的风险

    The idea of city-marketing is consistent with the theory of new public management, also we should aware of the risk of it .


  • 方法社区公共卫生服务相结合中医预防疾病理念用于实际工作

    Abstract Objective: To explore the Chinese "disease" approach and community public health services combined, the pre-medicine Disease prevention concept for the actual work.


  • 先进理念指导公共关系实践形式多样内容丰富效果明显

    Under the guidance of the advanced concepts, public relations presented its practice forms diversified, rich in content and an evident effect.


  • 作为与生俱来文化品格,霍普金斯大学的学术决策办学理念公共关系政策以及校园文化等等深深地打上了理性烙印

    As its inborn cultural character, "rational" has been deeply penetrated into its academic decision, educational ideas, public relations and campus culture.


  • 强调公共价值最大化理念使前海企业公馆成为现代企业充分展示企业公民意识平台

    Emphasizing the idea of maximized public value, which makes Qianhai enterprise mansions become platforms that modern enterprises fully display their corporate citizenship.


  • 运用市场理念原则方式作为公共事业教育进行运营,将教育效率最大化学术界企业相互然后研究实践

    The use of market concepts, principles and methods of education as public utilities, operate, Maximize the efficiency of education, academia and business with each other and then study and practice.


  • 社会权利某种意义上一种理念公共消费这种理念实践

    Social rights in a sense are a concept, and public consumption is practice of the concept.


  • 公共活动领域问题实质就是公共问题,公共理念就是关于公共性问题理论范式

    The essence of public activities is the problem of publicity, for which the concept of publicity is the theoretical frame.


  • 回归分析显示影响这些需求主要因素社会公共政策职业技术教育机制以及传统职业技术教育供给理念

    The analysis shows the influence factors are the social community policy, the mechanism of vocational-technical education and the traditional ideas of the educative supplies.


  • 公共关系理念从无到有先进公共关系理念有力地指导公共关系的实践

    Public Relations ideas improved from scratch and its advanced concept guided the public relations practice.


  • 将近一个多月大规模报道中,各媒体成功展现了自己突发公共事件报道理念提升运作机制日趋成熟。

    Nearly a month in the large-scale coverage, the media have successfully demonstrated their sudden public incidents reported to enhance the concept and the growing maturity of the operating mechanism.


  • 第三当代我国高校公共音乐教育理念实施现状进行分析,从而发现问题

    Chapter III, on contemporary Chinese Universities public music education philosophy and the implementation status of analysis to identify problems.


  • 同时理念实践研究三方面论述提升公共图书馆效率的建议。

    At the same time, the paper discusses how to promote the public library efficiency from the concept, practice and research.


  • 基于同样理念财经大学公共经济管理学院2009年成立“实证分析调查研究中心”。

    Following the same idea, the School of Public Economics and Administration established the Center for Empirical Analysis and Survey Research in 2009.


  • 作为个人口大国及特殊社会人口环境产后抑郁在我国构成一个越来越严重公共健康问题秉承“上医治”的理念开展产后抑郁症预防干预的必要性不言而喻。

    Guided by the concept of "Cure a disease before its onset", it is indispensable that prevention and intervention of postpartum depression should be carried out to alleviate the severe situation.


  • 人性化设计理念出发,建构良好空间结构,塑造富有地域特色公共空间,是城市空间充满活力并使空间景观得以持续生长与完善的关键。

    Taking the planning for the Fuzhou Rongcheng Plaza as example, this paper explores the train of design thought on developing large urban public humanized space.


  • 协同论思想引入公共管理领域产生了“协同政务”这一理念

    This paper introduces synergy theory into the field of public management to produce a concept of collaborative governance.


  • 作为OCAT研究中心公共项目重要组成部分之一也将昭示和宣传该学术机构广泛人文学科的基础上进行艺术研究的基本理念

    As one of the essential components of OCAT Institute's public educational program, it promotes an approach to research that draws from a wide range of disciplines in the Humanities.


  • 公共图书馆核心理念之一就是每一位公民享受公平区别的图书馆服务。

    One of the core philosophies of public library is to make every citizen to enjoy the fair and without distinction library services.


  • 公共政策执行公共政策理念状态转化为现实状态实施过程,它是直接决定政策绩效高低乃至成败关键环节

    The policy implementation is a process of transmitting public policy from ideas into realities, and a key to directly determine policy performance.


  • 大厦设计理念旨在艾德加恢复成为东西向公共通道,并且重新连接格林威治华盛顿

    The towers's design seeks to reinstate Edgar street as an east-west public way, reconnecting Greenwich and Washington streets.


  • 大厦设计理念旨在艾德加恢复成为东西向公共通道,并且重新连接格林威治华盛顿

    The towers's design seeks to reinstate Edgar street as an east-west public way, reconnecting Greenwich and Washington streets.


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