• 为了满足公众兴趣网站公布了大廉价航空公司榜单。

    Responding to public interest, the AirlineRatings. com editors also identified their top ten safest low cost airlines.


  • 主要目标就是增加公众兴趣,(帮助人们了解)身残的种种困境。

    Her main goal was to increase public interest in the difficulties of people with physical problems.


  • 这些成功开启大门信息披露更多公众兴趣更多产品质量也会更高

    These successes are opening the doors: greater exposure, more public interest, higher quality products.


  • 目前学界关于公众人物隐私权保护理论主要公众兴趣说”利益衡量说”。

    Currently the theories concerning the protection of the public persons privacy primarily are "the public interest theory" and "the benefits measures theory".


  • 这些发现建立有理由的公众兴趣NASA可以要求额外的资金来拓展一个海洋科学项目加入这个这个队列

    With such discoveries building well-justified public interest, NASA will be able to ask for extra funding to add an MSR mission to the queue.


  • 20世纪早期随着同时代相关联人被一个来自德国入侵者战斗英国英雄扯上关系,公众兴趣开始上升,海教授说道。

    And in the early 20th Century there was an upswing of interest as contemporary analogies were drawn with a British hero fighting invaders from Germany, Prof Higham argues.


  • 美国大型的连锁书店Barnes andNoble2000年曾经隆重推出电子图书,随着公众兴趣消失到了2003年就也偃旗息鼓了。

    Barnes and Noble, a leading American bookshop chain, began selling e-books with fanfare in 2000 but quietly pulled the plug in 2003 as interest faded.


  • 意识公众凯瑟琳设计的兴趣家人决定创建一个生意

    Realizing the public's interest in Catherine's designs, her family decided to create a business for her.


  • 这两个国家公众这个主题兴趣反映一种信念国家地位艺术成就相关的。

    In both countries, public interest in this topic was a reflection of the belief that national stature and achievement in the arts were related.


  • 上周市政官员表示该市可能兴趣剧院改造博物馆公众集会场所

    Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theatre into a museum and public meeting place.


  • 但是便士报”这个引起了公众兴趣很快就真的一个便士的报纸了。

    But the phrase "penny paper" caught the public's fancy, and soon there would be papers that did indeed sell for only a penny.


  • 装剧也有助于培养公众对中国传统服饰的兴趣

    Period dramas have also helped develop the public's interest in traditional Chinese clothes.


  • 些博物馆都试图用新的想法来满足公众对该领域日益增长的兴趣

    Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the public's growing interest in the field with new ideas.


  • 这本《公民手册目的鼓励更多的更积极活跃公民的出现,他们兴趣公众问题具有积极性,渴望自己生活之外获得完全不同的经历。

    The citizens Handbook is meant to encourage the emergence of more active citizens - people motivated by an interest in public issues, and a desire to make a difference beyond their own private lives.


  • 周二听证会引起公众广泛的兴趣——威斯敏斯特安排转播室给委员会会议室得到位子的人们旁观

    Tuesday's session is expected to generate a lot of public interest - two "overspill" rooms have been arranged at Westminster for those not able to get a seat in the committee room.


  • 一些案件里装作名对加速上马房地产项目兴趣浓厚的开发商,暗中向这些公众人物支付好处费。

    In several of the cases, he posed as a developer interested in paying public figures under the table to expedite real estate projects.


  • 除非火星其他让人无法预料到地方出现生命公众整个太空事业兴趣可能出现下降

    Unless life turns up on Mars, or somewhere even more unexpected, public interest in the whole thing is likely to wane.


  • 所有深沉都是面对公众的,并且也许因为对她有兴趣触动。

    All of her musings there are open to the public, and she'll probably be psyched that you're interested.


  • 公众那年金像奖兴趣促成了对次年的颁奖典礼进行电台现场直播

    Public interest in the awards that year ensured that the next year's ceremonies would be broadcast live over the radio.


  • 高盛也不大可能尝试唤起公众兴趣

    Itis implausible that Goldman tried to drum up public interest.


  • 这种现象源于这个事实,那就是,直到目前为止,公众投入问题兴趣坦率地讲少于煽动性话题。

    I think this stems from the fact that, up to now, very little interest has been paid to this frankly less than incendiary topic.


  • 而且需要这样一条法律——可能记者分析家感受一样公众对于不同立场的观点毫无兴趣

    There was no need for a law – the journalists and analysts probably felt what I was feeling, that the public had no patience for a different point of view.


  • 虽然公众传记类作品关心越来越但是还有很多人对人物中的历史感兴趣

    Some work and some don't. Clearly, we have got a public with a shorter attention span, but there is also this great interest in history.


  • 汽油比赛受到欧洲委员会支持,他们希望新的赛事可以公众替代燃料汽车的电动车感兴趣

    Petrol-free racing is also being backed by the European Commission, which hopes the new events can get the general public excited about alternative fuel cars.


  • 排名中的上佳表现会刺激学生兴趣毕业生就业率;而排名的下滑则将大学的公众形象产生负面影响。

    A strong showing in the rankings spurs student interest and alumni giving; a slip has grave consequences for public relations.


  • 距离婚礼庆典还有一周一点时间,公众兴趣——探究——可能达到顶峰。

    With a little more than two weeks to go before the ceremony, interest -- and scrutiny -- is probably going to be at its highest.


  • 除非火星或者其它不曾想到的地方出现生命件事情公众兴趣正在减少正是公众一切买单。

    Unless life turns up on Mars, or somewhere even more unexpected, public interest in the whole thing is likely to wane. And it is the public that pays for it all.


  • 除非火星或者其它不曾想到的地方出现生命件事情公众兴趣正在减少正是公众一切买单。

    Unless life turns up on Mars, or somewhere even more unexpected, public interest in the whole thing is likely to wane. And it is the public that pays for it all.


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