• 高阳县传颛顼故都里。

    Biography for Zhuanxu Gaoyang ancient capital, only eight years old.


  • 选战期间自己的个人主张的表述给人的感觉一直面玲珑、态度暧昧,如果大体上看是主张变革的(正如选民媒体直到现在开始注意到)。

    His relation to his own proposals during the campaign has been pleasantly noncommittal, if generally liberal (as voters and the media are only now getting around to noticing).


  • 因此基本上这里展示这些立方体中一共有,位置,需要它们得到一个完整立方体

    So, basically what he's showing in these cubes is that there are eight spaces that need to be filled up to have a full cube.


  • 他们现在是,贾斯帕罗莎莉岁,他们卡伦太太一起生活岁。

    They are now, Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, but they've been with Mrs. Cullen since they were eight.


  • 尽管大部分觉得他们晚上应该小时实际上该睡多久却因人而异有些人睡五个小时成,而另一些人十个小时够。

    Although most people think they need to sleep for eight hours a night, the amount actually varies from person to person; some are fine with five, others would do better with ten.


  • 我们第二电影完成年后又拍第三部,之后又大约了现在这部电影。

    Between our second and third movie, five years passed; between the third and this latest one, about eight years.


  • 目前巴基斯坦洪水淹没全国五分之一地区,出乎人们预料的是洪水退去

    Floodwaters in Pakistan now cover more than a fifth of the country, with the waters not expected to recede until the end of August.


  • 九月份在离开个月洛克·伍德回来了决定留在画眉山庄(因为他的租期十月份结束。)

    In September, eight months after leaving, Lockwood finds himself back in the area and decides to stay at Thrushcross Grange (since his tenancy is still valid until October).


  • 公共电台报道虽然坊间传言不断,大多数市民还是月份城市被拆解的那一天新闻中得到一消息。

    NPR reports that rumors had been circling, but most found out about the city's dissolution on the news the day it happened in August.


  • 地震发生威廉正在上班小时等到事态能够允许他步行回家

    Williams was at work when the earthquake hit and was stuck there for eight hours until it was okay to for him to walk home.


  • 按理说它是地球上最慢的“快车” 180公里赏心悦目的路线需要小时走完。

    Arguably the slowest 'express' on the planet, the 180 mile ride on this delightful route takes a good 8 hours.


  • 时代华纳,三月份拓展有线运营事业如今缩减了其电影制片组,现正准备解除美国线上服务公司(一家网络机构)长达合作伙伴关系

    Time Warner, which span off its cable-operating business in March and has pruned its film-production outfit, is now trying to undo its eight-year partnership with AOL, an Internet portal.


  • 去年美国最终找到基地头目下落一些线索,中情局花了数月确定这一点。

    Last August the Americans finally got a sniff of the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts, but it took months to firm up the intelligence.


  • 自己提早小时出去呢至少每天小时

    You're the one who sneak out half an hour early - at least I work a full eight hours every day!


  • 寒冷北冰洋浸泡了分钟获救

    She spent eight minutes in the freezing waters of the Arctic Ocean before being rescued.


  • 公牛或是绵羊,或是山羊跟着以后,可以当供物蒙悦纳作为耶和华祭。

    When a calf, a lamb or a goat is born, it is to remain with its mother for seven days. From the eighth day on, it will be acceptable as an offering made to the Lord by fire.


  • 匆匆穿好衣服下楼来到厨房

    It was nearly eight o 'clock by the time I could hurriedly dress myself and get down to the kitchen.


  • 毕竟巴西只是年前,也就是2002年第一次参加峰会,而且只是作为一个观察国。

    After all, it was only eight years ago, in 2002, that Brazil attended its first G8 conference, and that was just as an observer.


  • 亚当伊甸园时已开始敬拜音乐创世记四章21节,犹出生开始被提及

    Adam worshiped in the Garden of Eden, but music isn't mentioned until Genesis 4:21 with the birth of Jubal.


  • 很多认为要是感觉不渴喝水啥事儿,可是事实上盎司一杯我们每天成。

    Most of us think we don't need to drink water if we don't feel thirsty but in fact we should take around 8 glasses of water of 8 oz per day.


  • 尽管当时那时的感受记忆犹新我会变成个丑怪,所有都会当怪物看。

    I was 9 years old but I still remember my thoughts at that moment: I would be ugly and people would treat me in a different way.


  • 这个发生在通往北京高速路上交通拥挤一度超过一百公里,以至于所引发的交通僵局持续了十一直到二十六日星期四神奇地消失

    One snarl up this month along a highway leading into Beijing was at one point over 100km long and left traffic gridlocked for eleven days until it mysteriously vanished on Thursday August 26th.


  • 尽管Didion开头几句(第四:自怜问题在Dunne一两天就好了,但等了个月之后着手写这本书。

    Though Didion’s opening lines (the fourth of which is “The question of self-pity”) were jotted down a day or two after Dunne’s death, she waited eight months before beginning to write.


  • 一位詹妮女孩讲述年级时徘徊“损己利人”的泥潭中、直到最后得以解脱的事。

    A girl named Jenny once told me about her wanderings in the world of Lose-Win during her eighth-grade year before she finally broke free.


  • 1987年,Battersea狗狗之Charlie时它周大,慢慢地成了世界中的一部分——我们形影相随。

    I'd bought Charlie as an eight-week-old puppy from Battersea dogs' home in 1987 and she became my world - we went everywhere together.


  • 那位送货也门的叙利亚阿拉伯通讯社靠近诺拉蒂的父亲时,诺拉

    Nujood was 8 years old when a delivery man approached her father in Sana, Yemen.


  • 岁。岁你还支持别人

    'You're eight. You don't get to be on someone's side at eight.'


  • 约翰是的我们去了。我们在那里看见许多葡萄但是我们不能它们它们直到成熟

    John:Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldn't eat them. They won't be ready till August.


  • 约翰是的我们去了。我们在那里看见许多葡萄但是我们不能它们它们直到成熟

    John:Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldn't eat them. They won't be ready till August.


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