• 甲烷全球升温潜在物质相当于二氧化碳23

    Methane has 23times the global warming potential of CO2;


  • 人们较为把握全球升温大部分其它后果特别是大气二氧化碳的增加。

    Much harder to grasp are most of the other consequences of global warming, and especially of the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


  • 有些表示,过去世纪以来出现全球升温现象,活跃太阳影响的结果。

    We will enter another "Ice Age". Some people hold the idea that the global warming over the past century can be attributed to the active sun.


  • 消费一个全球升温问题因为大型场产生了大量潜在的温室气体甲烷

    Meat consumption is a global warming issue because large livestock farms emit large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane.


  • 行程距离相同的情况下,驾车出行全球升温带来的长期影响要超过飞机出行。

    Travelling by Car Increases Global Temperatures More Than Travelling by Plane in the Long Term.


  • 一项研究指出,行程距离相同情况下,驾车出行对全球升温带来的长期影响要超过飞机出行。

    Driving alone in a car increases global temperatures in the long run more than making the same long-distance journey by air according to a new study.


  • 这项研究之前研究不同,不是关注因未来全球升温导致疾病,而是关注应对问题取得迅速成效

    Instead of looking at the health ills causes by future global warming, as past studies have done, this research looks at the immediate benefits of doing something about the problem.


  • 大约25千万年前,也就是所说二叠纪末端时候,经过一系列火山剧烈喷发毁灭性全球升温生命几乎消失殆尽

    Some 250 million years ago, at the end of the time known as the Permian, life was all but wiped out during a sustained period of massive volcanic eruption and devastating global warming.


  • 不论知道还是知道全球升温温室效应,能源利用其他环境等问题目的意识人类地球影响

    Beyond knowing whether or not what is global warming, greenhouse effect, the renewable energy and other environmental issues, the purpose is to be conscious of our impact on the planet as humans.


  • 即使居住于深远内陆人们,也可能全球升温影响美国西部干旱可能就是热带太平洋表面温度变化导致的。

    Even people living far inland may be affected by the warming: droughts in the western United States seem to be caused by changing surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific.


  • 一些国家目前要求达成全球升温幅度控制超过1摄氏度的协议。多数国家认为这一目标不可能实现

    But some nations have now called for an agreement that would limit global temperature rises to no more than 1 degree, which most regard as impossible.


  • 比如美国这样地方心肺疾病减少好处越来越全球升温带来的今后健康损害要重要得多,波蒂尔

    And for places like the United States, those advantages of reduced heart and lung diseases are bigger than the specific future health damage from worsening warming, Portier said.


  • 环保团体很久之间就倡导这样补偿金项目因为森林有效地吸收二氧化碳,而二氧化碳是造成全球升温主要的吸收热量气体

    Environmental groups have long advocated such a compensation program because forests are efficient absorbers of carbon dioxide, the primary heat-trapping gas linked to global warming.


  • 全球变暖使得北极升温速度世界其他地区两倍这意味着如果气温继续上升阿拉斯加苔原消失

    Global warming heats up the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning Alaska's tundra stands to vanish if temperatures continue to rise.


  • 因为全球使得大海升温预期当地渔业经历生意下降的趋势。

    Because global warming is heating up the sea, local fisheries are expected to see their business drop.


  • 全球变暖使得北极升温速度世界其他地区两倍这意味着如果气温继续上升阿拉斯加美丽北部苔原将(承受变化至)完全消失

    Global warming heats up the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning Alaska's beautiful northern tundra stands to vanish completely if temperatures continue to rise.


  • 城市热岛效应经常气候研究评论者用来支持缓慢而有序的升温并不足以说明全球气候在变的观点。

    The urban heat island effect is often used by critics of climate research to suggest that measured temperature rises don't indicate global warming.


  • 着各公司利用有史以来最低借贷成本机会,全球的公司热潮开始升温

    The global corporate-bond boom is gathering steam as companies rush to take advantage of some of the lowest borrowing costs in history.


  • 为了尽可能防止2升温我们需要明年年底减少10%的全球温室气体排放量,在2012年减少25%的排放(*7)。

    To deliver a high chance of preventing two degrees of warming, we would need to cut global emissions by something like 10% by the end of next year and 25% by 2012.


  • 乔尔·拜恩斯,AlixPartners公司全球零售专家表示,奢侈品消费从夏末开始升温

    The luxury segment started heating up in late summer, said Joel Bines, a director in the global retail practice at AlixPartners.


  • 麦克默多站(McMurdoStation)是位于罗斯(Ross Island)美国研究基地,研究记录显示过去三十年间,这里的夏季平均气温上升摄氏1.5超出全球平均升温幅度。

    The average summer temperature at McMurdo Station, the American research base on Ross Island, has inched up 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 30 years, records show, more than the global average.


  • 根据中国科学家的观察,过去50中国平均气温上升了1.1摄氏度高于同期全球平均升温水平。

    According to Chinese scientists, the average temperature in China has risen by 1.1 degrees centigrade in the last 5 decades. It is higher than the reported global average.


  • 如果出现全球升温,是否引起灾难性变化毁坏美国中心地带那样富饶的农业区?

    If global warming occurs, will it lead to devastating changes, such as the destruction of rich agriculture-producing areas like the American heartland?


  • 全球变暖加热北极,它升温速度达到世界其他地区两倍,这也意味着如果继续升温阿拉斯加美丽北国冻土带将会消失无影。

    Global warming heats up the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning Alaska's beautiful northern tundra stands to vanish completely if temperatures continue to rise.


  • 普华永道(PwC)称,去年矿产业交易升温,但中国收购参与全球6%矿产业交易。

    Last year, as mining deals picked up, Chinese acquirers were involved in only 6 per cent of global mining transactions, according to PwC.


  • 普华永道(PwC)称,去年矿产业交易升温,但中国收购参与全球6%矿产业交易。

    Last year, as mining deals picked up, Chinese acquirers were involved in only 6 per cent of global mining transactions, according to PwC.


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