• 本文概要介绍了国内外全树削片情况

    The situation of chipping of whole-tree in foreign countries is briefly introduced in this paper.


  • 如果浇到水分自然运到各处

    If you pour water on the root, the water will be distributed all over the tree.


  • 利用及其轮伐期经营制度导致林地养分衰竭生产力下降主要原因

    It is believed that all tree utilization and short rotation system were main factors responsible for nutrient depletion and productivity decline of the stand sites.


  • 矮化苹果中短梢及其总生长量占全树新梢叶总生长量的比例,于乔

    The growth amount of fruit spur and the leaves on them of apple trees grafted on dwarf stocks were much higher in comparison with those grafted on seedling stock.


  • 名为苹果殖民地”的果占地10英亩,已达220高龄。全树有几十扎根土中,枝繁叶茂,仿佛永生一般

    Spanning 10 acres, the 220-year-old treeknown as 'apple tree colony' – has dozens of individually rooted trunks that constantly spring to life, making it seemingly impossible to die.


  • 落后太阳回复最初位置发出光谱光线下面街道行人提供照明

    When the sun goes down the solar trees will return to their original position to give off a full spectrum of light to the street and pedestrians below.


  • 例如,1519年10月巴布尔朋友骑马Istalif:“草坪三叶草形石榴镀上了秋天的金黄色,果实。”

    In October 1519, for instance, Babur rode out to Istalif with friends: “Its lawns were one sheet of trefoil; its pomegranate trees yellowed to autumn splendour, their fruit full red.”


  • 忘了过的事,和我他的照顾,竟在花园里拔去一整最好的黑醋栗

    He's forgetten all Ee done for him, un' made on him, un' goan un' riven up a whole row ut t' grandest currant trees, i' t' garden!'


  • 品格名誉好象一棵生命枝叶是否茂盛,在于有无生气。

    Character and reputation, like a tree of life and branches and leaves is luxuriant, depends on its presence of angry.


  • 文章给出了1N排列问题三种求解算法分析问题计数中的应用

    This article gives three algorithms for all permutations of 1 to N, analyzing the application of this problem in stack and enumeration of binary tree.


  • 通过改土,由际局部熟化熟化,同时增施磷钾肥,可提高柑桔品质,加快形成丰产稳产的强健势打下良好基础

    By extending the planting hole and improving the soil, soil is humificated from root around to all orchard and then these are the base for increasing the orange quality and tree vigor.


  • 谷物黄玉米粉玉米油切达干酪培养巴氏天然香料,盐,麦芽糊精,磷酸二钠胭脂提取物颜色

    Whole Grain Yellow Corn Flour, Corn Oil, Cheddar Cheese Cultured Pasteurized Milk, Salt, Enzymes, Natural Flavors, Salt, Maltodextrin, Disodium Phosphate, Annatto Extract Color.


  • 那时,正义耕种,到处都被种,满祝福

    And then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and be full of blessing.


  • 物业管理(北京)有限公司伴随着颇具北美风情木结构别墅小区(美制洋楼)北京波特兰花园应运而生。

    Double Tree Property Management (Beijing) co., Ltd was founded accompanied by the Beijing Portland Garden which owns timber frame villas complexes (modern American timber-framed structures).


  • 提出一种基于太赫兹光学非对称解复用器前缀法器,在其中使用多个开关

    We propose and describe an all-optical prefix tree adder with the help of a terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) using a set of optical switches.


  • 例如,1519年10月巴布尔朋友骑马Istalif:“草坪三叶草形石榴镀上了秋天的金黄色,果实。”

    In October 1519, for instance, Babur rode out to Istalif with friends: "Its lawns were one sheet of trefoil; its pomegranate trees yellowed to autumn splendour, their fruit full red."


  • 提出模型扩展用于研究前缀加法器基本构造模块功能强大复杂回路

    The model can be extended for studying more complex all-optical circuits of enhanced functionality in which the prefix tree adder is the basic building block.


  • 他们葡萄所多葡萄摩拉田园所生的、他们的葡萄是葡萄、挂都是的。

    Their vine comes from the vine of Sodom and from the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes are filled with poison, and their clusters with bitterness.


  • 还有典型万圣节花招手纸拉开,不停地往直到被白纸起来。

    One popular teen-agers i Halloween trick was to unroll a roll of toilet paper and throw it high into a tree again and again until the tree was all wrapped in the white paper.


  • 访客:”从没过自家水果。 一一年,春天开花结出满满果子突然一夜之间光光。

    Visitor:"I've never had any fruit from my tree. Year after year, flowers and tiny fruits allcoverd it in spring. Suddenly, the fruits drop off over one night."


  • 访客:”从没过自家水果。 一一年,春天开花结出满满果子突然一夜之间光光。

    Visitor:"I've never had any fruit from my tree. Year after year, flowers and tiny fruits allcoverd it in spring. Suddenly, the fruits drop off over one night."


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