• 等待处理全局时间变化。

    Evolution of the waiting, processing, and global durations.


  • TTCAN冗余网络实现包括循环时间全局时间相位同步速率同步

    The realization of the redundancy TTCAN network includes the cycle time, Synchronization of phase for global time, the synchronization of rate and so on.


  • 请求使用令牌仲裁平均等待时间处理时间全局时间(等待时间加上处理时间)。

    Average waiting duration, processing duration, and global duration (waiting duration plus processing duration) for the mediation flows requesting and using tokens.


  • 我们需要某一个人使用频率时,我们可以全局变量而不是服务器那里得到这种信息,因此可以节省报表构建时间

    When we need someone's utilization rate we can get it from global variables instead of the server, so that report building time can be saved.


  • 新的调度器解决上述问题的方法是,基于每个 CPU 来分布时间并且取消全局同步重算循环

    The new scheduler addresses these issues by distributing timeslices on a per-CPU basis and eliminating the global synchronization and recalculation loop.


  • 安装专区所需时间取决于全局专区安装数量如图8 所示。

    The time taken for installing the zone depends on the number of packages installed in the global zone, as shown in Figure 8.


  • 为目标设定时间期限是个主意不过注意的一点就是有时无法掌控全局

    It's a good idea to set a general timeline, but be aware that some circumstances will be beyond your control.


  • 代码确实非常但是每次测量都会长时间独占cpu使用更多全局CPU时间

    The newer code does complete more quickly, but by every measure it also severely monopolizes the CPU for long periods of time and USES more overall CPU time.


  • 一个可能一些时间适应应用程序接口改变Unity使用全局菜单”来安装大多数预安装应用程序。

    One application interface change that may take you some time to adjust to is that Unity uses aglobal menu” for most pre-installed applications.


  • 为了帮助实现互斥锁分配锁定时间最小化JVM管理全局缓存和一个单线程锁缓存,其中每个缓存包含了未分配的 pthread_mutex。

    To help minimize mutex allocation and locking time, the JVM manages a global lock cache and a per-thread lock cache where each cache contains unallocated pthread_mutexes.


  • Linux内核中时间一个名为jiffies全局变量衡量变量标识系统启动以来经过的滴答

    In the Linux kernel, time is measured by a global variable named jiffies, which identifies the number of ticks that have occurred since the system was booted.


  • 借助全局路径索引可以提高存储效率最小化XQuery执行路径查询时间

    The global path index results in improved storage efficiency and minimizes the path look-up time for XQuery execution.


  • 不是用于循环时间吗,从新使用一个全局性的Stringbuilders一个收到email

    Isn't it time for some recycling, i.e. reusing the same global StringBuilder for every email received?


  • 意味着SQL路径中,只有最后一次显式绑定时间之前定义全局变量会进行名称解析

    This means that only global variables in the SQL path that were defined before the last explicit bind time stamp are considered for global variable name resolution.


  • 指定时间间隔将相关信息记录一个全局文件中,然后可以事后文件进行处理显示计算机的相关信息,该工具正是以这种方式为您提供帮助。

    This works by recording information at specific intervals into a global file that can then be post processed to display information about the machine.


  • 模式基于支路的交换方法不能保证得到全局最优启发式规则结合可以较短时间得到结果

    Optimal flow pattern and branch changing cannot assure the global optimization result, but it can get the result in short time if it combines with the elicitation method.


  • 解答可以通过将global_logging设置成n全局关闭日志功能然而如果希望节省存储过程执行时的每一毫秒时间,那么在确信SQL - PL和外部存储过程都已经准备好之后,就可以注释所有CALLDB2

    Answer: you can always turn off global logging by setting global_logging to N. However, if you want to shave every millisecond from your stored procedure's execution time, comment out all CALL DB2.


  • 方法将网络训练问题变换一系列凸规划问题,而这些子问题都可以较短时间获得全局最优

    The proposed method transforms the training problem into a number of convex subproblems which can be solved in shorter time to obtain globally solutions.


  • 理论上已经证明多项式时间复杂度内对一类问题找到全局最优解不可能的。

    The fact that it is impossible to find the global optimum in polynomial complexity has been proved.


  • 为目标设定时间期限是个主意不过注意的一点就是有时无法掌控全局

    It's a good idea to set a general timeline but be aware that some circumstances will be beyond your control.


  • 通过在客户放置局部数据库服务器端放置全局数据库缩短系统响应时间

    To shorten the response time, local databases are put on the client, and global databases are put on the server.


  • 通过在客户放置局部数据库服务器端放置全局数据库,缩短系统响应时间

    To shorten the response time, local databases are put on the client, and global databases are put on the servers.


  • 三维布局问题属于组合最优化问题NP完全问题,一定时间内求精确全局最优解相当困难的。

    Three-dimensional component packing is a combinatorial optimization and NP-complete problem. It is difficult to find its exact global optimum.


  • 模式基于支路的交换方法不能保证得到全局最优启发式规则结合可以较短时间得到结果

    Optimal flow pattern and branch changing can't assure the global optimization result , but it can get the result in short time if it combined with the elicitation method .


  • 渲染过程非常迅速并且因为全局光照GI算结果,所以时间紧张时,它就是优秀的工具,并且对于GI 质量来说它也是必须的。

    The pass renders quite quickly and since it is a Global Illumination (GI) solution, it is an excellent tool when time is of the essence, and GI quality is required.


  • 结构表明SNTO一种实用的全局优化方法,收缩比收敛判据的改进大大缩短计算时间

    The result shows that SNTO is a global optimization method and it can save calculation time with such a modification.


  • 设计模型结构参数分别进化,共同识别方案,实现非线性时间序列分析模型结构和参数进行全局最优搜索

    A new stepped evolutionary scheme is designed to search the global optimal structure and parameters of the nonlinear time series model.


  • 管理时间使调度程序系统做好全局调度决定

    Managing the timeslice enables the scheduler to make global scheduling decisions for the system.


  • 管理时间使调度程序系统做好全局调度决定

    Managing the timeslice enables the scheduler to make global scheduling decisions for the system.


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