• 讲述一个名叫爱丽丝女孩掉进兔子进入仙境故事

    It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a wonderland.


  • 卡罗尔开始创作著名的爱丽丝故事以及掉进兔子发生的事情

    Carroll began to create his famous tale of Alice and what happened after she fell through the rabbit hole.


  • 迷失孤独女孩跟随只鹿深入森林爱丽丝一样,进入兔子发现自己一个陌生的世界

    A little girl lost and alone follows a stag deep into the woods, and like Alice, down the rabbit hole, she finds herself in a strange world.


  • 就像Alice一样掉进网上兔子

    I'm like Alice falling down the cyber rabbit hole.


  • 换言之他们共同目标就是帮助看到兔子到底有

    In other words, their common goal is to help show you just "how deep the rabbit-hole goes."


  • 新的公共建筑(兔子洞)一个新的铁桥。

    There are also new neighborhood decorations (among which a wooden rabbit) and a cute new iron bridge.


  • 向下兔子好的他们相符智慧秘密

    And Down the Rabbit Hole are good, although they do not match wits with the Secret.


  • 兔子修改无法访问),一个新的小酒馆

    The rabbit holes have been modified (but still remain inaccessible) and there's a new bistro.


  • 爱丽丝跟着兔子到了不小心掉进了一个兔子洞

    Then Alice followed the rabbit to a hole of the big tree and she got into a rabbit-hole carelessly.


  • 猜猜……然后爱丽丝掉进兔子进入他们奇特的世界

    And let me guess... then Alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange world!


  • 还有一些基础版兔子更新,以前无法进入的学校超市剧场

    There is also something new for the so-called rabbit holes, that is, inaccessible lots such as the school, the supermarket or the theater.


  • 希望不曾钻进这个兔子可是……可是这种生活是那么离奇,我变成什么呢?

    I almost wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit hole — and yet — and yet — it's rather curious, you know, this sort of life!


  • 爱丽丝跟着兔子一个兔子通到地下深处。爱丽丝无法控制地跌落下去。

    Alice followed the rabbits and she got into a rabbit-hole. It went deep into the ground. Alice couldn't stop herself falling.


  • 可能开始看起来三分半分钟常片段如果多看一下,继续下一步没有缺少下降兔子了。

    It may seem at first like it's just one three-and-a-half-minute-long piece, but if you keep looking and going further, there's no shortage of rabbit holes to go down.


  • 影片爱丽丝已经芳龄19,重新回到童年兔子洞”里魔幻世界因此知道一切只不过南柯一梦。

    This Alice, at the ripe young age of 19, is returning to the magical world of her childhood, so she knows it's all a dream.


  • 所以签约拍摄《爱丽丝梦游仙境》时,毫无疑问德普依旧出现在片中,出现兔子下面的世界中。

    So when Burton signed on to make Alice in Wonderland there was little doubt he would take Depp down the rabbit hole.


  • 不过随着对话展开经历就如爱丽丝一样,顺着那个兔子下去看到了通往一个全新世界的大门。

    But as these conversations unfolded, I experienced what Alice must have when she went down that rabbit hole and saw that door to a whole new world.


  • 如果某人认为这种治理幻境存在兔子中,那么他们应该学习那些成功企业是如何管理他们内部机构的。

    If somebody thinks this governance magic exists only in the Rabbit Hole, they would be advised to learn how the most successful businesses govern their internal divisions.


  • 奋力自己那300身躯兔子洞”,盼望着别人跟着过来,可我发现自己独自置身一个新世界,对新的生活充满了好奇

    I squeezed my 300-pound frame through that hole expecting others to follow, and instead I find myself in a strange new land, mostly alone, and wondering at this new life.


  • 签名造型:影片《兔子Rabbit Hole的女演员妮可·基德曼超爱最新款式的时尚礼服,为此,她能轻易地脱下即使是引人注目的礼服。

    Signature Style: the Rabbit Hole star loves high-fashion and pulls off even the most dramatic dresses with ease.


  • NewsFeed这么看,因为仅有位提名者(《子嗣无忧》中的安妮特·贝宁兔子》中的妮可·基德曼)目前已婚另有一位(《天鹅》中的娜塔莉·波特曼)订婚状态

    NewsFeed thinks not, as only two nominees (Annette Bening of The Kids are All Right and Nicole Kidman of Rabbit Hole) are currently married, while one (Natalie Portman of Black Swan) is engaged.


  • 挖一个新,狗就抱怨这有多难,甚至对兔子来说也是如此。

    With every new hole, the dog complained about how difficult this was, even for the rabbit.


  • 合适地方两个作为眼睛然后兔子脸部并且涂色

    To make two holes for eyes on the right place of the paper. Then draw a bunny face and have them paint on the paper.


  • 于是欧洲兔子遍及整个澳洲大陆。它们挖穴,滥食牧草,造成草地的严最破坏,使数百万头牛无以为生。

    It overran a whole continent. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle.


  • 大家笑了:“兔子烟囱底下没有怎么进去呀?”

    You see, all laughed, and said: "small rabbits, not under your chimney hole, how smoke into?"


  • 然后那位老人就森林里了指地上,这个看上去兔子挖的,越往里面越大可以看到一扇石门。

    The old man then led him into a wood. He pointed to a hole in the ground. It looked like the hole made by a big rabbit. Inside, the hole GREw bigger and a little stone door could be seen.


  • 然后那位老人就森林里了指地上,这个看上去兔子挖的,越往里面越大可以看到一扇石门。

    The old man then led him into a wood. He pointed to a hole in the ground. It looked like the hole made by a big rabbit. Inside, the hole GREw bigger and a little stone door could be seen.


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