• 许多企业一样,这家咖啡店提供与其出售产品捆绑一起免费商品服务

    The café, like many businesses, offers free goods and services bundled together with the products it sells.


  • 地下水消耗不再往年那样作为补偿用水,结构方式上来看主要是因为水资源认为免费商品

    Groundwater is being withdrawn, no longer as a buffer over the year, but in a structural way, mainly because water is seen as a free good.


  • 卖方尽可能多地提供免费商品相等于或好于(原产品)的型号对商品进行更换;卖方也可以将货款退还买方

    Seller shall provide the Merchandise free of charge as much as the exceeding rate or Merchandise will be replaced by an equal or upgrade model or Seller can grant credit back to buyer.


  • 如果购物免费的话,那么该把自己可能会买的商品囤积起来

    Stock up on products you know you’ll use if a bigger order means free shipping.


  • 帐篷银行工作人员正向那些申请信用卡其他银行产品的人免费赠送T恤衫和别的一些商品

    Inside, bank representatives were offering free T-shirts and other merchandise to those who applied for credit CARDS and other banking products.


  • 这些内容中的多数已经变成一种商品多数可以其他地方免费获得。

    Yet much of their content has basically become a commodity, readily available elsewhere for free.


  • 一个知识为基础,知识都是免费社会注意力成了商品

    In a knowledge-based society in which knowledge is free, attention becomes the valued commodity.


  • 广告商因此乐意付出更多广告费用,相反意味着准备选择这些商品消费者提供更加丰富、更大范围免费在线服务

    Advertisers would then be willing to pay more, which would in turn mean that consumers prepared to opt into such things could be offered a richer and broader range of free online services.


  • 除了新鲜食品熟食,店主不准向顾客提供免费塑料购物违法者面临罚款商品可能会被没收

    Shopkeepers will also be barred from handing out free plastic carrier bags except for fresh and cooked foods. Those breaking the law face fines and could have their goods confiscated.


  • 例如测试一个在线购物车功能手动设置价格参数免费”,消费者免费得到商品

    For example, if you manually set a parameter called 'price' to 'free' while testing an online shopping cart, then the customer gets the ordered product for free.


  • 但是想想看假如这样一个免费网络服务能够收集所有买卖支付的信息,推荐廉价美的商品和店铺,而又可以通过这个服务来支付所有的账单,你还据之千里之外吗?

    But what if you could pay all your bills via a free web service that aggregated what you were buying and paying for and recommended ways to get those services for less?


  • 没有特价优惠,没有免费礼品(只散发很少件T恤),没有特有的商品

    No special offers, no free gifts (a few t-shirts were handed out), no exclusive products.


  • 泰米尔纳德邦女演员贾亚拉姆•贾亚拉·莉莎承诺免费大米其它商品来鼓惑选民投票

    In Tamil Nadu Jayaram Jayalalitha, a former actress, wowed voters with promises of free rice and other goodies.


  • 正如金曼指出免费体验自己的开始。“我们最终选择支持本地商品因为大型超市购物中心更难获得通过。”

    As Kingman points out from her own car-free experience, "we ended up supporting a lot of local businesses, because big box stores and malls were much harder to get to."


  • 凡在本店购买的商品一律免费送货

    All goods purchased here can be delivered free.


  • 公众邀请赠券凭券商店一份免费礼物购买减价商品

    The customer is invited ti clip the coupon and bring it to the store to receive a free gift or a reduced price on merchandise.


  • 积分兑换现金”、“信用卡免费升级”、“积分到期兑换商品理由诱导市民登录短信中的网址进行办理。

    In order to redeem cash, credit card free upgrade, integral maturity exchange of goods and other reasons to induce people to log in to the URL of the sms.


  • 根据商店内部规定如果顾客发现扫描错误可以免费获得商品,以此作为奖赏或者说是商店的惩罚。

    According to the internal policy of the store, if the customer found out a scanning problem, he would get the product for free as an award for him or a penalty to the store.


  • 能否期待可以免费礼物包装因为购买商品全价

    Can I expect that you'll wrap the presents for me free of charge since I've paid the full price for the purchases?


  • 礼物之定义包括任何货币价值项目例如商品优惠券酒店住宿、工作饮食免费膳食机位升级

    In this context, "a gift" includes items with monetary value such as merchandise, tickets vouchers, hotel accommodations, after business-hours meals, free meals, airline upgrades, etc.


  • 指导管理活动售卖小商品创意设计包括夜店和市场营销免费赠品;

    Direct and manage the creative design of merchandise sold at events including Night Club and Guerilla marketing merchandise complimentary giveaways.


  • 拥有尊贵的卡不但可以获得我们精心挑选商品优质服务,更可以获得意想不到的折扣优惠,乃至免费服务。

    With this precious card, you will receive luxury products and services from selected businesses for a deeply discounted price, or even for free.


  • 不是的,一旦免费注册成为普通会员了,每天可以上传商品商品可以附带一张照片

    No, once you register as a member, you can upload up to three items one day with one image for each item.


  • 整合论坛在线支付IP限制商品管理多模块管理、模板风格可以说非常难得免费网上开店程序

    Integration of a forum, online payment, IP segment limit, merchandise management, multi-module management, multiple templates and style, can be a very rare free online shop program.


  • 标价是…考虑一个著名品牌的著名商品2年免修免费装置网上技术支持

    Price tag saysbut considering that it's a trusted merchandise from a trusted brand2-year warranty…free installationonline tech support


  • 人们常常自己周围环境当作一种免费商品任意糟蹋不知加以珍惜

    People often to the surrounding environment as a free commodity, arbitrarily spoiling and don't know to cherish.


  • 这些商品你们提供免费礼物包装吗?

    'Do you provide free gift wrapping with the items I've ordered?'


  • 几年笔者看到在电视上免费提忠告美元说拜拜,孩子中文购买商品期货

    I watched him dispense free advice a few years ago: Get out of the dollar, teach your children Chinese and buy commodities.


  • 几年笔者看到在电视上免费提忠告美元说拜拜,孩子中文购买商品期货

    I watched him dispense free advice a few years ago: Get out of the dollar, teach your children Chinese and buy commodities.


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