• 南非著名克鲁格国家公园附近十字学校一个普通上学日。

    It's a common school day at Southern Cross School near the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa.


  • 普林斯顿大学经济学家艾伦·克鲁格研究了一个顶级博士项目录取情况。

    Princeton economist Alan Krueger studied admissions to one top Ph.D. program.


  • 对于克鲁格关于美国中西部干旱的言论,作者何评论?

    What is the author's comment on Krugman's claim about the current drought in America's Midwest?


  • 每次开会之前克鲁格都会做细致准备然后确认一些问及的特定问题

    Before each meeting, Kruger undertook careful preparations, and then confirmed certain specific questions that would be asked.


  • 每次开会之前克鲁格都会做细致准备然后确认一些问及的特定问题

    Before each meeting, Kruger undertook careful preparations, and then confirmed certain specific questions that would be asked.


  • 最后,2005年以来玉米价格暴涨主要原因全球变暖的担忧,这一点被克鲁格轻易地漏掉了。

    Finally, Krugman conveniently forgets that concerns about global warming are the main reason that corn prices have skyrocketed since 2005.


  • 克鲁格分析底线认为如果累计总需求增加经常支出必须要通过负利率来补贴

    The bottom line with Krugman's analysis is that he believes that current expenditures must be subsidized with negative interest rates if aggregate demand is to increase.


  • 克鲁格教授研究重要因为如果男人女人理解彼此购物策略避免繁忙

    Prof Kruger said his research was important because if men and women understood each other's shopping strategies they could avoid arguments in the Christmas rush.


  • 保罗·克鲁格技术上来说,不可能放弃欧元——任何国家哪怕一开始这样做,造成银行挤兑

    PAUL KRUGMAN: As a technical matter, it's almost impossible to leave the euro-any country that even began the process would face the mother of all bank runs.


  • 另一美国经济学保罗克鲁格这样总结杨的结论:事实证明,东亚经济奇迹源自流汗灵感

    Paul Krugman, another American economist, summed up Mr Young's discovery thus: “The miracle turns out to have been based on perspiration rather than inspiration.”


  • 克鲁格先生担忧相反实际预算计划证明世界财长着手推动立即采取集体紧缩的证据微乎其微。

    Contrary to Mr Krugman's fears, there is little evidence from actual budget plans that the world's finance ministers are embarking on an immediate collective austerity drive.


  • 克鲁格还是年轻人时候,极力反对父亲单一的职业规划;他的父亲波罗的海地区家庭火柴作坊工厂主。

    As a young man, Kreuger had rebelled against the monotony of his father's job as a factory manager in a small family match business on the Baltic Sea.


  • 克鲁格坚持市场去规则化基金经理资金管理突然变得疯狂。一个原因上解释自由市场。

    Krugman insists that the financial managers suddenly became reckless in their money management after financial deregulation, and he even has a causal explanation: free markets.


  • 最后克鲁格忽视了强调一个因素- - -银行家激励他们愿意寻求和承担系统带回正道风险

    Finally, Krugman ignores an important factor I emphasizethe incentives of bankers and their willingness to seek out and take the wild risks that brought the system down.


  • 克鲁格说:“我们确实遇到过所谓死亡内部原因变化那些与危险行为间接相关的病症,心血管疾病癌症。”

    "We've actually seen changes in the so-called internal causes of death," says Kruger, "Things that aren't directly behavior related, like cardio-vascular disease and cancer."


  • 早些时候曾批评过“宿醉理论”,而现在克鲁格凯恩斯主义逻辑数据进行具有误导性的分析。

    As happened with his earlier criticism of "the hangover theory," here too Krugman buttresses his Keynesian logic with a misguided appeal to the data.


  • 克鲁格不允许伯宁质疑会计分录上令人震撼账目不符的情况,尤其是克鲁格这些会计账户带给合作伙伴之后

    Berning wasn't disposed to question shocking discrepancies that surfaced in the ledgers, especially after the Kreuger account led to his making partner.


  • 克鲁格次去纽约旅行中偶尔看到本杂志封面,从此对研究婚姻性别失衡造成影响产生了极大地兴趣

    Kruger first became interested in studying the effects of gender imbalance on the marriage market when he caught a glimpse of a magazine cover on a trip to New York City.


  • 翠霞。瓦达西的问题如果克鲁格撤出股市作为一个惊弓之鸟的非专业的投资者就会视之为警讯。

    QUESTION FROM PATRICIA VADASY: If the Krugmans have pulled out of the stock market, I take serious note as an already nervous non-economist small investor.


  • 举行画展那天早上克鲁格醒来便十分不快,若是站起来,我知道下巴揍一拳,然后把我踢出去

    The morning of the day he was to give his exhibition, Kruger awoke thoroughly disgruntled. If I had been able to stand on my feet I know he would have given me a clout in the jaw and kicked me out.


  • 就像其他实业家一样克鲁格打算通过生产普通日用产品来聚集大量财富,这一点约翰·d·洛克·菲勒生产煤油的目的类似。

    Like other industrialists, Kreuger planned to amass a huge fortune by manufacturing something ubiquitous and banal, much as John D. Rockefeller had done with kerosene.


  • 保罗·克鲁格统一的所得税率(a)对于大多数人来说现在更高或者(b)比现行制度征收少得多的税收。

    PAUL KRUGMAN: a flat tax would either (a) be much higher for most people than the tax they currently pay or (b) raise much less revenue than the current system.


  • 近期纽约书评中的一篇文章中,保罗克鲁格罗宾威尔斯又在这场争论中开辟了一个阵地,同时讽刺一本新书断层线

    In a recent article in the New York Review of Books, Paul Krugman and Robin Wells lay down another marker in this debate, while caricaturing my recent book, Fault Lines, in the process.


  • 上个星期三,曼昆回应克鲁格指责,说“好吧保罗如果这个预测如此自信,你愿意打赌,利用我的邪恶吗?”

    Last Wednesday, Mankiw responded to Krugman's attacks by suggesting: "Well, Paul, if you are so confident in this forecast, would you like to place a wager on it and take advantage of my wickedness?"


  • 博客里,他批判财经时代评论的2010年6月的文章,克鲁格不再认为范尼梅弗雷德马克能够购买次贷抵押

    In his blog critique of a Financial Times op-ed I wrote in June 2010, Krugman no longer argued that Fannie and Freddie could not buy sub-prime mortgages.


  • 博客里,他批判财经时代评论的2010年6月的文章,克鲁格不再认为范尼梅弗雷德马克能够购买次贷抵押

    In his blog critique of a Financial Times op-ed I wrote in June 2010, Krugman no longer argued that Fannie and Freddie could not buy sub-prime mortgages.


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