• 本文宗旨在于翔实分析克秀人文教育理念

    The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of Michael Oakeshott's idea of liberal education.


  • 海洋局一位专家克秀海平面上升全球变暖结果

    An expert at the administration, Liu Kexiu, said the rising sea levels were a result of global warming.


  • 演员派崔史都华顶好久了,而且以此豪。

    The actor Patrick Stewart is a long-time baldy and proud of it.


  • 帕西这个计划艺术、“真人”、新闻报道娱乐的结合体,肯定不是维护治安的手段。

    Pasik said the project is part art, part reality show, part journalism and part fun. But it is definitely not vigilantism.


  • 在1994年伍斯托音乐节辣椒乐队灯泡“点亮”,最开始那套舞台设计的自发光装束令人记忆犹新

    The Red Hot Chili Peppers got turned on by the bulb during 1994's Woodstock Music Festival, dawning memorable self-illuminating costumes for their stage show.


  • 来自密歇根州福德家庭最初得到他们家乡的新闻媒体注意那之后这消息传遍了全国 ——包括周六的国家广播公司NBC“今日节目亮相

    The family from Rockford, Mich., first got the attention of their hometown news media, but have since gone nationalincluding an appearance Saturday on NBC's "TODAY" show.


  • 德里·罗斯今年22岁自从2008年之后便一直留在芝加哥公牛队。

    Derrick Rose, 22, has been with the Chicago Bulls since the 2008 NBA draft.


  • 同时贾斯汀•丁伯莱经纪人透露说,重新启动该网站计划还包括一档选节目

    Meanwhile, Justin Timberlake's manager revealed that a talent show or competition will be an integral part of the next attempt to kickstart the property.


  • 杰·雷欧将的收藏品停放费尔南多一个大型库里加州伯班美国国家广播公司的演播室就能开车前往这个大型车库;《今晚在伯班的演播室进行录制

    He keeps them in a large garage in the San Fernando Valley, down the road from the NBC studios in Burbank, California, where "the Tonight Show" is taped.


  • 某种意义上说,并不新鲜1933年的电影《莉·提斯在华盛顿》(PollyTix in Washington)里,四岁兰·邓波儿(ShirleyTemple)扮演名小雏妓

    In some ways, this is not new: in the 1933 film Polly Tix in Washington, four-year-old Shirley Temple played a pint-sized prostitute.


  • 英国电影界后起之来自英格兰斯塔福德郡尤托西特地区的ShaneMeadows身兼电影导演编剧偶尔也在电影中客串个小角色

    A rising star of British cinema, Shane Meadows is an English film director, screenwriter and occasional actor from Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England.


  • 湖人可能慢慢培养斯,但是确信库普切知道幸运一个如此靠后的位置上选中的像艾班斯这样的球员

    The Lakers will likely choose to bring Ebanks along slowly, but I'm sure Mitch Kupchak recognizes he was very lucky to get a player with Ebanks' upside so late in the draft.


  • 罗伯特·出现哥伦比亚广播公司60分钟节目“II”上,也是公共广播公司“查理罗斯”的常客

    Parker has also been profiled on CBS's 60 Minutes II and is a frequent guest on PBS's Charlie Rose Show.


  • 马里昂写作充满热情之时,遇到了演过从蝴蝶夫人灰姑娘一切角色的后起之玛丽·福德。

    Marion's passion was writing and when she met the rising star Mary Pickford, the actress had played everything from Madame Butterfly to Cinderella.


  • 毕竟索尔斯赫尔南德斯来到曼联的时候都名不见经传,他俩中就取得进球。他俩进球都看上去很容易

    After all, both Solskjaer and Hernandez arrived at Old Trafford as relative unknowns, both scored on their Reds debuts and both make finding the net look remarkably easy.


  • 列侬电视节目迪·卡维特露面公众演奏过一次

    Lennon only managed to play the song once to the public during an appearance on the Dick Cavett Show.


  • 丹尼尔·雷德·雷夫急切盼着能够上《欢乐合唱团》客串一把,好好自己新学的歌舞能力

    Daniel Radcliffe is desperate to land a role in hit TV show Glee so he can show off his newly-acquired singing and dancing skills.


  • 到此刻,米尔顿培训过良多NBA球员,包孕年度状元布雷·格里芬乃至成为了洛杉矶快艇夏季联赛的助教

    He has trained many NBA players, including this year's top draft pick, Oklahoma's Blake Griffin, and even landed an assistant coaching gig for the Los Angeles Clippers' summer-league team.


  • 新军囊括了许多其他力量:转变立场的新保守主义者(弗朗西斯•福山),法学学者(如道格拉斯•密科)以及保守派脱口主持人(•史默里什)。

    But the army has many other brigades, too: repentant neocons such as Francis Fukuyama, legal scholars such as Douglas Kmiec, and conservative talk-show hosts such as Michael Smerconish.


  • 德里·罗斯今年22岁自从2008年之后便一直留在芝加哥公牛队

    Derrick Rose, 22, has been with the Chicago Bulls since the 2008 NBAdraft.


  • 洛杉矶这个奇怪三人组合去参观年久失修、门可罗雀的布偶剧场。沃尔特布偶狂热粉丝,他得知这个剧场很快就卑劣的石油商人泰斯•瑞奇曼(里斯•库柏饰)拆除

    In LA, the odd trio visits the decrepit, vacant Muppet Studios, and avid fan Walter finds out that it is going to be torn down by villainous oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper).


  • 摄影师斯塔内·耶尔场时装发现了安静腼腆的少年梅拉尼亚。当时只有17岁

    Stane Jerko, the photographer, who discovered Melania as a quiet teenager at a fashion showin 1987. She was 17.


  • 众人期待迷你旗下车手里斯·丹尼·索尔多驾驶队赛车撒丁岛上演车队的处子

    The eagerly anticipated MINI effort breaks cover in Sardinia with Kris Meeke and Dani Sordo piloting the two factory-entered John Cooper Works WRCs.


  • 斯·切尔尼希望本月的比赛中首所以,千万不要错过我们球员,新球衣,和新赛季。

    Marouane Chamakh and Laurent Koscielny are expected to make their Arsenal debuts before the month is out. So don't miss your chance to watch the new boys in their new kit preparing for the new season.


  • 我们通过时装,把我们面包产品做成模特发型一部分来展示。” 奎

    We also do fashion shows with our buns as hair pieces, " he explained."


  • 无锡市电梯自动化有限公司无锡康迪电梯技术有限公司专业研发生产、销售电梯控制系统服务全球电梯行业高新技术企业。

    Wuxi Zhongxiu Elevator Automation Co. , Ltd & Wuxi Kinetek Technology Co. , Ltd are engaging in research, development, and manufacture of lift control system, and providing global service.


  • 无锡市电梯自动化有限公司无锡康迪电梯技术有限公司专业研发生产、销售电梯控制系统服务全球电梯行业高新技术企业。

    Wuxi Zhongxiu Elevator Automation Co. , Ltd & Wuxi Kinetek Technology Co. , Ltd are engaging in research, development, and manufacture of lift control system, and providing global service.


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