• 烤火晚餐蕃茄、角,沙拉用克佛干酪,苹果馅饼堆雪糕,随后来一杯咖啡

    I'll have the roast Turkey dinner with tomato juice, mashed potatoes, string beans, Roquefort on the salad, apple pie a la mode and coffee later.


  • 奇怪是,这些马赛创造出来的时候,大多数所代表物种没有生活瑞斯地区

    Oddly, most of the species represented did not live in the Sepphoris region when these mosaics were created.


  • 人人认为他们是达伊(恩爱夫妻),他们离婚了。

    Had thought them Daphnis and Chloe but they got divorced.


  • 曼以及新闻集团的总裁伯特-默多维亚康姆集团总裁汤姆-莱斯顿大驾光临。默多莱斯顿的妻子皆为专业素食主义者。

    CEO Rupert Murdoch and former Viacom (VIA) CEO Tom Freston, who both have pro-vegan wives.


  • 特里斯坦·贝剧院工作人员劳拉·:“四处参观阅读那些故事时会发现,有些充满愤怒伤痛,有些满怀喜悦活力依旧。”

    Laura Kriefman, of the Tristan Bates Theatre, said: "As you walk around reading these stories some of them are full of anger and hurt while others are full of joy and resilience.


  • 这令游说团体竞争市场组织领导人场主雷德·斯托兴奋不已

    Fred Stokes, a cattle rancher and leader of the Organisation for Competitive Markets, an advocacy group, is thrilled.


  • 来自杰富瑞银行的兰德斯认为收购福斯特公司,仅仅使得南非米勒新兴市场收入份额占公司收入总额80%将为70%。

    Dirk Van Vlaanderen of Jefferies, a bank, notes that buying Foster's will only drag the emerging-market share of SABMiller's revenues down from 80% to 70% of the total.


  • 朋友一起分享时间,一起体验生活-罗伊德曾经一个了年纪回忆年轻时候所做过的事情。”

    Share time with a good friend and experience life together. - Pink Floyd once said, "the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime."


  • 薛定誉为激发了DNA发现者詹姆斯·沃森朗西斯·迈入分子生物学领域

    Schrodinger's book is credited with inspiring James Watson and Francis Crick, the discoverers of DNA, to enter the field of molecular biology.


  • 贫民窟百万富翁获奖好的,但是那年其他名单影片一塌糊涂——《朗读者》、《罗斯特/尼松》、《本杰明·巴顿》、《米尔》?

    Slumdog Millionaire was a wonderful winner, but just a year on the otherfilms on the list look weak as hell – The Reader, Frost/Nixon, Benjamin Button, Milk?


  • 一些容易成为校园笑柄英国过去一个世纪下降75%,这些姓氏包括考夏特、鲍尔、戴斯和苏鲍特姆。

    The number of people in Britain with surnames like Cockshott, Balls, Death and Shufflebottom-- likely the source of schoolroom laughter--has declined by up to 75 percent in the last century.


  • 第一批可供制造模型分送其他,类似像博士专研人体组织器官复制技术的研究单位。

    The first production models will soon be delivered to research groups which, like Dr Forgacs's, are studying ways to produce tissue and organs for repair and replacement.


  • 奥立合作社经理海德里·博坎基尔·卡巴拉表示2000年相比,这家公司出口咖啡数量已经增加十可可更是翻了100以上。

    The Oro Verde cooperative exports 10 times as much top-rate coffee as it did in 2000 and nearly 100 times as much cocoa, says manager Hiderico Bocangel Cabala.


  • 好莱坞记者说,罗伯特·德尼罗米歇尔·,希拉里·斯旺库彻正在制片人洽谈,拍续集演员阵容同样一流。

    The cast for the follow-up looks similarly stellar, with Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank and Kutcher in negotiations with the film-makers, according to the Hollywood Reporter.


  • 艾和我把飞机上相遇神化爱神洛狄特的安排,充满古典和神秘的气息,是爱情故事第一第一幕。

    We mythologized our aircraft encounter into the goddess Aphrodite's design, Act One, Scene One of that primordial narrative, the love story.


  • 加里尼亚大学力分校建筑学家哈里森·弗里看来:大型街区已经成为种被赋予特权封闭社区

    Not least, as Harrison Fraker, an architect at the University of California at Berkeley, argues, superblocks in effect become gated communities of privilege.


  • 作者约翰.普代,罗尔德·尔,契科夫阿加莎雷蒙德·

    The stories were by such authors as John Updike, Roald Dahl, Anton Chekhov, Agatha Christie, and Raymond Carver.


  • 不仅仅足迹分类重要的,行为也很重要”,

    "It's not just the classification that's important but the behavior that was important," said Falk.


  • 同时,《绯闻女孩绿灯侠》的美女布莱·莱弗利则扮演阿生活中麻烦不断的前女友

    Meanwhile, Gossip Girl and Green Lantern beauty Blake Lively roughs it up as Affleck’s ex-girlfriend.


  • 太格发电邮给菲利浦。迪来奥,他经纪人,邮件里现在该逊“粗暴的”的时候,要警告逊他们要中止合约了。

    Ortega e-mailed Phillips and Frank DiLeo, Jackson's manager, saying it was time for "tough love," including warning Jackson that the promoters could "pull the plug."


  • 然后或许可以到伯班山庄、格兰岱尔市奥兰治县了解情况。

    Then you might want to talk to Burbank, Beverly Hills, Glendale and Orange County.


  • 上周三,《自然》杂志发表朗西斯·博士来往书信片段,他是分享了半个诺贝尔奖的赢家,也是发现双螺旋的两人(詹姆斯·)沃森(博士)中的后者。

    Last Wednesday, Nature published excerpts of letter correspondences of Dr. Francis Crick, one half of the Nobel Prize-winning and double helix-discovering duo (James D.) Watson and Crick.


  • 更新一个接近消息人士告诉我们对哥们那天晚上根本没有利,所以那条消息许多方面都不准确。

    UPDATE: a source close to Parker tells us the pair "[weren't] even at the Beverly that night. So this source is wrong on so many counts."


  • 这个思想首先落里州立大学心理学家安得斯·艾利森所拥护说法为:任何个人大约1万小时练习,方能成为专家

    This is the idea, first espoused by K. Anders Ericsson, a pyschologist at Florida State University, that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice before any individual can become an expert.


  • 瑞·汉考(JeffreyT . Hancock)是康奈尔大学通信副教授,他正在利用单词计数法研究网络语言骗术

    Jeffrey t. Hancock, an associate professor of communication at Cornell, USES word counting to study language and deception, particularly on the Internet.


  • 伯格受到校长朱-斯特(DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse)前举行的简短的欢迎,斯特大学发现下一代技术型企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


  • 伯格受到校长朱-斯特(DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse)前举行的简短的欢迎,斯特大学发现下一代技术型企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


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