• 应力分离光弹性应力分析关键问题,已往所用方法比较繁琐

    The key of photoelastical stress analysis is separating main stress, but the methods which we have used before are complicated.


  • 本文提出用三维弹性应力冻结模拟分析应力钢筋混凝土结构中的应力

    In this paper, 3-d stress fields in a prestressed reinforced concrete structure were analyzed using twice-freezing stress method of photoelasticity.


  • 拓展传统弹性应力冻结法,确立三维有限变形弹性物理实验基础

    The traditional photoelastic stress-freezing method is extended in this paper in which the physical and experimental bases for THR three-dimensional finite deformation photoelasticity are established.


  • 通过对埋设于570中段光弹性应力计的观测,分析中段矿柱破坏情况及原因

    The cause of mine pillar destruction in in Dachang Tongkeng Tin Mine was analyzed from observation by photoelastic stressmeter embedded in mine stope 570.


  • 本文介绍采用三维弹性应力冻结法,对旋转正方形试样半边裂纹应力强度因子进行研究成果

    This paper introduces a research result on the stress intensity factors of crackles on single side of revolving square sample with the stress freezing in three-dimensional photoelasticity.


  • 本文边界引入光弹性应力分析使应力分离问题得到简化,从而使光弹性应力分析方法简便可行。

    In this paper we use boundary element method to separating main stress. It can simplify the problem and provide a practical method for separating main stress.


  • 本文提出一种新的计算机辅助光弹性应力分析方法具有电子记录全自动应力分析、简单优点

    A new method of computer aided photoelastic stress analysis is presented. It has such advantages as full electronic recording, automatic stress analysis and simple optical setup.


  • 十分适用于存在初应力模型材料弹性分析问题

    It is also applicable to the problem of photo orthotropic elastic analysis for the model materials with residual stresses.


  • 弹性方法不同是声弹性方法需要透明模型直接测量材料应力分布

    Different from photoelastic method, acoustoelastic method does not need transparent model and can measure stress distribution of material directly.


  • 爆破与高速冲击载荷产生的应力弹性结构物中的传播理论分析上极为困难问题可以动态弹性法进行分析

    Stress wave propagating in elastic structures under impact or explosive loading is a very difficult problem analytically. But the problem could be analysed by dynamic photoelasticity.


  • 弹性及焦散线法基本原理为基础两种方法确定应力强度因子方面进行了比较。

    Based on the principles of transmitted caustics as well as photoelasticity, the two techniques in determining stress intensity factors (SIF) are compared.


  • 文中采用陈至达(1962年)应力分析基本方程导出适合光弹性数据处理三次样条函数

    Basic equation of photoelastic stress analysis by Chen (1962) is adopted; and a cubic spline function suitable for processing of photoelastic data is derived.


  • 本文用三维弹性分析锥齿轮扭矩离心载荷下的应力分布

    The three-dimensional photoelasticity method is used to analyze the stress distribution in the bevel gear under torsional moment and centrifugal load.


  • 结合弹性实验等差线条纹图,可分离出应力

    And, the principal stresses can be easily found by combination of above results with isochromatic pattern found in photoelastic experiments.


  • 通过有限元计算弹性实验,结果证明,滚针轴承接触应力分布轴承手册教科书中所给出的公式不符。

    After calculating with finite element method and photoelastic-test, it shows that the contact stress distribution is not in keeping with the formulas given by some bearing hand books and textbooks.


  • 本文介绍了运用散射弹性钢化玻璃绝缘子钢化应力进行的实验研究

    The experimental research is introduced in the tempered stresses of the toughened glass insulator with laser scattered light photoelasticity.


  • 本文从相似关系着手提出一种测定应力弹性贴片方法

    A double photoelastic coating method for shell stress measurement based on the principle of similarity is suggested.


  • 运用弹性理论及测试技术抽油机用新型圆弧齿同步应力分布状态进行光弹性实验研究。

    The authors, by photoelastic technique, make an experimental investigation in the stress distribution on the new type circular-arc-teeth synchronous belt.


  • 弹性力学力学相结合加载方法模型应力换算进行新的探讨。

    Considering the combination of photoelasticity with soil mechanics, the new loading method of model and the special calculation formula of model stress are applied.


  • 动态光弹性法和有限元研究了带有孔的平面直杆冲击载荷作用下动态应力集中优化问题。

    Minimizing the dynamic stress concentration around holes in strut subjected to impact loading was studied in the paper.


  • 文中主要介绍了力学全息弹性进行应力测定原理实验过程计算方法。

    The paper has mainly introduced the principles of stress determination, the experimental processes and the calculation methocl of holographic optical elasticity in optical measurement mechanics.


  • 本文利用自制弹性材料,用光弹性研究轴向拉伸荷载作用下带有中的弹性应力集中系数。

    A photoelastic study for the viscoelastic stress-concentration factors in bars with a round hole under axial tension load, using self-made viscoelastic materials is presented in this paper.


  • 利用光弹性试验数据计算应力强度因子k_i,提出一种新的算法——综合法。

    A synthetic method to calculate stress intensity factor KI by use of the data obtained in the experiment of three dimensional photoelasticity is developed in this paper.


  • 光弹性试验结果表明锥齿轮两种载荷分别作用,齿根应力分布不同

    The results show that the stress distributions in roots of the bevel gear are different under respective loads.


  • 采用经典的三弹性实验技术新兴散线实验方法,分别研究螺栓联结的三维接触应力及其接触影响区域

    The 3-d contact stress in bolted joint parts and its contact coverage are investigated experimentally with the photoelastic method and the newly developed caustics method.


  • 弹性贴片中,通常利用应力斜射分离应变

    In the photoelastic coating methods, the shear stress difference and slant incident approaches are often used to divide the main strains.


  • 本文推导均衡弹性复合材料应力(应变)—定律的基础上,导出均衡光弹性复合材料的近似应变定律。

    Based on the stress (strain) -optic law derived from balanced photoelastic composite materials, a new approximate strain-optic relation for photoelastic analysis is pro - posed.


  • 本文动态光弹性方法,分析冲击荷载作用岩洞周边应力分布应力集中系数

    In the present paper the dynamic stress distribution and stress con-centration factor in the neighbourhood of caverns under impulse loadingare given by using dynamic photoelastic method.


  • 目的:利用光弹性实验研究骨盆周围肌肉作用力骨盆应力分布影响

    Objective: Our aim was to investigate the effects of the muscular contractility around pelvis on the stress-distribution of the pelvic ring by the threE dimensional photoelastic experiment.


  • 本文介绍了用有限元弹性方法研究1米长叶片枞树型叶根轮缘的应力分布

    Stress distributions on the 1000mm fir tree blade root and the rim are studied through finite element method and photoelastic method.


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