• 系统论述液压原理CAD方法,实现了通过计算机鼠标绘制液压元件进行液压系统原理搭接

    The paper discusses the hydraulic schematic CAD means which can use computer mouse to map out hydraulic element graph block to lap the hydraulic system.


  • 建立了基于特征元件编制了液压系统原理编辑器提出自动生成液压系统污染控制数学模型方法

    Establish feature-based components graphics library, developed hydraulic system chart editor. Explain the automatic establishment method of hydraulic system contamination control mathematical model.


  • 创造一个序列显示并行处理活动的时候,需要使用并行组合碎片元件

    The parallel combination fragment element needs to be used when creating a sequence diagram that shows parallel processing activities.


  • 下面段落将会介绍用于序列比较高阶符号元件

    The following section will cover more advanced notation elements that can be used in a sequence diagram.


  • 既然基于UML2的uml系列文章第一篇,我们需要首先讨论对UML 2符号补充一个叫做框架的符号元件

    Since this is the first article in my UML diagram series that is based on UML 2, we need to first discuss an addition to the notation in UML 2 diagrams, namely a notation element called a frame.


  • 例子9序列包括选择项约束然而,约束不是一个必需元件

    The example Figure 9 sequence diagram fragment includes a guard for the option; however, the guard is not a required element.


  • UML2中,框架元件用于作为许多其他元件一个基础但是大多数第一接触框架元件情况,作为形化边界

    The frame element is used as a basis for many other diagram elements in UML 2, but the first place most people will encounter a frame element is as the graphical boundary of a diagram.


  • 一个序列时候,放置生命线符号元件横跨顶部

    When drawing a sequence diagram, lifeline notation elements are placed across the top of the diagram.


  • 此外为了使变成容易阅读需要改良符号元件

    Furthermore, the notation elements needed to be improved in order to make diagrams more readable.


  • 提供形化边界时,一个框架元件标签提供一致位置

    A frame element provides a consistent place for a diagram's label, while providing a graphical boundary for the diagram.


  • 除了提供一个形化边框之外用于中的框架元件描述交互重要功能例如序列

    In addition to providing a visual border, the frame element also has an important functional use in diagrams depicting interactions, such as the sequence diagram.


  • 24使用6位海关关税明细表数据,数据包括光伏太阳能(8541.40)相关电子其他元件

    Data used in FIGURES 3 and 4 use broader, six-digit HTS data and include electrical and other componentry that are associated with photovoltaic solar panels (8541.40).


  • 瞄准的核心部件块无透镜傅里叶变换位相全息一块全息光束变换器组成全息光学元件

    The critical part of this sight is a holographic optical elements combined with a lensless Fourier transform hologram and a holographic beam transformer.


  • 许多情况下厂家提供只是复杂分立元件原理

    In many cases, only a complicated discrete component schematic is provided by the manufacturer.


  • 制版可成像元件包含辐射吸收化合物在具有亲水性表面材上的内层和外层。

    Positive-working imageable elements comprise a radiation absorbing compound and inner and outer layers on a substrate having a hydrophilic surface.


  • 各种设计中5存储器元件阵列202以外组件中的一者一者以上视为管理电路

    In various designs, one or more of the components of FIG. 5, other than memory element array 202, can be thought of as a managing circuit.


  • 把事情搞的复杂情况元件元件的联系在原理布局表现出来了。

    To further complicate things, the components and connections between them are represented in both the schematic and layout.


  • 下一步转移2D原理2D原理板子上不同元件之间联系象征性地表示出来了

    Next the design moves on to a 2D schematic, where the connections between the different board components are symbolically shown.


  • 此外本文提出元件电路设计的卡诺方法代数方法。

    Besides, the Karnaugh map method and algebra method are presented for designing component level circuits.


  • 本文报导组合干涉产生特性光学材料光学元件检验中的应用

    In this paper, the formation, properties and the application of composite interferograms in the testing of optical materials and optical elements are reported.


  • 参照a具有个别透镜元件710- A之微透镜阵列可用光线聚焦光电二极体上。

    Referring to Figure 7a, a micro-lens array having an array of individual lens elements 710-a May be used to focus light into the photodiodes.


  • 详细介绍了胎面裁断系统工作过程以及控制变量确定主要元件选取部分控制回路的设计

    In this paper, the working procedure Confirmation of Control Variable and Selection of Main Components and Part of Design Schematic of tread cutting system are expressed in detail.


  • 同时又基本保持传统酸盐明胶优良的全息特性对利用重铬酸盐明胶制作全息全息光学元件方面应用有利的。

    On the other hand, the excellent holographic characteristics of the conventional dichromated gelatin were kept. Therefore, it can be advantageously used for holograms and holographic optical elements.


  • 因此解决问题首先研究电路有必要可重画电路,以便清楚表示元件连接关系

    Consequently, a diagram should be examined before a solution is started and redrawn if necessary to show more clearly how the elements are interconnected.


  • 6展示串联连接形成NAND四个存储器元件

    FIG. 6 shows four memory elements connected in series to form a NAND string.


  • 介绍了采用新型传感元件GP- 16火焰检测电子管实现非接触式火焰检测方法给出完成功能电路

    A method of realizing untouched fire test by a new transducer GP 16 fire test electron tube was introduced, and the circuit for finishing the functions was given.


  • 本文抽象画面基本元素设计了一可组合元件给出了用于绘制流程几个不同工具

    The basal element of picture was abstracted and a group of element of figure was also designed to provide some different tool classes for user to draw flow chart.


  • 介绍状态元件状态转移步进顺控指令基本概念以及VMGC100超精机电气系统设计中的应用方法

    This paper introduces the basic concepts of states, State Procedure and Step Ladder Instruction and its application method in designing VMGC100 electric system.


  • 介绍高浓盘液压系统主要性能参数,液压系统原理拟定,液压液压元件选型计算

    The main parameters of hydraulic system of HC refiner, the draft of the diagram of hydraulic system, the selection calculation of hydraulic oil and the elements are presented in the paper.


  • 介绍高浓盘液压系统主要性能参数,液压系统原理拟定,液压液压元件选型计算

    The main parameters of hydraulic system of HC refiner, the draft of the diagram of hydraulic system, the selection calculation of hydraulic oil and the elements are presented in the paper.


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