• 多达1千万儿童这个时代染上这种病毒。

    As many as ten-million children will have been infected with the virus by the end of the decade.


  • 多亏了别人的帮助,我们活得比以前幸福多了。”塔尼的父亲卡耶德告诉《时代周刊·儿童版》。

    "Thanks to others' help, we live much more happily than before," Tani's father, Kayoed, told TIME for Kids.


  • 术家迈克尔·克雷格-马丁说:“在这个艺术在学校里被降级的时代,安德里亚让来自各个领域的艺术家与儿童直接接触,这样出色的项目特别受欢迎。”

    Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: "Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools."


  • 我们应该抵制目前教育权威们觉得儿童可以任务看法而且我们应该相应地调整我们教育体系跟上时代的步伐。

    We should resist the fashionable views of educational gurus that children can multi-task, and that we should adapt our education systems accordingly to keep up with The Times.


  • 儿童时代确诊患有糖尿病并且告知使成为侦探梦想破碎。

    As a child, she was diagnosed with diabetes and told it would scupper her dream of becoming a detective.


  • 儿童媒体教育计划好像总是落后现在两个时代昨日孩子科学(也就是今天的成年人)才今日的孩子们吸纳。

    Both children's media and education projects often seem a generation or two behind, consumed by today's children but made by yesterday's (ie today's grownups).


  • 许多儿童婚姻的案例中,女孩许配给大龄男人以期得到嫁妆回报或者由于习俗父亲在孩提时代便允诺子女婚姻

    In many child marriages, girls are given away to older men in return for dowries or following the custom by which a father promises his daughters and sons to marriage while still children.


  • 尽管儿童时代神经元持续增大大脑联系也得以建立修正,神经元数目出生开始便始终维持恒定

    While neurons continue to grow in size during childhood, and brain connections get built and pruned, the number of neurons remains constant from birth.


  • 不会推荐孩子们儿童小说不过那些维多利亚时代童话兴趣异议人来说,这本一定要看。

    This is a children's novel that I might not recommend for the kids, but anybody with an interest in Victorian fairy tales and a bit of controversy absolutely must pick this one up.


  • 如今回首过去,清楚地看出儿童时代天真烂漫就像一张安全网,让我们快乐认为一切事情都某个地方得到某种解释。

    Looking back now, I can recognize so well the delightful safety net of childhood's naivety and the belief that all could be explained somehow, somewhere.


  • 鲍格内特,“儿童时代中期没有父亲女孩发生情感问题水平明显高于有父亲的女孩。”

    "Girls whose fathers were absent during their middle childhood had significantly higher levels of emotional problems at school than girls whose fathers were present," says Pougnet.


  • 照片配文说明为:“沙皇俄国时代没有一个儿童医护所,现在已经了1700个。”

    The signature says: "In tsarist Russia there was no children's dispensary." Nowadays there are 1700.


  • 目光含蓄儿童时代欢笑,他的头发日光的闪射。

    His eyes still held the glad laughter of childhood, and his hair had the glint of the sunshine's kiss.


  • 这些都远非病态随机产生的,它们代表了我们在潜意识里试图治愈儿童时代没有解决的冲突或者满足我们没有得到的需求

    Far from pathological or random, they represent subconscious attempts to heal unresolved childhood conflicts or satisfy unmet needs.


  • 我见到了位名叫Paul Zelinski的,他今年59岁,时代周刊》儿童体育画报》的制作指导。

    I found one Paul Zelinski, 59, a production director for TIME and Sports Illustrated for Kids.


  • 父亲知情的情况下,萨维茨卡娅儿童时代飞行有十足的兴趣学会跳伞

    Without her father's knowledge, Savitskaya, who took an avid interest in flying from childhood, learned to parachute.


  • 自由对于的经历过儿童时代严苛压抑之后灵魂如同季风云朵对于酷热的夏日一样不可或缺

    It was as necessary for my soul after its rigorous repression during my infancy as are the monsoon clouds after a fiery summer.


  • 在五年时间内发挥了异乎常人创造力,应运而生的《OfftheWall》(1979)Thriller》(1982)两部时代专辑使儿童偶像变成了划时代巨星

    He had half a decade of extraordinary creativity that yielded two epochal albums, 1979's Off the Wall and 1982's Thriller. These transformed him from teen idol to boundary-crossing superstar.


  • 去年时代周刊》报道指出“耶鲁大学食品政策与肥胖研究中心的数据表明学龄前儿童25岁)平均观看了507个面向儿童设计谷物食品广告。”

    According to a Time magazine story last year, “The Rudd findings...show that each year preschoolers (ages 2 to 5) see an average of 507 cereal ads that are designed to appeal to kids.”


  • 他们出生一个人们把计算机手机当做儿童玩具时代iPod无处不在所有知道自己Facebook别人找到

    They're the ones born into a world where computers and cellphones are introduced as baby toys, where the iPod has always existed and where everyone they know can be found on Facebook.


  • 儿童时代梦想成为名科学家

    I dreamed of becoming a scientist in childhood.


  • 教师重视儿童时代孩子培养良好学习习惯因为习惯能够他们将来的学习打下良好的基础

    Teachers should pay much attention to helping students cultivate good study habits from childhood, because good habits can lay a good foundation for their future study.


  • 想要表现灵巧的动力儿童时代开始存在了:一个拿大顶的男孩着。

    This motive to actively begins in early childhood: a boy who can stand on his head becomes reluctant to stand on his feet.


  • 一方面我们深色一边移动灵感来自粗犷工业能量儿童时代白日梦。

    On one hand, we to brunet move at the same time, inspiration comes from the fantasy of straightforward industrial energy and children age.


  • 是否发现我们生命中希望自己赶快长大时候我们儿童时代

    Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids?


  • 最喜欢速度训练的原因使感到再一次回到儿童时代

    My favorite thing about working in speed is that it makes me feel like a kid again.


  • 此外,他乡能够唤起儿童时代感情新奇惊讶不安放松无助沮丧以及事不关

    Reverse the analogy and you see that living in a foreign country can evoke many of the emotions of childhood: novelty, surprise, anxiety, relief, powerlessness, frustration, irresponsibility.


  • 随着告诉说,他想不起来儿童时代曾经有一快乐的。

    He in turn told her that he couldn't recall a single day in his childhood that he'd been happy.


  • 随着告诉说,他想不起来儿童时代曾经有一快乐的。

    He in turn told her that he couldn't recall a single day in his childhood that he'd been happy.


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