• 尽管造过一些声势,但从未当上过教练或是任何顶级球队主管,或是有美国国家美式足球联盟(NFL)前明星球员约翰•麦(John Madden)高尔夫球员强尼•米勒(Johnny Miller)那样的劲头电视台的体育评论员

    Despite several overtures, he has never served as coach or a top team executive, or as a major television commentator in the spirit of ex-NFL great John Madden or golf's Johnny Miller.


  • 一些朋友去年出国。他们现在在一些国家美国英国德国澳大利亚学习

    Some of my friends have got abroad last year.They are now studying in countries like the us, Britan, Germany and Australia.


  • 第二个风险是,长期的衰退将使得美国更难自己以及其他国家以前一样走出债务负担

    Second, a longer recession makes it harder for America to grow out of its debt burden as it, and other countries, have done at previous debt peaks.


  • 实际上美元流动性华盛顿有限干预以及美国金融市场规模灵活性都决定了中国这样国家囤积美元

    In practice, dollar liquidity, limited Washington intervention, and the size and flexibility of US financial markets ensure that countries such as China stockpile dollars.


  • 美国没有所有其它富裕国家一样来人们平衡家庭工作提供足够的支持改变一切。

    The United States provided less support for balancing work and family than any other wealthy nation, and I wanted to change that.


  • 很少有国家墨西哥这样美国金融风暴面前如此不堪一击。

    Few countries are as vulnerable as Mexico to the turmoil originating in the United States.


  • 欧洲从来没有美国那样广泛使用股票期权事实上大多数国家这种方式越来越少。

    Use of stock options, never so widespread in Europe as in America, is in fact declining in most countries.


  • 这样竞争对手不可避免的。随着太空科学技术扩散其他国家不再卫星全球定位系统这样的东西而讨美国欢心了。

    Such competition is inevitable, as space technology spreads and other countries are no longer forced to rely on America's good offices for things like satellite-based global positioning systems.


  • 不多案例中,评级机构下调美国这样仍然拥有投资人信任国家他们一直错误

    And in those rare cases where rating agencies have downgraded countries that, like America now, still had the confidence of investors, they have consistently been wrong.


  • 应对诸多挑战问题,靠各国哪怕美国这样最强大的国家单打独斗也越来越不行了。

    No country, not even a powerful country like the United States, can tackle all the challenges and problems alone.


  • 虽然这个数字1964年时候至19%,但对于美国这样富足国家来说依然得令人尴尬,也年,林登·约翰逊在进行国情咨文演讲的时候提出了的“伟大社会”的期许

    Even though, it had dropped to 19% by 1964, when he made a State of the Union address setting out his hopes for the Great Society, it was still embarrassingly high for a country as wealthy as the US.


  • 其他夏令营一样,“寻求真理夏令营满足美国家长假期孩子假期长的矛盾所带来的需求

    Like other summer camps, camp Quest satisfies a demand that springs from America's combination of very long holidays for children and very short ones for their parents.


  • 尽管法国核能发电量不及美国一半但没有哪个核能利用国家法国这样如此严重依赖这种能源

    Even though the total amount of energy France generates from atomic stations is less than half the amount generated in the United States, no other country relies as heavily on nuclear power.


  • 巴西美国一样,庞大多变含有至少两个独立国家

    Like America, Brazil is so big and varied that it often seems to contain at least two separate countries.


  • 突然许多美国家长那样——担心孩子学校希望学校是最好

    “You never really know whether that was the right decision, ” he says, sounding suddenly like many American parents—worried about his children’s school but hoping for the best.


  • 这个理论上的上线要比当前可预测近期债务比率英国美国等债台高筑国家的情况也是如此。

    this theoretical limit is much higher, even for highly indebted countries like Britain and America, than their current or projected near-term debt ratios (see chart).


  • 深感愧疚然而美国可能信奉伊拉克那样法律统治国家”这样的信条。

    He regretted, however, that the United States was unlikely to impose "the rule of law in countries like Iraq," partly because of "a pusillanimous fear of military casualties."


  • 即使美国欧洲等地发达国家仍旧需要通过加碘盐补充碘。

    But even wealthy nations, including the United States and in Europe, still need to supplement that by iodizing salt.


  • 但是直到目前他们不能仿制复杂昂贵生物技术药物这些药物越来越多应用于治疗癌症糖尿病其它多发于美国那样富裕国家疾病

    But they had never been able to copy the complex and expensive biotech medicines increasingly used to treat cancer, diabetes and other diseases in rich nations like the United States - until now.


  • 垃圾食品电视电脑游戏爱好使这个国家腰围气球一般鼓胀起来澳洲人已经成了仅次于美国人的世界第二肥胖民族

    A love of junk food, television and computer games has sent the country's waistline ballooning, with Australians weighing in as the world's second fattest nation after the United States.


  • 大部分辩论都集中在两个中心问题(障碍)上:欧盟美国这样的富裕发达国家致力于减少污染物排放上多少

    Much of the debate falls on two central questions (hurdles) : How much money should rich developed countries like those in the EU and the U.S. contribute to help pay for reduced emissions?


  • 这些国家中,有些相对世俗,他们美国法国一样分州或分区治理,另一些则不同

    Some will be relatively secular, but others will not separate religion and the state as the United States and France do.


  • 上赛季不时展现这样能力但是美国国家的不佳表现我们心疑窦:他许多超级巨星那样职业生涯中每三就能上一步台阶吗?

    He showed at times last year that he was capable of this, but his Team USA struggles have some wondering if he'll make the third-year jump so many superstars make in their careers.


  • 时至今日,日本以外,世界所有获得成功经济体(无论规模大小)欧洲国家或是美国那样,与欧洲一脉相承。

    To date, the world's only successful economies of any size - with the exception of Japan - have been European or, in the case of the US, of European pedigree.


  • 美国国际形象2000起就江河日下甚至那些被认为是美国盟友国家英国印度土耳其日本

    America's image has steadily declined since 2000, even in nations considered US Allies such as Britain, India, Turkey, and Japan.


  • 整个国家未来可能现在下层社会的非洲美国那样,女性努力提升自己生活,男人却不上进

    The whole country’s future could look much as the present does for many lower-class African Americans: the mothers pull themselves up, but the men don’t follow.


  • 尽管美国英国这样的国家明确了它们规章制度并且开始隐私保护但是常常其他国家运用它们的权力来实行更多的限制。

    Even if countries like the U.S. and Britain clarify their rules and institute privacy protections, there will always be other countries that will exercise greater latitude with their authority.


  • 尽管美国英国这样的国家明确了它们规章制度并且开始隐私保护但是常常其他国家运用它们的权力来实行更多的限制。

    Even if countries like the U.S. and Britain clarify their rules and institute privacy protections, there will always be other countries that will exercise greater latitude with their authority.


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