• 不单是管理巨大古格拉那样管理这个国家,不单将经济管理得一塌糊涂,它在国际上散播恶意。

    Not only does it run the country as a vast gulag, not only has it so mismanaged its economy, it also spreads mischief internationally.


  • 决定像管理他的软件公司一样管理篮球队

    He would conduct business on the basketball court, he decided, the same way he conducted business at his software firm.


  • 安卓应用移开持续地工作管理文件同步

    Android apps remove ongoing chores like file management and syncing.


  • 意味着应当管理自己实际工作表现一样管理形象名誉

    This implies that you ought to manage your image and reputation as well as your actual work.


  • 意味着应该管理自己实际工作表现一样管理形象声誉

    This implies that you ought to manage your image and reputation as well as your actual work.


  • 我们一起管理小镇那样管理片土地甚至审判那些打破我们制定规矩的人。

    Together we ruled the area like a small town, and even had trials for those who broke the rules we had made.


  • 秘诀在于:他们管理企业一样经营自由职业只是企业总部可能厨房餐桌上

    The secret: They run their freelance careers like a business, even if that business happens to be headquartered at the kitchen table.


  • 不至于管理那样水价超过其他日用品,或者市场机制平衡供需

    But nor is it beyond the wit of those in charge to consider water like oil or any other commodity, and to use market mechanisms to match supply and demand.


  • 不可能驾驶摩托车自行车一样,不能管理一间连锁超市像管理市场摊位一样

    You cannot drive a motor bike like a bicycle, nor can you manage a supermarket chain like a market stall.


  • 如果我们罗列的东西看起来管理咨询师将要采用方法是因为他们早就需要煽动销售法了。

    If what we've outlined here sounds like the approach a management consultant would employ, that's because consultants have long needed to engage in provocation-based selling.


  • 组织一个重要业务活动项目组合管理能够使企业管理有价值资产一样管理项目组合。

    One important business activity in large organizations is portfolio management, which enables enterprises to manage a portfolio of projects as valuable assets.


  • 例如一个巨大笨拙的站点时,管理站点中所有这样看似简单事情可能变得非常复杂

    For example, when you have a huge, sprawling Web site, something seemingly as trivial as managing all of the images on that site can become quite complex.


  • 斯里兰卡非洲部分国家以及其他GDP较低地区中,一家名叫Amdocs公司甚至能帮助手机用户管理金钱一样管理时间。

    Then in Sri Lanka, parts of Africa, and other low-GDP regions a company called Amdocs even helps mobile users to spend their minutes like currency.


  • 灵魂管理自控标准,Adeimantus',standard,of,self-control,必需管理座城市,一些决定性层面而言。

    The governance of the soul, Adeimantus must be like the governance of a city in some decisive respects.


  • 虽然个人电脑只能保存文件的一个副本,但Facebook 这样大型服务项目,则会依赖所谓内容分发网络管理数据分发

    While your personal computer only keeps one copy of a file, large-scale services like Facebook rely on what are called content delivery networks to manage data and distribution.


  • 大多数其他等级制度森严的美国公司一样,工人管理人员都有严格界定职责

    Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties.


  • 没有能力小提琴一样管理经济

    You don't have the ability to play the economy like a fiddle.


  • 正如发现巨蜥单性生殖的英国的动物园管理所描述的,等公共汽车一样,了好长时间然后群小蜥蜴就一股脑地出来了。

    As the British zookeeper who discovered virgin births in Komodos put it, rather like buses, you wait for ages and then loads of them come along all at once.


  • 当时这种药物鲜为人知同时没有现代药品试用管理广泛制定的道德上使用上规则

    It was little known at that time and the extensive ethical and methodological rules governing modern drug trials did not exist.


  • 基于一点,必要对待资产那样管理保护好邮件系统信息

    With this reliance comes the obligation to treat information contained in E-mail systems as assets to be managed and protected.


  • 反面来说,安全管理功能交给应用程序单个封装实现来处理。

    On the negative side, capabilities such as security, management, and so forth, are left to the applications or the implementation of individual wrappers.


  • 虽然一个强大的ORM框架对于会话管理这种简单任务而言就是杀鸡用牛刀了

    It is powerful ORM framework, but it is overkill for such simple task as a sessions management.


  • 有点质量管理过程,按照机构标准进行内查看是否进一步潜力减少浪费提高效率

    This is a bit like the process of quality management, an internal checking of the organisation's standards to see if there is further potential to cut waste and improve efficiency.


  • 模块就是eclipse项目但是因为模块再用的元素所以它必须管理其他可再用元素之类的名字冲突

    A module is an eclipse project, but because a module is a reusable element, it must manage name collisions just like any other reusable element.


  • 本地系统PowerPack本地管理任务——Windows服务、本地用户以及进程管理——提供界面

    The local System PowerPack provides an interface for local administrative tasks such as management of Windows Services, local users and groups, and processes.


  • 云akka(例如,商业化插件产品套件)中包含操作内容监控管理provisioningdashboardEC2支持等等

    Cloudy Akka (e.g. the commercial add-on product suite) will consist solely of operations stuff such as monitoring, management, provisioning, dashboard, EC2 support etc.


  • 没有必要搜索众多blogSlashdot贴子寻找垃圾收集永远不会直接内存管理一样有效”这样能够说服人的陈述

    You don't have to search through too many blogs or Slashdot postings to find confidently worded statements like "Garbage collection will never be as efficient as direct memory management."


  • 这种方法市场风险管理方面比较知名,但是可以借鉴公共部门管理地方

    This approach is well-known in marketing and risk management, but can be revolutionary in places like the public sector..


  • 这种方法市场风险管理方面比较知名,但是可以借鉴公共部门管理地方

    This approach is well-known in marketing and risk management, but can be revolutionary in places like the public sector..


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