• 现在我们已经讨论了古代社会人们如何驯养这样的动物,并把它们作为食物和用于其他用途的。

    Now that we've discussed how people in ancient societies tamed animals like cows and chickens for food and other uses.


  • 病毒可以感染山羊绵羊甚至驯鹿。 有时,这些病毒会传染给人,比如传染给牧人,因为他们与动物接触的多。

    Viruses like these infect goats, sheep, cattle and even reindeer.


  • 但是仍然穿一个因为这个装束实用。他懂得,一如祖先一样凝望荒芜广阔的大草原。

    But he still dresses like a cowboy because the garb is practical; he understands cattle and horses and gazes out upon the treeless expanse just as his predecessors did.


  • 多数西方人一样,偏爱吃草谷物的动物,这些。

    Like most westerners I tend towards herbivores, and things that like grain: cows, chickens, sheep, etc.


  • 色诺芬尼如果能够绘画的话,描绘形象无疑,而马描绘神的形象无疑马。

    If oxen and horses had hands and could paint, Xenophanes said, oxen would no doubt paint the forms of gods like oxen and horses would paint them like horses.


  • 还有一种说法是,再次打开的时候,烧焦骨质残旧物会宝石一样闪耀,甚至会被用来镶嵌手镯

    It is also said that when the bull was reopened, the scorched bones of the remains shone like jewels and were made into bracelets.


  • 如此将他们荣耀主,

    They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass.


  • 霍德着迷,哥贝克力山顶遗迹的石柱上不是鹿捕食动物为主,而是狮子蜘蛛蝎子等对人类有威胁的动物。

    Hodder is fascinated that Gobekli Tepe's pillar carvings are dominated not by edible prey like deer and cattle but by menacing creatures such as lions, spiders, snakes and scorpions.


  • 尽管有持续消毒努力去年因感染口的169这个国家很多其他农场主的一样不得不被宰杀

    Despite continual disinfecting efforts, he says his 169 cattle fell victim to foot-and-mouth disease last year, and like so many other farmers across the country, he had to have them killed.


  • 面对如此生死攸关的选择它们滑翔机一样一飞冲天,会隐形飞机一样快速冲刺,而且它们飞过脏乱的猪圈窝时,会变成架非常逼的俯冲轰炸机

    Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.


  • 检查地方以前一定看见过凯蒂表哥在那儿的,因为这时下巴动得反刍一样,而且把他的话说很难听懂,他开始说

    He must have seen Cathy and her cousin about the spot before he examined it, for while his jaws worked like those of a cow chewing its cud, and rendered his speech difficult to understand, he began.


  • 这样长800米椭圆形赛道称为“斗场”,不是因为它的形状而是因为这里丧生选手西班牙的凡塔斯头场还要

    Tracks like this half-mile clay oval were nicknamed bullrings, not because of their shape but because they were responsible for more shattered bodies than the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas.


  • 春天不大一般下的都毛毛雨他们有时雨,有时云烟,有时满天蒲公英飞舞

    Under the spring rain is not big, generally is drizzle, they sometimes like rain, sometimes like a mist, sometimes like a dandelion dancing in the sky.


  • 目的探讨血超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)对X射线照射小鼠保护作用

    Objective To study protective effects of SOD on the blood picture of mice by X ray irradiation.


  • 大家都知道不能一样思考所以并不负责任,意味着主人不用负责任。

    Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, so a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible either.


  • 父亲需要多好的语言赞美任劳任怨

    My father does not need to use good language to praise him, like a hard working cattle!


  • 父亲需要好的语言赞美头任劳任怨

    Father doesn't need to use a good language to praise him, like a hard-working cattle!


  • 有勇有谋,身体结实——正是你们所需要领导这种艰苦探险的人。

    He's got courage, ingenuity and a constitution like a horse-just the man you need to lead an arduous expedition of this sort.


  • 闻起来皮夹克

    My leather jacket the one smells like actural cattle?


  • 印度乍一看这些校车看起来触目惊心微型车儿童充分

    At first sight these school buses may look horrifying, like miniature cattle wagons full of children.


  • 不仅如此他们母亲夫人屠刀来非常熟练,自己丈夫一样迅速干净利落地杀掉

    Not only that, but their mother, Mrs. Gu, was skilled with a butcher's knife, too. She could kill a cow as quickly and neatly as her husband.


  • 某些人欧洲比利山脉-大雪覆盖着山脉一道自然屏障法国伊比利亚半岛分隔开来。

    Some say that Europe stops at the Pyrenees Mountains - the snow-capped mountain range that ACTS like a natural fence separating France from the Iberian Peninsula.


  • 他们一直困扰认为人类是不是蔬菜刚才缺乏必要的营养保持健康

    They kept nagging me that human aren't built to eat just vegetables like cows and I would lack the necessary nutrient to stay healthy.


  • 中国一些著名人物刘备范仲淹以及著名诗人李白是属

    In China, some famous figures like Liu Bei and Fan Zhongyan, and the great poet li Bai were all ox men.


  • 每次比赛结束获胜骑手回到家乡都会英雄一样受到当地群众尊敬比赛中取胜也将名扬一方,受到主人特殊的待遇

    After race, the heroes will gain respect from the local masses when they win and return home. The yak that wins in the race is famous in the locals and enjoys special treatment from his master.


  • 我们萨修女一样,放弃那些惊天动地的伟大创举,以“俯首甘为孺子”的精神,从一点一滴开始做起吧!

    Let us emulate Mother Teresa in giving up the earthshaking undertakings; let us assume the attitude of "like a willing ox with head bowed", and let us start the service bit by bit!


  • 前面有一大块倒悬的石壁,棚子似的”。

    It's like Tau in front of a large stone hung upside down, as if wrapped like cattle shed to hide.


  • 妈妈家里的活最多始终没有一句怨言。妈妈多么勤恳劳动憨厚诚实的啊!

    Work that mother does at home is most, but she does not have a complaint all the time. How mother looks like that industrious working and straightforward and good-natured and honest ox!


  • 妈妈家里的活最多始终没有一句怨言。妈妈多么勤恳劳动憨厚诚实的啊!

    Work that mother does at home is most, but she does not have a complaint all the time. How mother looks like that industrious working and straightforward and good-natured and honest ox!


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