• 是说实际上作为一个众生我们这样的我们不能

    But, I mean, specially, as a deluded being, people like us we cannot, our judgement, even we judge someone is really a good teacher.


  • 基督来到世上,就是为了我们这样的挽回我们灵性道德

    Christ came into the world for people like us. He came to restore us to spiritual and moral health.


  • 我们这样,不仅聪明胸怀大志,还放眼世界,所以力求完美可能无法避免

    Trying to be perfect may be sort of inevitable for people like us, who are smart and ambitious and interested in the world.


  • 试图我们或者身体时候,大多数像我们这样的人总是产生退缩自然反应

    Most of us have the natural reaction to flinch when someone tries to hit us in the face or on our body.


  • 同时他们芒果北面搬迁离开这里一点路,在每次我们这样的不断搬进来的时候。

    In the meantime they'll just have to move a little farther north from Mango Street, a little farther away every time people like us keep moving in.


  • 真正意思一样是个平凡凭什么认为自己成为曲作家,我们这样的人不是那块料

    What he really meant was: you're an ordinary bloke, like me. You've no business thinking you're a songwriter. People like us aren't songwriters.


  • 佛瑞德首先电子商务可以打破地理局限。第二则是电子商务可以减少内在成本第三则是我们这样的都可以网络上网店

    Fred: : Firstly, it can overcome the geographic limitation. And secondly, e-commerce can lower the internal costs. And thirdly, people like us, can also open stores on Internet.


  • 佛瑞德首先电子商务可以打破地理局限。第二则是电子商务可以减少内在成本第三则是我们这样的都可以网络上网店

    Fred: Firstly, it can overcome the geographic limitation. And secondly, e-commerce can lower the internal costs. And thirdly, people like us, can also open stores on Internet.


  • 我们这样还有很多,根据儿童互助会(一家领先提供儿童信托基金机构)的研究表明,24%的父亲不自觉要一份固定工作

    But we're far from alone, according to new research from the Children's Mutual, a leading Child Trust Fund provider, 24 per cent of fathers feel the uncontrollable urge to embrace flexible working.


  • 尼尔森消费者360大会”(NielsenConsumer 360):“如果知道我们这样的明天什么,你只要看看今天青少年什么

    If you want to know what people like us will do tomorrow, ” she told the crowd at Nielsen Consumer 360, “you look at what teenagers are doing today.


  • 这样非常智慧我们知道这些秘密可以你们提示,线索,如果你们知道这些可以这些秘密,打开通向身边大门

    But really wise guys like me, we have the secrets and I can give you words, clues, secrets that if you know those things you can use these secrets to unlock the gates that lead back to God.


  • 当时,已经一些关于动物权益哲学著作,但是鲍勃工作第一线,不懈努力鼓舞了许多我们这样关注动物

    There were some philosophers writing about animal rights at the time, but Bob Barker was working in the trenches, and his efforts encouraged many of us who cared about animals.


  • 如果真的这样那么这样必须娃娃可能有一些比较大心理问题我们真的需要自己身份构造”在娃娃身上。

    If this is the case, then it follows that people like me, who NEED to make dolls, must have some major psychological issues as we literally try to construct our identities with the dolls we make.


  • 简单的事就是争论民意调查说明了一些问题,去争论只有我们这样深入了解民意调查的解释这些问题。

    The easiest thing is to argue that a poll says something and that only we who have our heads buried in polls can interpret it.


  • 是否觉得以上所言只是这样一个思想偏激,沉迷网络写作不切实际的幻想呢,还是认为网络的确有助我们提高写作水平呢?

    Is all of the above just the wishful thinking of a highly-biased, Web-addicted blogger (aka me), or is the Web really making us better writers?


  • 这种进步这种改变真正关系各地各处的每个不仅仅我们这样、只从事技术行业的有关。

    And its advances like that that really reach out and change the lives not just of those of us who work in technology but people everywhere.


  • 这样的有价值的因为我们可以作为实验室里的小白鼠将来服务,”

    "People like me are valuable because we can be the guinea pigs for the future," he says.


  • 喜欢强调一点那些闪亮星星我们这样荒野里的特别款待

    Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness.


  • 我们发现,令震惊即使这样的一直沉浸这个问题上30

    What we found was shocking, even for people like me who've been immersed in this issue for 30 years.


  • 总会会死,懦弱这样的人我们生存下来!

    The good people , they always die . And the bad people do , too . But the weak people , the people like me , we have inherited the earth !


  • 成千上万我们这样天天都会电脑工作一整天来说,的确不是一条好消息

    For the millions of us who sit in front of a computer all day at work, it's not good news.


  • 对于灾难我们这样远离地震中心,又没有救灾一技之长的捐款可能容易做到善举。

    Facing the catastrophe, the most practical thing that we can do is to donate as we are away from the center of the quake-hit area and lack the special skills to help relieve the disaster victims.


  • 命令旧约未曾颁布因为旧约时代的不能我们新约这样

    This new commandment of love was not given in the Old Covenant because in the Old they could not love like the way we do in the New.


  • 知道每天还有这样的希望寄托彩票上,不管以前成功还是失败总是坚持,彩票带给我们的,总会希望奇迹

    Do not know, every day, there are people like me, put their hopes in the lottery, regardless of past success or failure, always insisted that the lottery brings us, there is always hope and miracles!


  • 知道每天还有这样的希望寄托彩票上,不管以前成功还是失败总是坚持,彩票带给我们的,总会希望奇迹

    Do not know, every day, there are people like me, put their hopes in the lottery, regardless of past success or failure, always insisted that the lottery brings us, there is always hope and miracles!


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