• 婴儿一样眼睛看人直接了

    Like a baby, the man stared at the eyes, the most straightforward.


  • 今天看起来漂亮不是吗?皮肤婴儿一样光滑

    She looks gorgeous today, doesn't she? Her skin is as smooth as a baby's bottom.


  • 必须表现一个完全成熟男子婴儿一样母亲怀里

    He had to show a full-grown man being cradled in his mother's lap as if he were a baby;


  • 的丈夫家里婴儿一样照顾自己为自己沏都沏不了。

    Mine is as helpless as a babe in the houseI don't think he could make himself a cup of tea.


  • 你们三个怎么了?为什么坐在这儿婴儿一样让这么好的苹果酒一地

    What are you three after, sitting there crying like babies, and letting good cider run over the floor?


  • 随着汽油味道填满了鼻腔,他开始伸手不见五指的黑暗婴儿一样哭了起来

    As the smell of petrol filled his nose in the pitch-blackness of the vehicle, he began to cry like a baby.


  • 较年幼朋友肩膀婴儿一样睡觉在中直直的甚至试图他的外衣盖在的年轻朋友身上。

    The younger one leaned on his friend's shoulder and slept like a baby, while the older one sat till and even tried to put a coat on his young friend.


  • 火焰杯》中,伏地复活后,在之中第一个虫子一样爬行婴儿一样号,请求伏地魔的宽恕

    In GF, he was first in line among the Death Eaters at Voldemort's return, crawling like a worm, blubbering like a baby, begging Voldemort's forgiveness.


  • 婴儿多可爱啊!我会照顾自己的孩子一样照顾他们。

    How cute and lovely the babies are! I will take care of them like they're my own babies.


  • 不要某些建议一样,把自己当成穿着纸尿裤的婴儿或者视为周围没有人。

    Do not try to convince yourself that they are babies in diapers or that nobody is around as suggested by some books.


  • 利·特斯先生不是唯一担心婴儿潮一代山洪暴发一样冲击社会作家

    Mr Willetts is not the only writer to worry about baby-boomers crashing through society like a flash flood.


  • 当是采第一莴苣的时候,看到它们柔软香甜细腻的婴儿光滑的脸颊一样悲痛欲绝

    When it came time to pluck those first spring lettuces, soft, sweet and delicate like a baby's satiny cheek, I was distraught.


  • 2008年一样,出于对奶粉质量的担忧,许多家长婴儿送往医院检查

    Like in 2008, the latest milk-quality scare has prompted many parents to take their infants to hospitals for health checks.


  • 婴儿水果蔬菜无糖饮料他们就这些东西一样

    Give your toddler fruit, vegetables and sugar-free drinks and he or she will grow up liking them.


  • 妈妈发现一个自己婴儿一起完成乐趣它花费不大而且健康的时候,消息便野火一样蔓延开去

    When mums discover a new fun, cheap and healthy thing to do with their babies, the news spreads like wildfire.


  • 十几以后,当年的婴儿开始变成白发老人,Coughlin教授那样的专家老年人变成当年的环保一样受人关注。

    More than a decade later, with boomers starting to turn 65, experts like Professor Coughlin hope to make gray the new green.


  • 我们平时吃点饼干喝点茶,所做的件事都是为了爸爸,婴儿一样喂给吃嫩嫩的水煮他调一下枕头的位子方便他打字。

    We lived on tea and biscuits - every effort going into tending to his needs, feeding him soft boiled eggs like a baby, arranging his pillows just right and reading to him from the Telegraph.


  • 所有武士团绝地一样克诺比婴儿时就家庭接受训练

    Like all the Jedi of the old order, Kenobi was taken from his family as an infant to undergo training.


  • 其他许多家庭成员墨西哥边缘格兰特河边放松一样一位母亲将那不情愿婴儿浸入临时浴缸中

    Xueshashou: as other family members relax along the Rio Grande on the Mexican border, a mother dips her reluctant infant into a makeshift bathtub.


  • 由此市场永远不会清清爽爽没有障碍-这就意谓着需要资本初创公司因得不到资金婴儿窒息摇篮中一样夭折,同时赢利的企业将因此无法尽其所成长壮大

    Therefore, the market will never clear - meaning start-ups in need of capital will be choked in their cribs and profit-making firms won't be able to grow as they should.


  • 不过存在另一结果克隆人未来今天人们接受肯定试管婴儿一样社会接受

    However, there is another kind of result that human cloning would also like today people in the future to accept and affirmation test-tube baby as acceptable for the society.


  • 不能正常婴儿一样,于是伊学会到处走动。

    Unable to move properly as a baby, Iman learned to get around using her hands.


  • 疱疹虫子啃食苹果一样地对婴儿大脑展开攻击病毒已经感染了金吉尔的肝脏,我们恳求不要让病毒感染的大脑。

    Herpes attacks an infant's brain like insects eating an apple. The virus was attacking Ginger's liver. We begged God that her brain would not be next.


  • 格哈特采访1000多名成功人士确实找到他们激情所在“你首先要婴儿学步一样,经历一个漫长的学习过程。”

    The 1, 000-plus successful people Gebhard has met have indeed found their passion, but only "at the end of a long process, a long series of baby steps."


  • 斯堪的纳维亚人头发像婴儿的头发一样中部欧洲人的头发不

    Scandinavians normally have thin, straight, baby-fine hair, and mid Europeans hair that is neither too fine nor too coarse.


  • 怀孕第二三月期快结束个月时候,胎儿身体的部分都已经发育,而且已经可以发育完全的婴儿一样工作,只不过它们还非常而且很不成熟

    After 6 months of pregnancy, at the end of the second trimester, everything has developed and is functioning as it will in the fully-grown baby. It's all there, just very small and immature.


  • 怀孕第二三月期快结束个月时候,胎儿身体的部分都已经发育,而且已经可以发育完全的婴儿一样工作,只不过它们还非常而且很不成熟

    After 6 months of pregnancy, at the end of the second trimester, everything has developed and is functioning as it will in the fully-grown baby. It's all there, just very small and immature.


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