• 开立一个荒唐地收取费用储蓄账户

    Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdraw money.


  • 如果放进储钱罐里,然后每年按税后1%的利率1434美元存入储蓄账户,你有了旅行的钱。

    If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.


  • 他们几千英镑存在一个储蓄账户

    They have thousands of pounds tucked away in a savings account.


  • 如果钱存存钱罐里然后每年1434美元存到一个利率为1%的储蓄账户,你就会旅行资金了。

    If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate, you will have your trip money.


  • 建立一个储蓄账户自动大块收入到里边。

    Set up a savings account that will automatically have a chunk of your income deposited into it.


  • 保证每月稳定收入一部分进入你储蓄账户

    Confirm that some of your regular income is going to a savings account on a monthly basis.


  • 同时还建议这笔放在退休账户而不是储蓄账户

    He also says to hold this money in retirement accounts, not savings accounts.


  • ,他建议美国银行应该调储蓄账户利率的。

    He said he had come to suggest that Bank of America pay higher interest rates on savings accounts.


  • 银行一个储蓄账户过程申请活期账户大致一样

    If you went to a bank to open a savings account, you would go through almost the same procedures as followed in applying for a checking account.


  • 36%美国人没有退休储蓄账户存入一分钱

    36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.


  • 出纳员可以看到支票储蓄账户还有多少

    The teller can see how much money is in my checking and savings accounts.


  • 只要这样了,下一步活期账户储蓄账户都转过去

    The minute he does it, the next thing to go will be his current account, his savings account.


  • 于是很多把钱储蓄账户转向REITs,被称为去中介化

    So, a lot of people switched from savings accounts to REITs -that's called disintermediation.


  • 首先必须收到工资支票预定的数量存入储蓄账户

    The first thing you must do after receiving your pay check (cheque) is sending a pre-determined amount to the savings account.


  • 储蓄账户变得不那么划算同时贷款成本变得更低

    Savings accounts become less of a bargain while, at the same time, loans become cheaper.


  • 分析者把这归因为存款收益降低导致资金储蓄账户理财产品转移

    Analysts attribute weakening deposit accumulation to the migration of funds from savings accounts to wealth-management products.


  • 存储旅费相对简单可以设定一个储蓄账户星期每个一点

    Saving for travel is relatively simple: You set up a targeted savings account and put a little money aside each week or each month.


  • 设置自动提款可以设置活期账户里自动提款储蓄账户

    Set up an automatic draft: you can set up to have an automatic draft from your checking to your savings account.


  • 举个列子来说放进回报率低的储蓄账户,因为你害怕损失钱财

    Take this example: you put money into a saving account which gives you a poor return rate but you do so because you are "scared" of losing your money.


  • 但是如果拿出储蓄账户的存折,你礼貌告知银行取款来支付货款。

    But if you pull out your passbook to the savings account, then you will politely be told to take the passbook to the bank and get money for it.


  • 除了钱存退休基金储蓄账户还有其它上百存钱方式。

    In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money.


  • 比如,银行储蓄账户通常会计算整个季度最低存款额度,到季度末才会付息

    Interest on passbook savings accounts, for example, was typically calculated on the minimum balance during the calendar quarter and was posted at the end of the quarter.


  • 把钱储蓄账户上,可以得到利息,可以随时支取特别通知存款账户除外

    When people deposit money in a savings account, it earns interest. They can withdraw their savings any time, unless it is a special notice account.


  • 零售投资者对于仅仅由储蓄账户带来的回报感到失望,因而涌入公司债基金市场。

    Retail investors, disappointed with measly returns on savings accounts, are piling into corporate-bond funds.


  • Portlet1接收顾客编号时,它会显示顾客的储蓄账户详细信息

    When it receives the customer number from portlet 1, it displays the details of the customer's savings account.


  • 存钱也是一样的,可以存钱只有你真正放到你储蓄账户成为的存款。

    Savings is the same. You can save, but you have to actually put money into the savings account for it to be just that-savings.


  • 存钱也是一样的,可以存钱,只有你真正放到你储蓄账户才成为你的存款

    Savings is the same.You can save, but you have to actually put money into the savings account for it to be just that-savings.


  • 明年我会个初级的房子一个储蓄账户中把多余25%转为直接支付抵押贷款

    In the next year, I will buy a home that is in the lower house bracket and switch the extra 25% from a savings account to a direct payment on the mortgage.


  • 明年我会个初级的房子一个储蓄账户中把多余25%转为直接支付抵押贷款

    In the next year, I will buy a home that is in the lower house bracket and switch the extra 25% from a savings account to a direct payment on the mortgage.


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