• 微薄银行储蓄利率好一些

    That is a better deal than the low rates offered on deposits by the country's banks.


  • 达尔预计印度储蓄利率2015年以前上升至40%。

    Poddar expects India’s savings rate to rise to 40 percent of GDP by 2015.


  • 中国下调银行储蓄利率不过一举动以往收效甚微。

    China has also lowered the bank savings rate, but the move has little effect in the past.


  • 首要的问题中国利率政策过于死板:银行一年期存款的年储蓄利率不能超过3.5%。

    The first is China's overly managed interest rate policy: Banks are only allowed to offer its customers a maximum 3.5% interest rate on one-year deposits.


  • 贷款到期偿付,除本金之外,投资者获得定期储蓄利率高一倍收益。

    Investors would receive as much as double the regular saving rate and their principal when the loan was repaid.


  • 英国调高了美国人和西班牙人更高的储蓄利率尽管相较收入趋势失业率还是有所上升

    Britons have raised their savings rates more than Americans or Spaniards, despite a smaller increase in unemployment and comparable trends in income.


  • 居民不再过分看重仅含有风险价值储蓄利率,更关注包含风险价值的金融市场收益

    Theinhabitant also no longer excessively regards as important onlyincludes the non- risk value the deposit interest rate, pays attentioncontains the risk value the money market income;


  • 企业储蓄大幅增长日本家庭储蓄利率下滑以及,更重要的是大幅持续增长的预算赤字所支撑起来。

    This sharp rise in corporate saving was countered by a drop in the savings rate of Japanese households and, most importantly, by a huge-and persistent-increase in budget deficits.


  • 如果没有这种存款担保,储 蓄者要求提高储蓄利率银行交易武器反映出与市场有关损失风险

    Without such guarantees, savers would have wanted higher interest rates from banks with trading arms to reflect the risk of a market-related loss.


  • 知道现在储蓄利率非常但是至少个月随时取出开销现金可以急用时省去很多麻烦

    Yes, I know the savings account interest rates are insanely low right now, but having at least six months of expenses in readily accessible cash can save you a lot of hassle on a rainy day.


  • 作为全世界最大重要经济体美国应当采取措施调整政策适度提高储蓄利率缩小贸易逆差,减少财政赤字。

    As the largest and most important economy in the world, the us should take the initiative to adjust its policies, raise its savings ratio appropriately and reduce its trade and fiscal deficits.


  • 确实出于经济目的我们希望通过保持较高的储蓄利率鼓励储蓄因为到来,银行要用这些存款发放贷款。

    And indeed for economic purposes, we want savings rates to be kept up to encourage savings because it is the savings money that can be lent out next year.


  • 一旦他们放任去抬高利率储蓄利率飞速攀升银行就会承载着更大风险尤其对于储蓄贷款协会

    Once they freed up interest rates, interest rates on deposits started soaring and Banks started taking greater risks, particularly Savings and Loans.


  • 买方而言,由于债券散居侨民成员而设专向其销售,因此4%的回报率大大高于一般银行储蓄利率现金存款利率

    For the buyer - since the bonds are specifically created for and marketed to diaspora members - a 4 percent return would be much better than a typical bank savings account or cash hoard.


  • 明天这次下调生效一年期银行贷款利率6.92%下降至6.66%,一年期基准储蓄利率将从3.87%降至3.6%。

    When the cut takes effect tomorrow, the cost of one-year bank loans will fall to 6.66% from 6.93%, while the benchmark one-year deposit rate drops to 3.6% from 3.87%.


  • 假如边际储蓄利率将为负数银行将会大的动机借出就是这个方案动机),但是实际上更多贷款不会这个方案的结果

    If reserves earned a negative return at the margin, banks would have more incentive to lend (which is the motivation for these proposals). But more lending might not be the outcome.


  • 但是金融数据提供商Moneyfacts昨天发布数据显示银行大幅削减利率,但没把减少的储蓄利率传递按揭款利率上。

    Figures released yesterday, however, from financial data provider Moneyfacts showed Banks were failing to pass on interest rate cuts to mortgage borrowers despite making severe cuts in savings rates.


  • 显然实际利率会对储蓄/投资关系之外影响作出反应。

    Clearly, real interest rates respond to influences other than the savings/investment nexus.


  • 1960年代,国民储蓄盈余很大时,实际利率往往更高

    During the 1960's real interest rates were often higher when the national savings surplus was large.


  • 如果钱存存钱罐里然后每年1434美元存到一个利率为1%的储蓄账户里,你就会旅行资金了。

    If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate, you will have your trip money.


  • 如果放进储钱罐里,然后每年按税后1%的利率1434美元存入储蓄账户,你有了旅行的钱。

    If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.


  • 他们为之付出的包括受损养老金更高贷款利率很受伤储蓄当然还有丢失工作

    They're paying it in damaged pensions, higher mortgage rates, vulnerable savings and, of course, lost jobs.


  • 利率能够缓解债务人负担减少储蓄鼓励花费从而复苏经济

    LOW interest rates are intended to ease the burden on debtors, discourage saving, encourage spending and thereby revive the economy.


  • 顾客利率方面储蓄存款支票存款有什么不同

    Customer: Regarding the interest rate, what is the difference between a savings account and checking account?


  • 认为尼亚尔·福格森这么认为利率储蓄供给需求决定的。

    Here's what I imagine Niall Ferguson was thinking: he was thinking of the interest rate as determined by the supply and demand for savings.


  • 本地银行可能不会改变太多-他们提供给普通储蓄账户利率本来就很低,因此不会发生大影响。

    Your local bank probably won't change much - they offer so little on the average savings account that it doesn't matter too much.


  • 本地银行可能不会改变太多-他们提供给普通储蓄账户利率本来就很低,因此不会发生大影响。

    Your local bank probably won't change much - they offer so little on the average savings account that it doesn't matter too much.


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