• 小屋打手势,在里面看了看

    I gestured toward the boathouse, and he looked inside.


  • 很难想象水道成了场。

    It's hard to imagine a waterway that looks like a parking lot for vessels.


  • 黄昏时分我们泊位

    We berthed our ship at dusk.


  • 我们停船位置四周,竖渔夫竹竿

    Round about where we have moored, the bamboo poles of fishermen are planted.


  • 水手决定那晚不动,第二天早晨登岸

    The sailors decided to lay to that night and go ashore in the morning.


  • 系统测试团队测试追踪工具区别停船测试场景

    The system test team distinguished between stop-ship and non stop-ship test scenarios in their test tracking tool.


  • 一位俄国女友每次一样上扑下来。

    The captain had a Russian girlfriend, and, every time we stopped, she plunged off the bridge like a gannet.


  • 一位俄国女友每次一样上扑下来。

    The captain had a Russian girlfriend, and, every time we stopped, she plunged off the bridge like a gannet .


  • 迭代交付按计划完成,需要停船场景后备小心管理

    This allowed the iteration deliveries to be shipped on schedule, but required careful management of the non stop-ship scenario backlog.


  • 晚上时候,斯克尔已经得不能上岸了,便留在过夜

    Skelton was too ill to be taken ashore when they tied up for the night and so passed it in the ship.


  • 十五以前机会坐一,沿上行,在箱子岩脚下。

    Fifteen years ago I chanced to charter a little boat with a bamboo canopy to sail up the River Chen.


  • 安德生吩咐马上停船并且命令个潜水员下水检查损坏情形。

    Captain Anderson called an immediate halt, and one of his sailors dived down to assess the damage.


  • 为了成功完成迭代所有停船场景必须没有缺陷补丁的情况下成功运行

    All stop-ship scenarios had to run successfully without defects or patches in order to successfully complete an iteration.


  • 和缓的急流中最大一米浪头不必停船查看就能分辨的清晰通道

    Easy rapids with waves up to one meter high and wide, clear channels that are obvious without scouting.


  • 海滨人们注意焦点那里停船场所有服务员照管各种各样的海上体育活动

    The beach is the focal point, where a team of boat-house attendants supervise a vast range of sea sports.


  • 由于为时已晚不可能37秒钟之后历史上严重海难发生了。

    Because late, it is already impossible to park the ship, only after 37 seconds, the most serious perils of the sea took place in history.


  • 迭代第1中的承诺会议上,高级架构师指导每个承诺划分停船的。

    During the commitment meeting in week 1 of the iteration, the senior architects provided guidance in classifying each commitment as stop-ship versus non stop-ship.


  • 场景遍及多个迭代最终迭代中,所有余下的非停船场景都成为停船场景。

    The non stop-ship scenarios spanned iterations, but all remaining non stop-ship scenarios then became stop-ship scenarios in the final iteration.


  • 好在自己贷款没有什么压力实在休息,等危机过去再说

    Fortunately, they do not owe loans, there is no pressure, there is no goods can be transported on the rest stop, and say the crisis was over.


  • 停船测试场景一般那些前面的迭代执行,并作为归回场景转到当前迭代的测试案例。

    The stop-ship test scenarios were generally those test cases which ran in a previous iteration and were carried forward as regression scenarios.


  • 然而法院停船检疫法区别开来,是由于流动”会有传染产生其他罪恶风险

    The Court distinguished those quarantine laws, however, on the ground that in those cases the "very movement" of the articles risked contagion and other evils.


  • 高淳上了安陆不断相会,渐渐发现安陆出现的地点,都与未知作者手写诗集有关

    Gaochun fans in Anlu, continue to stop with her. Anlu place also gradually found, with a handwritten poems about the unknown author.


  • 顶风:转动正在航行的使迎风除了漂泊一动也不动地水中,以便迎接暴风

    To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm.


  • 顶风停船:转动正在航行的使迎风除了漂泊一动也不动地水中,以便迎接暴风

    Nautical To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm.


  • 如何操浆我们喝吉拉放在暖水壶里的草药时,告诉我,热衷于乘出行,这是一种吓人极地旅行方式。

    Kyla teaches me how to hold the paddle. When we stop for herbal tea (from her flask) she tells me about her passion for going out in horrifying Arctic conditions with a sled and a team of dogs.


  • 工程项目填海面积2,550平方米,再加上停船处,在白沙湾游艇现有东面沿岸地方合共提供3,500平方米的前地方。

    The reclamation area of the Project is 2,550 m2. Together with pontoon moorings, it provides a total area 3,500 m2 of foreshore beyond the existing eastern limit of the Hebe Haven Yacht Club.


  • 我们地狱变得可以忍受护送受伤心灵渡过绝望河流,到达一个几乎看不见希望地方然后我们他们推进水里,让他们自己游走

    We are here to make linbo tolerable, to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visibale. And then stop the boat, shove them in the water and make them swim.


  • 我们地狱变得可以忍受护送受伤心灵渡过绝望河流,到达一个几乎看不见希望地方然后我们他们推进水里,让他们自己游走

    We are here to make linbo tolerable, to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visibale. And then stop the boat, shove them in the water and make them swim.


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