• 我们回过头来,再看一下开头讨论,如果轨道可以玩耍的话为什么还要分为停止使用的轨道正常使用的轨道呢?

    Let's have a review of the case above. If kids can play on both railways, why do then people divide them into obsolete one and normal one?


  • FacebookTwitter 这样的在线服务称为操纵大师,他们产品制作得如此以至于人们无法停止使用它们

    Online services like Facebook, Twitter and the like, are called out as masters of manipulation making products so good that people can't stop using them.


  • 根据我们安全惯例停止使用那些产品正确的。

    Those products have rightly been stopped in accordance with our safety routines.


  • 三种文字中的两种都是埃及文字,即象形文字及埃及通俗语,它们现在已经停止使用了。

    Two of the three alphabets are ancient Egyptian scripts that stop being used: the hieroglyphic and the demotic.


  • 这些发现表明我们可以通过停止使用 Endure制造过程增加我们利润

    These findings suggest that we can increase our profits by discontinuing use of the Endure manufacturing process.


  • 报道,瑞典人去年完全停止使用现金,美国可能是下一个完全停止使用现金的国家。

    It is reported that people in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year, and the US might be the next.


  • 在我明白我必须停止使用纸巾,因为纸巾是一个巨大的浪费问题。

    Now I know that I have to stop using paper towels, because paper towels are a huge waste problem.


  • 的想法是:好好生活,不制造一点垃圾;采取不同的方式拯救环境,比如停止使用一次性物品;把不想要的东西给别人,或者捐给像红十字会这样的组织机构。

    Her idea is: live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different kinds of ways to save the environment, such as stopping the use of one-off objects; giving unwanted things to others or donating these things to organizations like the Red Cross.


  • 例如仅仅提着自己的购物逛杂货店停止使用塑料吸管,这种做法本身收效甚微而且对人们提出要求太低。

    On their own, taking our own bags to the grocery store or quitting plastic straws, for example, will accomplish little and require very little of us.


  • 氢燃料汽车未来发展趋势,停止使用矿物燃料方法之一

    Hydrogen vehicles are the future and provide one of the ways to stop using fossil fuels.


  • 尽管所有参与雌激素研究女性2004年停止使用这项治疗调研还是继续监测她们健康作为大型临床试验典型案例。

    Although all the women in the estrogen study stopped using the treatment in 2004, the investigators have continued to monitor their health, as is typical in large clinical trials.


  • 尝试说服杂志编辑广告商停止使用修改过数码相片以及太瘦模特

    She is trying to convince magazine editors and advertisers to stop using digitally altered photographs and underweight models.


  • 钻石1911年公开了P4S3火柴专利因此竞争对手们可以停止使用极度危险一种材料:白磷

    Diamond released its patent for P4S3 matches in 1911 so competitors could stop using an extremely dangerous alternative: white phosphorous.


  • 就算用户停止使用工具他们项目照样能够进行;直接就排除采取任何运行时动作的可能性

    The user's project must continue to work even if they stop using the tool; this immediately rules out anything that happens at runtime.


  • 而且一旦停止使用这些药物,你减轻重量可能大部分或是全部反弹回来

    And when you stop taking these medications, you're likely to regain much or all of the weight you lost.


  • 这个发现可能有助于确定安全地减少停止使用免疫抑制疗法其他移植受者

    This finding may help identify other transplant recipients who could safely reduce or end use of immunosuppressive therapy.


  • 很多病人停止使用医生的处方了。

    Many patients stop taking their prescriptions.


  • 早些时候苹果亚马逊诉讼上遇到了麻烦。联邦法官驳回了苹果要求亚马逊停止使用App Store的初步禁令

    Earlier this week, Apple suffered a setback in its case against Amazon when a federal judge denied its request for a preliminary injunction to stop Amazon from using the name.


  • 并且,停止使用仪器6个月以后他们食量在下降,持续减肥

    Six months after they stopped using the device they still ate less and continued to lose weight.


  • 微软在Hotmail论坛上已经建议他们用户停止使用苹果Safari3Firefox2浏览器防止无法登陆他们的免费邮箱服务

    Microsoft, via the Hotmail forum, has been advising its customers to stop using Safari 3 and Firefox 2 in order to access its free webmail service.


  • 今年四月FDA表示没有足够(证明此物质毒性的数据)建议消费者们停止使用包含三氯沙的产品

    It said in April that it doesn't have enough data to recommend consumers stop using products containing triclosan.


  • 著名的radfem博客主人想让停止使用的标志(Goodtimes) !

    I've been told by one prominent radfem blogger in particular that she wants me to stop using her label! Good times.


  • 现在因为禽流感湖南爆发餐厅已经停止使用湖南进口的家禽

    The restaurant has stopped using poultry from Hunan because of the recent outbreak of bird flu there.


  • 知道多年来有些家庭遭受这种风险希望这些家庭遭遇引起人们足够的重视——停止使用特布他林治疗早产。

    I have known families that suffer from the results of this high risk for years and intend to get enough attention to stop the use of terbutaline for preterm labor.


  • 他们停止使用的时候,麦当劳意识到没有牛肉融入的炸薯条不够之前的味道就要“天然香料救援

    When they stopped using it, and McDonald's realized fried potatoes don't taste as good without some molten beef added, it was "natural flavor" to the rescue.


  • 如果用户对本网站任何材料网站的任何使用条款条件不满,用户唯一补救方法停止使用网站。

    If the User is dissatisfied with any Material on this Site or with any of its Terms and Conditions of Use, the User's sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site.


  • 如果用户对本网站任何材料网站的任何使用条款条件不满,用户唯一补救方法停止使用网站。

    If the User is dissatisfied with any Material on this Site or with any of its Terms and Conditions of Use, the User's sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site.


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