• 公园在家喝茶或者朋友研究

    Go to the park, make a cup of tea at home or do some studying with friends.


  • 研究发现是否能用借记卡信用卡积分

    Do some research and find out if you can earn points with your debit card or credit card.


  • 因此研究确定是否可以催化。

    So there have to be some studies initially to ascertain that yes this is working, "he explained."


  • 需要研究才能找到合适草药治疗某种疾病

    Finding the right herb to cure a particular ailment requires a little research.


  • 当然了解股票市场运作方式必须研究

    Of course, to know how the stock market works, you will have to do some research.


  • 考虑骑车地形后研究选出适合你需要型号自行车

    Also consider your riding terrain and do some research to find a bike type that matches your needs!


  • 基于信念应该趁着年轻研究,多知识。

    This is based on my belief that i should do more research and learn more while i am still young.


  • 如今教授们似乎已经成为职业筹资人,只业余时间做些研究工作。

    Professors nowadays seem to have become professional fundraisers who do a little research on the side.


  • 一方面,如果需要购买景观最好研究制定设计方案

    On the other hand, if you need to purchase a landscape stone, had better do some research first, make design scheme.


  • 最好放下,去有趣的做些研究者所的 “无心阅读”的活。

    You’d be better off putting down the book and doing something more enjoyable or productive than “mindless reading,” as researchers call it.


  • 更好策略兴趣的公司研究去通过秘密面试去见招聘经理说。

    A better strategy would be doing some research into a company you're interested in and approaching the hiring manager for a confidential chat, she said.


  • Jim以为因为我们自由撰稿人我们服务的刊物可能会研究发布新闻呼吁释放我们。

    Jim and I had assumed that because we were freelancers, our publishers would do some research, publish the story, and call for our release.


  • 老板可能关心你的信仰第一直觉但是保证你的感觉可能会起作用,在表达你的直觉之前先研究

    Your boss may very well care about your beliefs or your first instincts, but to ensure your senses are properly working, do some research before spilling your guts.


  • 而如果从未尝试过改变自己的习惯研究吧,去了解曾经成功失败的案例,从中找到你也许会遇到的业障

    If you've never done this habit change before, do some research and read about others who've succeeded and failed at it, and find out what obstacles you should expect.


  • 因为危机”,以为今年安静一年,我本计划文章研究或者凭着兴趣“hacking ”一cool的且非商业东西

    I actually thought this year will be quiet - because of the "crisis", and planned to write some articles, books, doing some research and just enjoying "hacking" some cool not-commercial stuff.


  • 了一些研究之后,我相信我们真的可以为这孩子做些什么。

    After doing some research, I believed that we could really do something for those kids.


  • 自己想象认为他们需要什么做些用户研究确切地发现他们所需。

    Don't rely on your opinion of what you think they need; do user research to actually find out.


  • 研究发现无关的自己转移一会儿注意力,或是干脆问题推到第二使大脑想出最佳解决方法

    Distracting yourself for a few minutes with something else or, even better putting off the issue until the next day, helps the brain come up with the ideal solution, the study found.


  • 当然研究程序最佳方法就是使用这个程序事情因此系列文章研究有所不同代码

    Of course, the best way to explore a program is to do something with it, so this series gets into the code to make a few changes.


  • 对于罕见疾病不在适用人群的年龄范围内而无法利用研究成果患者我们能够什么

    Q: What can we do for patients for whom research results are not relevant because their disease is rare or they fall outside the common age range?


  • 现在可能不能是,抽烟导致癌症或者是抽烟导致癌症,不是每个烟民都会癌症,如果我们研究一点什么呢?

    Now it might be this, it's not the case that smoking causes cancer or that smoking cause cancer without it being it every smoker get cancer, so what do we do if we were researchers at this point?


  • 这个研究小组正在研究盲人使用左侧大脑视觉中枢做些什么希望明年会议上报告成果

    What blind people might use the left visual cortex for is something the group is investigating and hopes to report at next year's meeting.


  • 当然,索尼动机并不仅仅是公益行为:年轻玩家来说他们游戏机空闲时间可以做些像模像样的科学研究将会说服父母一个不错的理由

    Sony's motivation is not just philanthropic: for some young gamers, the fact that their machine will do serious science in its spare time is a useful argument to convince reluctant parents.


  • 观察研究结果显示发达工业社会越来越关注机会以及空闲什么

    Observations and research findings indicate that people in advanced industrial societies are increasingly concerned with opportunities for leisure and what they can do in their leisure time.


  • 此外研究人员请经常恶梦对梦内容做些描述

    Those who owned up to having a lot of nightmares were also asked to describe their contents.


  • 一项研究发现超过一半父母登录Facebook之类社交网站窥探自己的孩子什么

    More than half of parents log onto social networking sites like Facebook to spy on what their children are doing, a study has found.


  • 所以如果已经在用Rails2.2或者只是研究能为什么,那么请阅读研究资源

    So if you've got Rails 2.2 running already or if you're just investigating what it could do for you, read on and investigate some of these resources.


  • 其它研究指出生活方式因素诸如膳食运动睡眠压力心脏病危险影响人们可以方面上什么。

    Other studies have shown that lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, sleep and stress also impacts heart disease risk, and people can do something about these.


  • 如果真的惹人喜爱——研究东西学习点东西,去冒险你自己都意想不到的事情。

    Study something, learn something, risk more than you think you can-if in truth you wish to be loved.


  • 如果真的惹人喜爱——研究东西学习点东西,去冒险你自己都意想不到的事情。

    Study something, learn something, risk more than you think you can-if in truth you wish to be loved.


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