• 受到审问往往受害,更糟糕的是,假定有罪直到证明强奸并非由她挑逗而引起

    It is the victim who is often put on trial and, to add insult to injury, she is presumed guilty until proven innocent of provoking the rape.


  • 《当代生物学》上发表的一项研究中,研究人员向睡眠参与播放了几对虚构的单词及其假定的含义,如“guga”指大象。

    In a study published in Current Biology, researchers played pairs of made-up words and their supposed meanings like "guga" means elephant, to sleep participants.


  • 历史上鸟骨用于占卜一个假定占卜扔下骨头然后以骨头落地的形状预测未来

    Bird bones have also been used in divination throughout history, with a supposed soothsayer throwing the bones and reading their patterns to predict the future.


  • 对于这个样本我们假定请求预先已经通过某个超出范围(out - of -band)的管理过程获得一个账户

    For the sample, we assume that requestors have obtained an account name beforehand via some out-of-band administrative process.


  • 设计就是这样因为我们假定服务使用服务提供都不需要了解其间存在ESB任何信息。

    This is by design, because we assume that neither the service consumer nor the service provider need any knowledge of the ESB that exists between them.


  • 这时年龄18~30岁的被测要通过电脑屏幕阅读一系列包含许多假定故事

    Subjects between the ages of 18 and 30 read stories containing a series of hypothetical scenarios on a computer screen.


  • 受性别限制,假定被告没有年龄限制,无论违法男性女性14岁40岁还是条重罪

    The crime is gender-neutral, and contains no age exemption for putative defendants; whether the perpetrator is male or female, 14 or 40, it is still a felony.


  • 假定php页面需要计算只股票价格可能还需要将两比较并且底层主机刚好处理器。

    Suppose a PHP page needs to calculate two stock prices, perhaps to compare them, and the underlying host happens to be a multiprocessor.


  • 关于日益减少的各种国外旅游中的许多会和巴基斯坦保持距离假定看来合乎情理

    It seems reasonable to suppose that many of Pakistan's dwindling foreign visitors, of all stripes, will now stay away from the country.


  • 这些条件决策动机认知本质有关,也与假定这些决策做出形势有关。

    These conditions relate to the motivation and cognitive nature of decision makers and the situation under which the decisions are assumed to be taken.


  • 然后,服务使用需要测试自己功能以及服务的连接假定服务将按照预期的方式工作

    Then a service consumer need only test its own functionality and its connections to the service, and can assume that the service works as advertised.


  • 另外,假定亚洲国家更少储蓄更多消费它们消费金融产品需求巨大增长

    And assuming Asian countries save less and spend more, there will be a big rise in their consumers' demand for financial products.


  • 另外一个驱动力在于人们的假定现代商业必须至少看起来很好,才能够留住自己的消费吸收新的年轻人

    But the biggest force is the presumption that a modern business needs to be, or at least appear to be, "good" to hang on to customers and recruit clever young people.


  • 因为一个妇女ART之前之后自己得到了孩子研究假定生育不是问题

    Because the women had children on their own either before or after ART, the researchers assumed that fertility was not a problem.


  • 每个框架设计使用假定来构造框架重写原理

    Each framework designer works with a set of assumptions that make up that framework's overriding philosophy.


  • 可能已经预料逐步废除补贴的计划假定计划成功实施将会自己穷苦支持获得更多好处。

    He may yet reckon that his plan to phase out subsidies, assuming it is implemented, will free him to direct more aid at his own, poorer supporters.


  • 多次听说自闭症视觉型学习——事实上所有班级都是在那种假定之下建立的。

    I've heard over and over that people with autism are visual learners - and, in fact, entire classrooms are set up on that assumption.


  • 出于演示的目的,我们假定应用程序包含一个论坛论坛向线程创建授予删除线程的权限

    To demonstrate, suppose your application included a forum, and the forum granted a thread's author permission to delete the thread.


  • 加内特依据假定说服消费作出正确选择减少它们排放量不敢肯定是否

    Garnett: Well, it's predicated on the assumption that it will persuade consumers to make the right choice to cut their emissions, and I'm not sure it will.


  • 为了研究西海岸气候变化未来趋势,研究使用假定气候上升1.8氏度1摄氏度)的模型

    To develop their forecasts of the West Coast’s changing climate the researchers used a model that assumed an increase of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius).


  • 模型假定提供服务获得了ESB有限信任需要提供凭据允许提供直接请求发出进行身份验证。

    This model assumes that there is only limited trust of the ESB by a provider service, which requires credentials which allow the provider to authenticate the initiator of the request directly.


  • (假定的)交易维护忽略了沙特阿拉伯光明一面

    This ignores Saudi Arabia's bright side, say the (hypothetical) deal's defenders.


  • 解决方案通过指定需要服务假定服务提供的方式来创建虚拟提供

    Solution: Create a virtual provider by specifying the service you need and assuming it is being provided.


  • 如果另外一些计算机中存有有趣的东西,得到拷贝容易(假定拥有没有进行保护)。

    If somebody else had something interesting stored on their computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy (assuming the owner did not protect it).


  • 专家研究中,一般假定直接函数训练增长经历丰富见识增长,专家成绩得到提升

    Among investigators of expertise, it has generally been assumed that the performance of experts improved as a direct function of increases in their knowledge through training and extended experience.


  • 解释我们自由意志这一事实反驳会说,我们不得不诉诸假定灵魂存在,这里提到灵魂是非物质并超出物质东西

    To explain the fact that we've got free will, so the objection goes, we have to appeal to — we have to posit — the existence of a soul, something non-physical, something more than purely physical.


  • 假定lob所有其他部门服务使用收取一小笔费用

    Imagine a scenario in which the LOB owner charges a small price to the consumers of the service from other departments.


  • 假定lob所有其他部门服务使用收取一小笔费用

    Imagine a scenario in which the LOB owner charges a small price to the consumers of the service from other departments.


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