• 减少恃强凌弱现象——进而提高小学生幸福感——无疑一个值得追求目标

    The reduction in bullyingand the consequent improvement in pupil happinessis surely a worthwhile objective.


  • 但是奇袭中老怪掉落战利品绝对非常值得追求

    But the loot that drops off of raid bosses will definitely be highly sought after.


  • 许许多多值得追求并且整个世界有益目标

    There are plenty of worthy goals that are truly desirable and that could be beneficial for the entire world.


  • 理想面而言文化生活充实值得追求一种精神价值

    And from an ideal point of view, richness of cultural life is a spiritual value worth pursuing in its own right.


  • 认识是个值得追求提议,人们提出了解决这一问题的方案

    Recognizing that this is a good that must be pursued, solutions were proposed to address this concern.


  • 值得追求挑战因为高档运动仅仅是一个生活缩影

    But it is a challenge worth pursuing because sports, in the end, is just a microcosm of life.


  • 视为值得追求因为增加视频流可靠性提高带宽要求

    It was not seen as worth pursuing as it increases the bandwidth requirements of the streaming video without increased reliability.


  • 高雅乐趣——值得追求的啊!”这样一句,恳求目光使沉默了

    "Exquisite pleasuresit's something to have had them!" he felt like retorting; but the appeal in her eyes kept him silent.


  • 放弃合适目标你才能集中更多宝贵的资源,全力以赴去追求真正值得追求目标

    When you can give up on a goal that isn't working, you'll be freeing up the valuable resources you need to make the most of the goals you do pursue the ones really worth pursuing.


  • 要强调的是父母应该教导孩子除了学业上取得好成绩外,人生还有很多值得追求的目标。

    That's my point. Parents should teach their children that there's more to life than studies.


  • 所以不必任何分手记住这里所说太大的伤,还是值得追求的

    So, not for any break up and be too large wounds, remember, here what I say is too large wounds, true love or desirable.


  • 根本上来说就是使用当地植物节约用水’,两者都值得追求目标考虑深度都不够。

    Basically it was' use native plantings; conserve water, 'both of which are worthwhile goals, but it doesn't go into very much depth.


  • 除了物质还有许多值得追求东西金钱物质增加也是一个一生中不能缺少追求

    That be, in addition to material, also have many deserve pursue of thing, can the increment of the money material also is in one personal whole life and can't be in need of of pursue.


  • 物质世界上四个值得追求的东西分别是良好出身奢华的富裕足够教育美丽的长相

    There are four things desirable in this material world, namely, good parentage, sumptuous wealth, sufficient education, and good beauty.


  • 虽然一个值得追求目标,他游历过一些惊人的地方,一些令人难以置信的生物距离接触。

    Though he has a worthy goal, he's also managed to travel to some amazing destinations and get up close with some incredible creatures.


  • 奥林匹克格言意义在于,夺取一并不是优先考虑的事,全力以赴并取得个人最好成绩奋力拼搏却是值得追求目标

    The sense of the Olympic Motto is that being first is not necessarily a priority, but that giving one's best and striving for personal execllence is a worthwhile goal.


  • 这种平等观念世界上十有八九的民众而言都很难理解,他们认为地位权力值得追求的哪怕他们自己碰巧身处社会最底层

    This concept of equality is strange to seven-eighths of the world which views status and authority as desirable, even if they happen to be near the bottom of the social order.


  • 相信每个人都认同增加透明度值得追求目标所以也许将来这场辩论的各方以将类似这样信息包含进来作为一个基本的原则的目标来实现。

    I think everyone agrees that transparency is a worthy goal so maybe in the future all sides of this debate can aim to include information such as this as a basic principle?


  • 我们中间有许多人真正提供质量的内容,相信技术商业模式不断进化,当到达某个时,具有高质量内容的新闻业将成为值得追求职业

    Plenty among us really want to produce quality and have faith that the technology and business models will evolve to the point that quality journalism will be a rewarding profession to pursue.


  • 即使假定某个目标的确值得追求的如果有人因为某个目标值得追求所以不管采取什么手段达到目标都是正当的,那么,这便是过于宽泛夸张说法。

    Even assuming that a goal is truly worthy, it is an extremely broad overstatement to say that just because a certain goal is worthy, then whatever it takes to reach that goal is justifiable.


  • 头脑已经重新填充了这种女人种种不好后,可能知道世界上还有没有某种女孩是值得追求

    With your head now freshly crammed with the follies of the five sin-ettes, you're probably wondering if there are any types out there that are worth pursuing.


  • 我们依然可以努力追求值得目标我们明白一点它们的影响力或许不如我们想象的那么强大,因此不要抱有过高期望。

    We can still pursue worthwhile aims, but we should be aware that they may turn out to be less momentous than we anticipated and avoid investing them with too much expectation.


  • 所有有inventoritis的人都应该特别注意以下十个问题帮助确定设想是否值得追求

    Anyone with inventoritis should make special note of the following 10 questions that will help you determine if your idea is worth pursuing.


  • 美貌值得称颂要说美貌流逝亦然。我们可以去追求别的目标

    Its existence is to be celebrated, but I would say that so is its loss, freeing us to aspire to other goals.


  • 诸多运动事件力量相比,男女女的努力显得微不足?显然并非所有成功值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负值得追求

    That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating.


  • 这些追求值得称赞,不过有人相信这些努力主要动机显而易见控制成本

    Those are laudable goals, but some believe the main motivation for this new effort is simpler: containing costs.


  • 我们总的目标就是达到工作与家庭平衡不断追求快乐和幸福,放弃一些小奢侈品值得的。

    In the overall goal of achieving work-family balance and in the pursuit of greater happiness, giving up some of the little luxuries is very well worth it.


  • 横断通行费非常但是对于追求高速的司机而言值得的,因为这条路车程1.5小时缩短到了15分钟

    The Aqua Line's toll is steep, but for high-rolling drivers, it cuts the commute between the cities from an hour and a half to 15 minutes.


  • 领导力组成因素,今天演讲主要部分,另外需要解决问题:,如果一个追求的东西不值得

    The ingredients of leadership, that's where I'm spending most of my time on today, And the answer to that question: can one be a leader if your cause is unworthy?


  • 领导力组成因素,今天演讲主要部分,另外需要解决问题:,如果一个追求的东西不值得

    The ingredients of leadership, that's where I'm spending most of my time on today, And the answer to that question: can one be a leader if your cause is unworthy?


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