• 这种资源外化为:信用资本、信用文化、信用能力三个维度

    The accumulation of the credit forms a fine invisible resource which embodies in credit capital, credit culture and credit ability.


  • 国家确实个人拥有得多信用额度但是国家的借款能力还是上限的。

    Countries do have a much bigger credit limit than individuals but there is still a cap on their borrowing capacity.


  • 第二原因在于信用衍生产品大量增长它们给予投资者国债市场抽样能力从而使得投资者只暴露他们觉得有吸引力精确风险之下。

    A second reason is the massive growth of credit derivatives, which has given investors the ability to sample the debt markets so as to get exposure to the precise risks they find attractive.


  • 世界主要信用评级机构之一葡萄牙偿还债务能力提出质疑,再次引发人们对欧洲较弱经济体稳定性担忧

    One of the world's major credit rating agencies is raising doubts about Portugal's ability to pay back its debt, sparking renewed concern about the stability of Europe's weaker economies.


  • 随着信用大量普及,许多人来说,不管自己是否现金支付能力,立即就把想要东西到手司空见惯的事了。

    With credit abundantly available, getting what you want right away, regardless of whether you have the cash to pay for it, is common practice.


  • 金融机构申请贷款个人进行信用检查确保此人能力偿还贷款。

    The financial institution performs a credit check on the individual requesting the loan as assurance that the individual has the financial capability to repay the loan.


  • 埃尔厄利安:“标普公司美国信用评级下调,并不完全由于美国偿还债务能力

    The S&P downgrade is not really about the ability of the U.S. to meet its [debt] payments, " El-Erian explained.


  • 就是说一旦法国信用评级下降——市场最近正在担忧——欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)放贷能力打折扣(AAA信用评级下降)。

    This means that if France were to lose its top credit rating-the latest fear in the markets-the EFSF would lose a big chunk of its lending capacity (or its AAA rating).


  • 必须客户进行类似信用检查评估他们财务能力是否足以维持项目的付款

    A similar credit check needs to be performed on the client to assess their financial viability to sustain the payment for the project.


  • 这项措施大大限制信用发卡行提高现有余额利率能力

    The measure would sharply limit credit card issuers' ability to raise interest rates on existing balances.


  • 举例来说,银行通过信用积分判断申请人还贷能力,该信用积分就是基于过往银行交易数据得到的。

    For example, Banks use credit scores, based on data about past financial transactions, to judge an applicant's ability to repay a loan.


  • 英国银行最近可能丧失了信用关于闲置生产能力言论虚妄之言。

    The Bank of England may have lost some credibility of late, but it has not lost the argument about spare capacity.


  • 限制国家监管机构干预跨国金融合并能力并且让其威胁废除信用零售银行收取的“交换”的立场上让步

    It has limited the ability of national watchdogs to intervene in cross-border financial mergers and backed away from threats to abolish "interchange fees" charged by credit CARDS and retail Banks.


  • 很少低收入购物者得到曾经拥有信用准许,很多人根本能力购买大宗商品。

    Fewer lower-income shoppers have access to the sort of credit they once did, and many can't afford big purchases outright.


  • 他们找到了支持这个观点的负面因素:失业,二是很多借款人利用物业套现贷款偿还高利率信用贷款的能力大大降低

    Two big negatives were identified: Job losses and, for many borrowers, a sharply reduced ability to use home-equity loans to pay off more expensive card balances.


  • 主权国家的信用不但取决于它们支付能力,也取决于它们是否愿意支付。

    Their creditworthiness depends as much on their willingness as their ability to pay.


  • 由于公司业绩改善越来越多的客户认可中集集团莱佛士信用能力

    As the company's track record improves, more and more clients will recognise CIMC Raffles'? Credit and capacity, Mai says.


  • 就是因为这些模型没有能力正确衡量金融风险导致美国信用危急

    It is these models and their inability to quantify financial risk correctly that has led to America's credit crisis.


  • 有些酒店还有信用经理核实酒店客户酒店发生交易其他人资金能力

    Some hotels also have a credit manager on the staff who checks the financial ability of the hotel's customers or others with whom the hotel deals.


  • 分析结果显示,所得到典型判别模型我国证券市场信用情况有较的解释能力

    Displaying of the positive analysis and test, the estimating model can strongly demonstrate the credit problem of our stock market.


  • 这个位置危害信用欧洲银行体系剥夺他们能力增加他们的位置。

    The large positions came to endanger the creditworthiness of the European banking system depriving them of the capacity to add to their positions.


  • 银行调查信用收入情况才能知道每月是否能力支付房子贷款

    The bank has to check your credit and your income to see if you can afford to pay the monthly mortgage.


  • 被问及最看重配偶哪些品质时,80%新婚夫妇表示他们在意信用评分92%的受访者则在意对方是否具备承担经济责任的能力

    When asked what qualities they prioritize in a spouse, 80 percent of newlyweds said they cared about credit scores, while 92 percent of survey respondents said financial responsibility.


  • 这种情况大概反映部分进口商议价能力提高透过这种机制,他们可以省却安排信用费用

    Presumably this reflects the increased bargaining power of some importers who are able, through this mechanism, to save the costs of arranging letters of credit.


  • 日本具有本国机构和国民借款的能力,这很大程度上加剧日本信用依赖

    Japan's addiction to credit was fueled in large part by its ability to borrow from its own institutions and people.


  • 日本具有本国机构和国民借款的能力,这很大程度上加剧日本信用依赖

    Japan's addiction to credit was fueled in large part by its ability to borrow from its own institutions and people.


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