• 现在,如果投资者认为公司信用状况恶化,他可以买入该公司债券CDS不论是否持有公司债券。

    Now investors who believe that credit conditions will deteriorate for a particular company can buy a CDS on the bond, whether or not they own it.


  • 两者对于恶化信用的坏账准备间存在异见,美财会再次提出激进提案

    The two also differ on how banks should reserve for deteriorating credit, with FASB again putting forward the more radical proposals.


  • 北方油砂地区,由于信用危机使得油价人工以及材料成本造成的困境更加恶化许多项目正在往后推移。

    Up north in the tar sands, many projects are being postponed, as the credit crunch adds to the woes caused by low oil prices and high Labour and material costs.


  • 信用危机投资银行被迫削减国外证券市值开始,而随著时间推移这场灾难变的越来越恶化

    The credit crisis has long since moved beyond the woes of investment Banks forced to slash the market value of exotic securities.


  • 烟火制造厂家附近居民要多付房屋保险一样,国债发行人资金状况日益恶化情况信用违约掉期也会变得

    Just as house insurance will cost more for those living next to a fireworks factory, a CDS becomes more expensive when the finances of the bond issuer deteriorate (see chart).


  • 信用评级机构最近印度台湾前景稳定调低至“消极”,因为巨大经济支持方案导致财政恶化”。

    The credit-rating agency recently lowered its outlook fromstable” to “negativefor India and Taiwan because of theirfiscal deteriorationcaused by massive economic support programmes.


  • 欧洲银行急于卖掉信用不可靠一英镑金币证券恶化这一局面

    And the rush by European Banks to sell bonds of the least creditworthy sovereigns has made things worse.


  • 去年由于英国公共财政严重恶化投资者信用评级机构一直处于一种搁置怀疑状态

    For the past year investors and credit-rating agencies have been living in a state of suspended disbelief as Britain's public finances have deteriorated vertiginously.


  • 协议中不包括花旗庞大信用业务海外放贷业务,花旗的信用卡透支拖欠情况正在迅速恶化,海外贷款不祥的兆头。

    Absent from the arrangement are Citigroup's giant credit-card business, where defaults have been rapidly piling up, and its overseas lending operations, which also are showing signs of stress.


  • 这次破产商业票据市场,信用衍生品市场以及银行基金市场引起片恐慌,使银行资产流动发生恶化

    It spawned a panic in the commercial-paper, credit-derivatives and bank-funding markets that dramatically worsened Banks' liquidity.


  • 信用违约互换没有引起问题但是他们确实恶化金融危机。”纽约一家咨询公司纽约咨询公司主管Leslie Rahl

    Credit default swaps "didn't cause the problem, but they certainly exacerbated the financial crisis," said Leslie Rahl, President of Capital Market Risk Advisors, a consulting firm in New York.


  • 声明称,降低评级反映了英国实际偿债能力恶化未来时期内国家信用水平难以改善真实状况”。

    The downgrade reflected "the deteriorating debt repayment capability of the UK and the difficulty in improving its sovereign credit level in a moderately long term in the future," it said.


  • 上述比率上升,主要因为个人破产个案急升,令信用组合质素恶化

    The worsening of these figures reflects a deterioration in the quality of credit card portfolios, relating in particular to the sharp rise in personal bankruptcies.


  • 通过药品监管者监管博弈分析认为轻微惩罚对于减少信用危机毫无益处反而助长危机恶化

    By analyzing the supervision of supervisor in game theory, we conclude that slight penalty has no any use of reducing credit crisis. On the contrary, it will encourage the deterioration of crisis.


  • 可能出现次级资产价值继续恶化,而且信用创伤引起更广阔范围内经济冲击也不明确,还有公司名誉损害程度还没有确定

    Further deterioration in its subprime asset values is possible; the broader economic impact of the credit crunch is unclear; and the damage to the bank's reputation cannot yet be quantified.


  • 我国现阶段信用存在道德环境制度环境许多缺陷,致使市场主体的信用关系存在恶化的趋势。

    At present stage moral and institutional environments where credit exists have many defects, which have made the credit relations get worse and worse.


  • 一些投资者担心由于某些贷方向低信用提供次级贷款而殃及主流金融机构从而恶化并降低美国住房供给速度

    Some investors fear the problems of lenders who make subprime loans to people with weak credit histories are spreading to mainstream financial firms and will worsen the U. S. housing slowdown.


  • 西班牙经济前景恶化的影响,两家主流信用等级评定机构降低了西班牙某些银行信用等级。

    Two leading credit rating agencies have downgraded some of Spain's largest Banks, citing a deteriorating outlook for the Spanish economy.


  • 认为我们以前完善公众政策力量加上财政刺激应该可以在一个可以接受的时间阻止信用市场继续恶化)。

    I do think the power of public policy in its entirety - that which has been done, plus a large fiscal stimulus - should be able to stem this within a reasonable period of time.


  • 认为我们以前完善公众政策力量加上财政刺激应该可以在一个可以接受的时间阻止信用市场继续恶化)。

    I do think the power of public policy in its entirety - that which has been done, plus a large fiscal stimulus - should be able to stem this within a reasonable period of time.


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