• 除了自己姓名军衔编号出生日期外,绝不可能捕获他的人透露其他任何信息

    He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name, rank, serial number and date of birth.


  • 同时需要维护当前使用槽位编号全局列表以及正在使用线程的线程信息

    A global list of the currently used slot Numbers is maintained, along with the thread information of the threads using it.


  • TCP报头包含端口信息隐含协议标记顺序编号

    TCP header, which includes information on the port, implied protocol, flags and sequencing Numbers.


  • 这种信息中继过程中,可能出现错误保单编号域中可能会出现错误数据

    During this information relay there's a margin for error; the wrong data could end up in the policy number field.


  • 类似地购书应用程序将把数据再转换仓库提货请求运输标签跟踪编号完成销售所需信息

    Similarly, the shopping application remakes the data into a pick request for the warehouse and a shipping label and tracking number - information required to effectuate the sale.


  • 利用某些智能跟踪——能够追踪祖先起源精者编号以及点点滴滴生物信息一种测试——父母及后代能够找到捐献者。

    With someclever sleuthing—tests that can track down ancestral origins, donor numbers, and bits of biographical informationparents andoffspring can find out the donors.


  • 看板卡片对应一个任务,上面写明了如下信息:任务编号、任务名称估计时间以及任务领取名字

    One Kanban card is a counterpart of one task, and written on it are information such as: task id, task name, estimate of time, and person's name who signed up to the task.


  • 启动claimform .html页面输入一个索赔者姓名事故日期事件、警察报告编号以及其他一些信息如图11所示。

    Starting on the claimform.html page, enter a claimant name, accident date and time, police report number, and a few more bits of information, as shown in Figure 11.


  • WorkOrder2表单使用(Customers)视图读取客户编号关键列表,以及查找特定客户的详细信息

    WorkOrder2 form USES the (Customers) view to read the keyword list of customer Numbers and to look up detailed information for a particular customer.


  • TopicMaps [iso国际标准编号13250]提供组织信息系统某些方面rdf竞争的一种SemanticWeb技术

    Topic Maps [ISO International Standard, number 13250] provide a system for organizing information and are in some ways a competing Semantic Web technology to RDF.


  • (现在Scopus中,Varmus两个编号而Weertmans有多达65个),也是为何科学信息公司需要人力帮助了。

    (in Scopus, Varmus now has two Numbers, whereas the Weertmans together have 65.) And that's why science information companies need human help.


  • 如果没有时间戳不能有效地排序;如果没有线程ID唯一编号,您不能如此整洁地分类信息

    Without timestamps, you could not effectively sort; without thread IDs and unique numbers, you wouldn't be able to cut things up so neatly.


  • 信息一个唯一的报告编号开始;这个有助于查找信息引用它们

    The message starts with a unique ReportKey; it may be used to find messages and also to reference them.


  • 例如,在针对库存信息访问分析进行信息整合时,需要解决相同零件不同零件编号的问题。

    For example, different part Numbers for the same part need to be resolved when information is consolidated for inventory access and analysis.


  • 客户服务代表必须通过电话读出长长的保单编号用户必须收听表单域中输入编号信息

    The customer service rep has to read a long policy number over the phone, and the user has to listen and type that number into the form field.


  • 例如清单2显示了引用编号为4f4cb 1109404的一封电子邮件可以使用编号获得相关信息确定提取哪些内容

    For example, Listing 2 shows an E-mail with the reference number 4f4cb1109404, which you can use to pull out relevant information to determine what to extract.


  • 图纸内容应包括材料部件编号间隙公差,表面机械加工符号热处理信息,表面保护,材料重量以及其他的必要内容

    Drawings will also include the material part Numbers, tolerances clearances, surface machining symbols, heat treatment information, surface protection, material weight and other necessary information.


  • 公司保证实验室顾客编号而不是姓名,以此保护客户的基因信息隐私权。

    The company promises to keep the genetic information private by giving its labs only customer numbers, not names.


  • Portlet1接收顾客编号时,它会显示顾客的储蓄账户详细信息

    When it receives the customer number from portlet 1, it displays the details of the customer's savings account.


  • 学生基本信息进行简单查询,查询灵活,进行模糊查询和不同编号、不同范围的查询。

    The basic information of students is flexible, simple, and can query fuzzy query and different Numbers and scope of inquiry.


  • 现在RMS原始消息增加Sequence信息,其中包括SequenceID消息编号(在例中1)。

    The RMS now adds a Sequence header into the original application message. This has the SequenceID and the message number (in this case it will be 1).


  • 技术能够明确地表明正当中断通话的意愿,这一点正确的——你可以通过呼叫者编号信息回避不想接听的电话(加免打扰列表),或者通过国家谢绝来电登记处”(NationalDoNotCall Registry)登记拒绝电话推销员的来电。

    It's true that technology lets you explicitly indicate allowable interruptions -- you can use caller ID to dodge unwanted calls or sign up at the National Do Not Call Registry to nix telemarketers.


  • 文件状态通过各文件的标题唯一文件编号、发放日期修订级别信息进行控制。

    Document status is controlled by reference to their title, unique document number, date of issue and revision level.


  • 举个例子,使用款软件后,G1手机用户需要把手机摄像头对准比赛场馆,程序便会自动屏幕显示出场馆编号实时显示出场馆中正在进行比赛细节以及赛事评论等等有关信息

    For example, pointing the G1 at a court would tell the user the court number as well as details of the current and previous matches.


  • 幻灯片备注一个放置幻灯片额外信息很好的位置例如编号细节辅助教材脚注

    Slide notes are a good location for adding extra information about a slide, such as numerical details, supporting materials, or footnote text.


  • 报告称有的士兵审讯者提供姓名级别入伍编号生日以外信息

    According to the report, some soldiers offered interrogator name, level, and the army information beyond number and birthday.


  • 编制项目专用文件登记薄,以记录唯一文件编号、文件标题修订状态分发状态等信息确保修订状态的控制

    Document registers specific to the project are generated which identify the unique document number, title, revision status and distribution to ensure that revisions status is maintained.


  • 每个绿”内都有与运政管理系统相对应的唯一编号交通执法部门可以通过车载读写器就可以50到80米外稳定读取车内“绿盾”信息

    Every "green shield" has an only serial number registered in operation management system. Traffic police can find out targeted taxi's information within 50-80m through the "green shield".


  • 文件夹中的文件通过标题书脊上的信息识别,在标题页和书脊上写有文件标题和唯一文件编号

    The lever arch file is identified by title page and spine which quote the document title and unique file number.


  • 可以学校的官方网站上输入姓名毕业证书编号查询信息

    You may log on to our college's official web site, where you will be able to get information about me after inputting my full name and graduation certificate number.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定