• 科学家这种信号解释一种抗压力反应”,表示人体积极地与病毒斗争

    Thee scientists interpreted this signature as an "anti-stress response" that showed their bodies were actively fighting off the virus.


  • 第三人们通过思考这样选择”来解释信号,即使他们指导做出这样选择希望通过这个选择发送信号

    Third, one interprets signals by askingwhat kinds of people would make this choice?” while understanding that the person makes the choice hoping to send the signal.


  • 我们掌握确切解释这些信号科学知识

    But we do not have the scientific knowledge to interpret these signals with certainty.


  • GPS接收机校正可以方面的误差做出解释尽管如此,GPS时钟信号只能保证准确度100级别。

    GPS receivers make corrections to account for this, but nonetheless the clock signals are only guaranteed to be correct on the order of 100 nanoseconds.


  • 即便真的有其他船只牵涉进来,也很难解释为什么警觉船长值班人员没有及时发现这样一艘正在靠近集装箱并发出求救信号

    But even if another vessel was involved, it's hard to explain how an alert captain or watch stander would not have spotted an approaching container ship in time to make an adequate mayday call.


  • 美国物理学家称,银河中心暗物质湮灭这一设想,可以解释近年来空间望远镜探测到的信号

    Annihilating dark matter at the heart of the Milky Way could account for signals detected by two space telescopes, according to a pair of US physicists.


  • 但是夫妇很少能解释负面情绪引起的冲突信号,从而自动调节自身达到内心平衡

    But couples in conflict rarely interpret negative feelings as signals to balance the drives for autonomy and connection.


  • 信息丘脑传递大脑皮层,由大脑皮层解释这个信号产生感觉

    From the thalamus, the "itch" message is passed to the cerebral cortex, which interprets the signals and produces the sensation of itch.


  • 投资者这种大宗资产出售解释那些经理认真专注于高成长性业务的信号

    Investors seem to interpret a big asset sale as a signal that managers are serious about focusing on growth areas.


  • 也就解释为什么曼彻斯特成为众多有志年轻球员最终的选择了,不过与此同时对于更加谨慎的球员来说这就是一种拒绝信号

    It explains why Manchester is the prime choice for aspiring young players, but is also a source of rejection amongst those more prudent.


  • 教练拒绝解释而直接自己的知识解决问题或者命令口气来领导团队时,这就是一个不太好的信号

    It's a bad sign when a coach refuses to explain something, USES technical knowledge to "beat down" an alternative idea, or tries to lead by "command."


  • 也就可以解释为什么试图通过血管生成抑制因子来阻断血管生长信号而阻断肿瘤血液供应药物通常失去作用。

    She says that this could explain why cancer drugs aimed at choking off a tumor's blood supply by blocking growth signals, known as angiogenesis inhibitors, usually stop working within about 6 months.


  • args这个信号数据结构通过IPC_SET来更新(这个例子中会有解释)。

    Args are the values to be updated in the semaphore set data structure through this IPC_SET (explained in the sample).


  • Jerry同事考虑他们想到的其它解释:它是卫星信号

    Jerry and his colleagues checked all the alternative explanations they could think of.


  • 如果我们检测解释这些信号这个论点就证毕了。理论上没有理由认为他们只能操纵思考者身体不能操作其他物体

    If these electrical signals could be detected and interpreted, the argument goes, there is in principle no reason why they could not be used to steer objects other than the thinker's own body.


  • 如果我们收集到这些神经元信号,对解码算法翻译出来,那么我们就让安装在瘫痪手臂机器人装置按照这些信号的要求动起来。”全·奎罗哥进一步解释

    'If we can get the signals from these neurons and interpret them with what is called decoding algorithms, then we can move a robot device placed on the paralysed arm,' added Quian Quiroga.


  • 司机只需头戴一个装有16传感器接收脑部电磁信号特殊小设备,当信号产生时,就会被能正确识别左或右两种特殊模式的电脑解释

    The driver then puts on the special cap with 16 sensors on it which pick up the brain’s electromagnetic signals.


  • 此举激怒了诺基亚,诺基亚随即发表声明反击苹果公司在声明中解释始终优先考虑接收信号问题,而非结构设计

    Nokia took offense to the statement by Apple and issued a statement firing about at Apple explaining how Nokia would always choose reception over physical design. The full statement can be read below.


  • 星期五关于iPhone4天线问题解释中,苹果CEOSteve Jobs使用一些幻灯片说明握住手机方法不对时,其他的智能手机也存在同样信号接收问题。

    In his explanation of the iPhone 4's antenna problem on Friday, Apple CEO Steve Jobs used a slideshow to argue that other popular smartphones face the same reception problem when held the wrong way.


  • 然后使用反射信号解释位置大小对象组成

    It then USES the reflected signal to interpret the location, size, and composition of an object.


  • 消息解码过程中,沿着信道噪声可能干扰接收机来自发送机信号解释可以破坏失真信号

    In the process of message decoding, noise along the channel may interfere with the receiver's interpreting of the signal from the sender it can destroy or distort the signal.


  • 最后分析夹具载荷材质记忆信号影响,并利用磁畴理论进行了分析解释

    There is a significant character before the fracture. At last, the inffllution of fixtures, loads and materials to magnetic memory signals is analyzied.


  • 编码发送方将消息放入信号(编码消息)过程解码是指接收机解释来自发送者的信号过程。

    Encoding refers to the process of the sender putting the message into a signal (the encoded message); decoding refers to the process of the receiver interpreting the signal from the sender.


  • 文中所建立的系统进行了相频频特性的理论分析和实验,合理地解释系统的迟滞曲线输入信号频率变化原因

    The phase-frequency and amplitude-frequency responses of the system were analyzed and experimented, which reasonably explains why the hysteretic curve changes with input signal frequency.


  • 鼻子使用一个接受器神经元相互连接复杂系统这个系统将信号传导大脑进行解释

    The human nose USES a complex system of interconnected receptors and neurons, which conduct signals to the brain for interpretation.


  • 鼻子使用一个接受器神经元相互连接复杂系统这个系统将信号传导大脑进行解释

    The human nose USES a complex system of interconnected receptors and neurons, which conduct signals to the brain for interpretation.


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