• 贷款保证保险不同担保

    Individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance differs from surety.


  • 同时北京市实施涉农小额信贷保证保险提出两个建议方案。

    It also put forward two implementation proposals for agriculturerelated microcredit guarantee insurance in Beijing.


  • 保证保险保险作为保证人为义务人投保人权利人提供担保

    Guarantee insurance refers to the insurer as a guarantor offering a bond for obligor i. e. the insurant, to the obligee.


  • 履约保证保险存在理论争议保证保险性质保证保险合同独立性

    There are two controversial theories in the field of the guarantee insurance, which are the character of the guarantee insurance and the independence of the contract of guarantee insurance.


  • 消费信贷蓬勃发展保险公司积极加入从而我国催生了履约保证保险

    The expense credit vigorous development, the insurance company joins positively, thus expedited childbirth in our country has honored an agreement to guarantee the insurance.


  • 保证保险不同信用保险保证担保分期付款购车中的应用值得认真探讨。

    Warranty insurance is different from credit insurance and guarantee. Its application in the installment purchase of vehicles is worthy of serious analyse.


  • 正确认识保证保险条款保证保险合作协议之间关系正确解决此类纠纷的关键

    It is the key that the relation between the article about individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance and the cooperate agreement about guarantee insurance is understood.


  • 无论是在存在原因责任还是在运作上,保证保险应当属于一种担保方式保险经营

    Guaranty insurance should be a way of surety instead of insurance on the base of existence reason, liability, and operation.


  • 保证保险公司设立是基于以下前提,它能保证拥有足够储存资金,以便用来拟补有可能发生损失

    You have to have the insurance company set up with a structure itself that guarantees that they have enough reserves to meet the losses that they might incur.


  • 汽车消费贷款虽然大多数保险公司履约保证保险风险仍然很大程度上存在日趋显现出来

    Although auto consumption loan is insured by performance bond of the insurance companies, the risks still exist and emerge to a great extent.


  • 个人汽车消费贷款保证保险,即新车贷险,第一“车贷险”全面叫停,沉寂半年又重新回到市场

    The new Private Automobile Loans Bond Insurance (PALBI) was put into market once again after its first generation had been banned for half a year.


  • 笔者保证合同保证保险合同相比较进行分析抛砖引玉,以期能够正确界定保证保险合同法律性质

    The thesis compares the guaranty contract with the guaranty insurance contract, hoping to give a correct definition to the legal nature of the guaranty insurance contract.


  • 正是顺应需要银行个人消费信贷业务中的履约保证保险应运而出,并为各利益主体接受,显现出其强大的生命活力。

    To satisfy this need, performance guarantee insurance derives from bank individual consumption credit business, gains general accept -ability from the parties interested, and presents great vitality.


  • 全国地产经纪商协会发言人莫洛尼(Walter Molony)经纪商在淡季时的传统做法是涉足评估商业房地产保险产权保证保险

    Walter Molony, NAR spokesman, says Realtors traditionally dabbled in appraisals, commercial real-estate insurance and title insurance to carry them through slow months.


  • 美联储广泛借债,财政部将资金注入银行联邦存款保险公司对银行欠款保证在发挥作用。

    The vast expansion of Fed lending, Treasury capital injections into Banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation bank-debt guarantees are producing results.


  • 流动人口们自己也不是很确定是否回到农田中;没有了工作保证他们土地就是他们唯一的保险

    The migrants themselves hesitate to say they'll never return to the farm; without job security, their small plots of land are their only insurance.


  • 购买其他保险办法奏效了——这些我们行为审计微薄理赔信用保证

    This is the way all of the other insurance I buy works - there are audits of our behavior and credit for a lack of claims.


  • 公司2008年裁员但是好心老板每周工作一个晚上以便可以保证他的健康保险

    His company slashed the staff in 2008, but a kind boss kept Elmer working one night a week so he could keep his health insurance.


  • 十二周一保证绝不会忘记自己目标促使十二月保险公司那样多产,而且只是年一而是一年次!

    The "12 Week year" will ensure that you never forget about your goals, it will force you to be as productive as an insurance agency in December... not just once, but four times a year.


  • 第三(银行保险公司除外)保证方式担保贷款最高额达到购车款的60%。

    If the guarantee is made by the third party (except the bank and the insurance company), the loan line shall be no more than 60% of auto funds.


  • 个人怀疑这些课程更像是保险公司的保证因为安全有关

    I had my suspicions that the course was as much to reassure our insurers as it was about safety.


  • 保险成本上升时这类保险销售商银行AIG一类的保险)就必须拿出更多的现金作为抵押保证它们能力作出赔偿

    When the cost rises, sellers of such insurance, including banks and big insurers such as AIG, must put up extra cash as collateral to guarantee they'll be able to make good on their obligations.


  • 如果要(应该)保证通信流加密的,更保险的做法是确保始终使用SSL

    If you want to guarantee that traffic is encrypted (and you should), it is safer to ensure that SSL is always used.


  • 做事保险一点保证时间关心一下你自己成绩工作

    Playing it safe guarantees you'll have more time and energy to think about your grades or your work.


  • 如今,大部分保险公司推行业务时候降低甚至取消保证回报率,希望凭借着新的保险业务带来的利润可以弥补之前犯下的错误

    Most insurers are reducing or eliminating guarantees on new business in the hope that profits on new policies will allow them to outrun their past mistakes.


  • 如今,大部分保险公司推行业务时候降低甚至取消保证回报率,希望凭借着新的保险业务带来的利润可以弥补之前犯下的错误

    Most insurers are reducing or eliminating guarantees on new business in the hope that profits on new policies will allow them to outrun their past mistakes.


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