• 罗·富塞尔新书发泄了自己国家所有不满。

    Paul Fussell's latest book vents his spleen against everything he hates about his country.


  • 法纳尔大厅比肯山再哈佛大学·里维尔故居波士顿大屠杀的发生地,游客们可以下午的时间里找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


  • 罗·维格纳尔其他人发现了二叠纪末期海洋化石沉积达到多样性高峰地点。

    Paul Wignall and others have found sites where marine fossil deposits reached a peak of diversity at the very end of the Permian period.


  • 不仅为自己的生命而战,还拯救了他父亲的生命。那天,乔和他的父亲罗乘着皮艇离开安格尔西岛的海岸。突然,他们发现皮艇进水了。

    He not only fought for his own life, but also saved his father's. On that day, Joe and his father Paul were out on their kayak off the coast of Anglesey. Suddenly they noticed that the kayak was starting to fill with water.


  • 西尔维娅罗·卡斯特森一对来自英国剑桥退休夫妇,最近纳米比亚度假了16天,在那里进行了观之旅。

    Sylvia and Paul Custerson, a retired couple from Cambridge, England, recently took a 16-day vacation to Namibia, where they went on bird-watching excursions.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,罗·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩尔、麦克斯韦·安德森、桑顿·怀尔德、威廉·萨罗扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 非常感谢·索尔曼问题交给 SheilaBair

    Many thanks to Paul Solman for putting my question to Sheila Bair.


  • 凡尔赛宫路易·助手罗·查塔尔先生设计的。

    Versailles was designed by Louis Le Vau and his assistant Monsieur Paul Chatal.


  • 世界银行行长罗·沃尔福威茨踏上亚齐土地之后所说的一句话,就包含了两个。这里是印度尼西亚东帝汶行程第一

    They were among the first words World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz spoke as he set foot on the ground in Aceh, the first leg of his trip to Indonesia and Timor Leste.


  • 世界银行行长.沃尔福威茨表示多哈回合贫困人口全球经济利害关系了,因此它不能失败。

    World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, says the stakes for the poor and for the world economy are too big to allow the Doha Round to fail.


  • 欢迎执董会任命罗·沃尔福威茨担任世界银行集团下任行长决定

    I welcome the decision of the Board to appoint Paul Wolfowitz as the next President of the World Bank Group.


  • 会上,执董会对即将离任世界银行集团行长罗·沃尔福·维茨先生表示感谢

    In doing so, the Executive Directors expressed appreciation to Mr. Paul Wolfowitz as departing President of the World Bank Group.


  • 牛津大学罗·科利尔认为西方援助非洲大陆经济前景影响得多。

    Oxford University's Paul Collier reckons this will affect the continent's economic prospects a lot more than Western aid.


  • 罗·肯尼迪:帝尔沃斯历史学教授耶鲁大学国际安全研究负责人

    Paul Kennedy is Dilworth professor of history and director of international security studies at Yale University.


  • 最近莎拉·林就在一个历史问题中犯了错。她说:罗·里维尔的夜奔为了警告英国

    Sarah Palin got history wrong recently by saying Paul Revere's ride was meant to warn the British - about the British.


  • 我们劲敌哥尔兹罗队打比赛体育馆时,队的比赛就要结束了。

    We went over to Goldsboro, which was our big rival, and I entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up.


  • 尼日利亚池州访问期间世界银行行长.沃尔福威茨亲眼目睹该项目的实际情况

    World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz will see first hand tangible evidence of the project when he visits Bauchi state during his trip to Nigeria.


  • 欢迎20国集团部长们作出承诺,即继续努力实现它们谷作出提高援助数量效果证,”世界银行行长罗·沃尔福威

    "I welcomed the continued commitment by G20 Ministers to fulfill the pledges made at Gleneagles to increase the amount and effectiveness of aid," said Paul Wolfowitz, World Bank President.


  • 事实上罗·里维尔一个餐具工匠

    Paul Revere, in fact, was a flatware craftsman.


  • 或许并不担心海平面上升,或者他为了我们利益一个当代罗·里维尔勇敢地面对海平面上升。

    Either he isn't as worried about rising seas, or perhaps is bravely keeping an eye on them as a modern Paul Revere just for our benefit.


  • 导演皮埃尔··帕索里尼还没来得及回应针对此片争议电影发行不久残忍地谋杀了

    Filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini had little time to respond to the film's controversy because he was brutally murdered soon after its release.


  • 世界银行行长罗·沃尔福威茨重要的是世行已经承诺国际社会合作资源使用高效透明的

    World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz says more importantly the Bank has committed to work in co-ordination with the international community to ensure resources are used effectively and transparently.


  • ·阿尔真蒂耶——罗。利亚律师之一,原始文档正在一个安全地方

    Paul Argentieri, one of Ceglia's lawyers, says the original document is in a safe place.


  • 伴随着“圣诞老人”.埃尔登挥舞的雪橇我们将带给一个特别圣诞主题活动圣诞节颂歌,爵士版的时下经典以及香甜的热饮酒点心

    With PaulSanta’ Eldon cracking the sleigh-whip, we bring you a special Christmas themed event complete with traditional carols, and jazz renditions of seasonal classics. With mulled wine and mince!


  • 罗·沃尔福威茨了解到教育对于巴基斯坦家长们以往任何时候都更加重要因为男人看到了让女儿教育好处

    Paul Wolfowitz learned how important education was for Pakistan's parents with more than before men seeing the benefit in educating their daughters.


  • 杜维尔:“医生治愈了的失落感。”

    "Doctor Paul cured my apathy," said Kevin Duewel.


  • 珍妮弗·弗劳尔斯现在起诉詹姆斯·卡维尔。贝加拉希拉里声称希拉里诽谤

    Gennifer Flowers still has a suit against James Carville, Paul Begala, and Hillary for allegedly slandering her.


  • 程序员尼维尔负责麦克纳利的特效编写程序。

    Programmer Paul Newell is responsible for building the rigs to McNally's specifications.


  • 程序员尼维尔负责麦克纳利的特效编写程序。

    Programmer Paul Newell is responsible for building the rigs to McNally's specifications.


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