• 职业生涯中执行A计划时,记得保留计划B——一个你可以依靠备用计划

    As you move along Plan a of your career, maintain a Plan B as well -an alternative course to rely.


  • 工党最近宣布如果重新掌权保留联合政府大部分开支计划

    The Labor party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition's spending plans if it returns to power.


  • 那么中期选举怎么会授权他们实施一项不但保留所有这些削减项目而且最终彻底肢解“老年医保计划

    How, then, can the election have provided a mandate for a plan that not only would preserve all of those cuts, but would go on, over time, to dismantle Medicare completely?


  • 多数情况下本地索引保留分区顺序属性如果计划采用本地索引,还需要进行额外排序操作。

    In most cases, local indexes do not preserve the order property across partitions and that requires an extra sort if the plan is using local indexes.


  • 然而征兵役制作为意外事故防范计划保留着。 法律规定年纪18-25公民必须进行登记注册,以备紧急需要时迅速恢复义务兵役

    However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.


  • 更好办法项目保留测试计划测试用例并且每一迭代它们进行标记正如前一小节描述的那样,有效地使用迭代

    It is much better to maintain a single set of test plans and test cases for your project, and tag them for each iteration, as described in the previous section, Using iterations effectively.


  • 全国过渡委员会作出计划设想一段平行进程之下警察武装力量大部分——沾满鲜血的一部分之外——保留

    A parallel process under which large parts of the police and the armed forces, apart from those with serious blood on their hands, will be retained is already envisaged in plans made by the NTC.


  • 火箭队计划姚明保留季后赛——如果火箭队在限制姚明上场时间的同时还进入季后赛的话。

    The plan is to preserve Yao for a postseason run - if the Rockets can get there with him playing such a limited role.


  • 计划回滚时,只需保留现有应用程序服务器环境即可,再无其他要求。

    Planning for rollback introduces no new requirement for keeping the existing application server environment.


  • 强制服务计划已经世界各国所采用以此部署保留国家专业医疗人力资源。

    Compulsory service programmes have been used worldwide as a way to deploy and retain a professional health workforce within countries.


  • 但是UBL 2.0之前,还计划推出ubl 1.1,这是一次很小的升级,主要为了解决1.0版保留下来的一些突出问题

    But even before UBL 2.0, a UBL 1.1 is planned as a fairly minor release addressing some outstanding issues that were deferred for the 1.0 release.


  • 俄国一直计划保留提升战略潜艇编队

    Russia has been planning to maintain and upgrade its fleet of strategic submarines.


  • 计划还规定维护以色列内外安全和公民公共秩序方面保留责任

    The DOP provides that Israel will retain responsibility during the transitional period for external and internal security and for public order of settlements and Israeli citizens.


  • 虽然计划进一步加强xmeclipse集成但是保留命令行选项

    Although I plan to integrate XM more tightly with Eclipse, I also want to retain the command-line option.


  • 宣称将会保留采矿业征收税款有争议计划

    She also said she would preserve a controversial plan to tax the mining industry. See article


  • Yarter 指出计划核心目标合理化成本改善效果保留各个业务内容所有权

    The overarching objective was to rationalize costs and improve effectiveness yet preserve the individual businesses' ownership of their content, says Yarter.


  • 生产资料市场来说,1978年以前国家指令性计划分配生产资料产品791种,现在保留5种,其余进入市场。

    Before 1978, there were 791 products belonging to means of production allocated according to state plans, but now only five of them remain, and the rest have entered the market.


  • 如果计划示例应用程序那样配置属性文件提供缺省值,则可以保留UserIDPassword字段为空

    You can leave the User ID and Password fields empty if you are planning on supplying a default in the configuration properties file as the sample application does.


  • 法国欧盟事务部长PierreLellouche:“‘吉普赛(罗姆人)问题意味着法国申根扩大计划持有保留的态度。”

    Pierre Lellouche, France's EU affairs minister, said that the "Roma issue" meant his country had “reservationsabout the planned Schengen enlargement.


  • 最后我们原则严格按照行程执行计划但是可能出现的不可预见的情况我们保留修改原定计划权利

    And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseen circumstances.


  • 凡特博士做一步申请专利,而人类基因组计划尽力确保基因组数据作为人类共同遗产”,保留公共领域

    While Dr Venter was patenting every step of the way, the HGP was trying to ensure the genome remained in the public domain as part of "the common heritage of humanity".


  • 提出,计划解决贷款违约问题,是治本的方案,不仅容易解救困境中的银行业而且能使房屋拥有者保留房产。

    He argued that by tackling mortgage defaults, his plan would deal with the roots of the financial difficulties and make it easier to rescue Banks, while keeping homeowners under their roofs.


  • 短时工作计划许多得以保留工作

    Short-time work schemes have preserved many jobs.


  • 发现他们活着时,CIA依旧保留预先计划好的封面故事否认任何关于二人的信息。

    When they discovered their men were alive, CIA stuck with a preplanned cover story and disavowed any knowledge of the agents.


  • 发现他们活着时,CIA依旧保留预先计划好的封面故事否认任何关于二人的信息。

    When they discovered their men were alive, CIA stuck with a preplanned cover story and disavowed any knowledge of the agents.


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