• 结论(1)保持停止后,牙齿回复原来位置倾向

    Conclusions (1) There was a trend that teeth relapsed to original position out of retention.


  • 必须重申一下:要减掉体内脂肪重要的事就是停止谷物摄取保持较低碳水化合物摄入

    I have to reiterate: The most important thing you need to do to lose body fat is to stop your sugar and cereal intake and keep your carbohydrate intake low.


  • 必须保持冷静,待在那里直到震动停止

    You must keep calm and stay there until the shaking stops.


  • 如果不是编辑模式加载文档公式将只是保持停止执行(参见1)。

    If the document is not being loaded in edit mode, then the formula simply retains that value and stops executing (see figure 1).


  • 永远不要停止学习:学一种新的语言玩字谜游戏保持思维敏捷,帮助吸血鬼的是那些阅读起来有难度发人深省书籍而不是每天早晨报纸上的体育版

    Never stop learning; tackle a new language, do puzzles and games to keep your mind sharp and for ghoul's sake read challenging and thought-provoking books instead of the sports page every morning.


  • 眼睛反映脑干控制脑干正是保持生命存活的关键区域假如脑干停止工作意味着大脑本身工作了。

    The eye reflex is mediated by the brain stem, and that's the area that keeps us alive; if that doesn't work, then that means that the brain itself isn't working.


  • 你们不会去想着保持积极”,停止消极思考,你们将会获得真实,可靠。

    You won't be striving to "stay positive" or "stop thinking negatively", you'll be living authentically.


  • 游戏大脑保持运转(相反电视类活动会让你大脑停止活动),但是不会工作的能量减少。

    Playing a game keeps your mind working (versus, say, watching TV), but doesn't have any of the energy-sapping stresses of work.


  • 我家分钟内,不仅能够完成所有的事,而且需要停止下来时候,也是一个好的保持冷静东西

    Not only can the 10 minutes timer be good for getting stuff done around my home, it can also be a sanity saver when I need to stop and slow down.


  • 月球炽热内核停止翻滚已几千万了,如何保持磁场的?

    How did the moon remain magnetic tens of millions of years after its molten core stopped sloshing?


  • 一旦存档检查点RSS节点完成操作,停止应用任何其他日志记录服务器保持正确状态以便使用外部实用工具复制数据块。

    Once the archive checkpoint is completed in the RSS node, it will stop applying any other further log records, leaving the server in the correct state to copy the chunks by an external utility.


  • 首先如果依赖新奇感保持生活的趣味最终可能踩上一部永不停止跑步机,永远在追寻一个刺激

    For a start, if you rely on novelty to keep life interesting, you risk ending up on a perpetual treadmill, always seeking the next thrill.


  • 觉得眼前,于是停止挖掘,撑住绿色铁锹把手保持平衡

    He thinks he's going to black out and he stops his digging, steadying himself on the green handle of the spade.


  • 他们做到一点飞机停止保持一个稳定悬停

    When they do this the aircraft stops and maintains a stable hover!


  • 简单尾随停止保持为了一个准确百分比低于市场价格(以上很短立场)。

    Very simply, the trailing stop maintains a stop-loss order at a precise percentage below the market price (or above, in the case of a short position).


  • 一个模糊考虑例如可以保持等待某些技术基本标准得到满足之前,停止

    A vague consideration, for example, might maintain that you wait for certain technical or fundamental criteria to be met before setting your stops.


  • 爱情生活可以神奇美丽可能妄想理想知己自己真正停止注重能够保持爱的关系

    Your love life can be magical and beautiful, but it could also be delusional and so focused on an ideal soulmate that you actually stop yourself from being able to maintain a loving relationship.


  • 如果我们任何一个马上停止思考并且保持着,此刻开始无限存在

    If anyone of us could stop thinking right now and remain that way, he would be an unlimited Being from this moment on.


  • 任何停止学习都以矣,无论是二十岁还是八十岁。任何持续学习的人都保持年轻生活伟大的事情就是保持思维年轻。

    Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.


  • 对于那些想通过面部锻炼保持年轻容貌的人来说现在停止时候了。

    If you perform facial exercises to maintain a youthful-looking appearance, it is time to stop.


  • sessionbean生命周期与创建容器保持一致,但是状态会因为JVM停止崩溃而丧失。

    The Singleton session bean lives for the duration of the container in which it is created but state does not survive a shut-down or a crash of the JVM.


  • 一些情况下(例如用户扩展期间不能接受名称更改时),名称必须保持有效停止使用名称。

    In some situations (for example, when the user is away for an extended period and cannot accept the name change), the old name must remain active and the new name abandoned.


  • 身体继续稍微时(不要超过八分之一圈),重心仍然保持后面保持坚定持,使女士停止离开

    Still keep the weight back as the body continues to turn slightly to the R. ( not more than an eighth of a turn ) and keep a firm hold of the lady to stop her swinging away from you.


  • 如果一个健康保持健康的话,应该做停止吸烟锻炼身体、降低体重,如果有高血压胆固醇偏高的话,就按医嘱服药

    'If you're a healthy person trying to stay healthy, the money is in stopping smoking, exercising, losing weight' and taking any prescriptions for hypertension or cholesterol, he said.


  • 如果一个健康保持健康的话,应该做停止吸烟锻炼身体、降低体重,如果有高血压胆固醇偏高的话,就按医嘱服药

    'If you're a healthy person trying to stay healthy, the money is in stopping smoking, exercising, losing weight' and taking any prescriptions for hypertension or cholesterol, he said.


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