• 俄亥俄州立大学一项研究发现白人室友同黑人学生大学生涯取得了更高学业成就

    An Ohio State University study also found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学的一些科学家发现,悲伤的电影可以让人更快乐。

    Some scientists at Ohio State University, the U.S., have found that sad movies can make people happier.


  • 美国俄亥俄州立大学科学家发现人们可以通过面部颜色变化判断他人情绪

    Scientists from the Ohio State University have found that people are able to tell other people's emotions according to changes in the color of their faces.


  • 同一项研究还发现俄亥俄州立大学随机分配种族室友学期结束摊牌的概率是同种族室友的倍。

    That same study found that randomly assigned interracial roommates at Ohio State broke up before the end of the quarter about twice as often as same-race roommates.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学心理学教授拉塞尔·法在该校印第安纳大学对不同种族室友进行了研究,发现了一个有趣的学术效应

    Russell Fazio, an Ohio State psychology professor who has studied interracial roommates there and at Indiana University, discovered an intriguing academic effect.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学经济学教授露西亚·邓恩警告称:“如果我们发现依然成立未来可能会更多老年人出现严重的财务问题。”

    "If what we found continues to hold true, we may have more elderly people with substantial financial problems in the future," warns Lucia Dunn, professor of economics at Ohio State.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)一项研究发现年轻人累积信用卡债务速度其他年龄段的人更快,他们偿还债务的速度也更慢

    A new study out of Ohio State University found that young adults are accumulating credit card debt at a more rapid rate than other age groups, and that they're slower at paying it off.


  • 战后俄亥俄州立大学取得经济学博士学位

    After the war he gained a PhD in economics from Ohio State University.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学劳拉·福肯领导下的研究小组让一切水落石出

    A team of researchers led by Laura Fonken of Ohio State University has cleared the matter up.


  • 凯文·斯拉俄亥俄州立大学中文旗舰项目硕士学位申请人

    Kevin Slaten is a master’s degree candidate in the Ohio State University’s Chinese Flagship Program.


  • 毕业美国俄亥俄州立大学,获得市场营销物流学位

    Yang graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in marketing and logistics.


  • 毕业俄亥俄州立大学杨惠妍等12房地产跻身40位富豪之列。

    Yang, who graduated from Ohio state University, was one of 12 real estate developers among the top 40, Forbes said.


  • 来自俄亥俄州立大学的罗伦斯·威特莫尔教授已经这个发现好了解说词。

    Prof Lawrence Witmer from Ohio University has written a commentary on the finding.


  • 新的指南使更多做CPR俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校助教Sayre

    The new guidelines may inspire more people to perform CPR, says Sayre, an associate professor of emergency medicine at Ohio State University, Columbus.


  • 来自俄亥俄州立大学研究显示,失当沟通方式身体是非常有害的。

    A new study from Ohio State University shows just how physically harmful it can be to argue the wrong way.


  • 其他专业俄亥俄州立大学印第安纳大学美国大学扎根于文化政策

    Other programs, such as Ohio State, Indiana, and (increasingly) American, are strongly rooted in cultural policy.


  • 美国乔治城大学路易斯维尔大学俄亥俄州立大学要求本科生使用智能手机。

    In America, Georgetown University, the University of Louisville and Ohio State University are among those requiring undergraduates to use one.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学警方51 岁的纳撒尼尔‧布朗星期二早上走入办公楼开火

    The police at Ohio State University say 51-year-old Nathaniel Brown entered the building early Tuesday and began firing.


  • 研究国立卫生研究院俄亥俄州立大学波默林主持资助的,由贝斯特主持进行。

    The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Ohio State University Pomerene Chair in Family Medicine, held by Best.


  • 美国俄亥俄州立大学研究团队通过研究小鼠不同生活环境中所受到影响提出他们理论

    The research team from Ohio State University came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学综合性肿瘤中心癌症研究人员网络版国际癌症杂志》上发表了这项研究

    The study, led by cancer researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive cancer Center, was published online in the International Journal of cancer.


  • 来自俄亥俄州立大学研究团队认为其中关系可以说明为什么随着电灯用量增加抑郁程度会增加。

    The team from Ohio State University believe the connection could explain why levels of depression have increased as the use of electric lights have increased.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学研究人员发布dtn协议版本目的电脑编程人员编制出兼容协议的程序

    Researchers at Ohio University are already distributing a version of what is known as the DTN protocol stack, so that computer programmers can write programs that will use this new protocol.


  • 本月将度过108岁生日的我国生物化学营养学研究先导者之一,拥有俄亥俄州立大学硕士学位

    Zheng, who holds a masters degree from Ohio State University, is a pioneer in China's biochemical and nutritional research.


  • 电子设备并入布料想法并不新鲜但是俄亥俄州立大学团队已经发现了使工作更加有效地方法。

    The idea of incorporating electronics into clothing isn't new, but a team at Ohio State University has found a way to make it work much more efficiently.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学微生物学家阿布罕·萨托斯卡同事研制了一种新药,给II型糖尿病小鼠口服可以控制症状

    A new drug studied by Abhay Satoskar, a microbiologist at Ohio State University, and his colleagues can control the symptoms of type 2 diabetes in mice when taken orally.


  • 另一位来自俄亥俄州立大学小组成员迈克尔米勒这个领域取得了一些初步成功不过可行的骨生长过程若干年后。

    Michael Miller, another team member from Ohio State University, has had some initial success in this field, though a viable bone-growing process is still some years away.


  • 另一位来自俄亥俄州立大学小组成员迈克尔米勒这个领域取得了一些初步成功不过可行的骨生长过程若干年后。

    Michael Miller, another team member from Ohio State University, has had some initial success in this field, though a viable bone-growing process is still some years away.


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