• 要不要点斯巴克林依云巴黎水?

    Would you like sparkling mineral water , Evian or Perrier ?


  • 那你觉得那些依云工作脚踏车沿街垃圾算是环保主义者吗?

    What about the person who works for Evian but rides a bike everywhere and picks up trash off the street?


  • 水滴款式像是代表整个矿水品类,不是只属于依云这个品牌

    The Drop was more a symbol of the category and was not really specific to the Evian brand.


  • 达能集团其中依云一个组成部分公司推出内部保护程序

    Within the Danone Group, of which Evian is a part, the water company launched an internal conservation program.


  • 一生此次为依云设计的瓶子两种版本,其中三宅一生专营店专

    This evian by Issey Miyake bottle will exist in two versions, one of them sold exclusively at Issey Miyake shops.


  • 能源之间联系并非常常如此明显,这两者就好比交织一瓶依云水里面的氧原子氢原子

    The link between energy and water is not always apparent, but the two are as intertwined as the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a bottle of Evian.


  • 依云水源来自靠近法国埃维昂莱班矿泉水品牌。1991年达能集团所有。

    Evian is a water source from a number of mineral water near the French Evian-les-class brand. 1991 by the Danone Group.


  • 2013年公司法国依云矿泉有限公司成为战略合作伙伴共同开发依云小镇品牌

    Company in 2013 with yiyun, France co., LTD. Has become a strategic partner, common development "yiyun town" brand.


  • 依云法国一个矿泉水品牌依云矿泉水源自日内瓦湖南岸的水源,水源靠近法国城市埃维昂莱班。

    Evian is a French brand of mineral water coming from several sources near Évian-les-Bains, on the south shore of Lac Léman.


  • 达能中国主要的创意代理灵智传媒中国公司目前负责达能的优质品牌依云的代理业务。

    Y&R is a leading creative agency on Danone China, while Euro RSCG China handles Danone's premium water brand Evian.


  • 的海洋,充满诗意幽默,乐观和新鲜并生,三宅一生设计工作室以纯花卉装饰设计了依云的新

    A flower field, full of poetry and humor. evian and Miyake Design Studio signed a pure flower-emblazoned bottle, glowing with both optimism and freshness.


  • 1935年法国依云第一次被推荐适合宝宝完美饮用水,自此我们的品牌宝贝就结下了不解之缘。

    The love affair of the brand with babies started in France in 1935, when Evian was first recommended as a perfect water for babies.


  • 孩子们呜呜哭咽,黑手机嗡嗡作响帐单堆积如山,翻倒依云矿泉水瓶安必恩安眠药瓶,卧室变得厨房拥挤

    Between whining kids, buzzing BlackBerrys, stacks of unpaid bills and overturned bottles of Evian and Ambien, the bedroom has become more crowded than the kitchen.


  • 整个项目对于制造工艺来讲挑战(矩形的底座不同于传统的圆形)。依云决定这个极致的水瓶开一条生产线

    Though the project was a real challenge to manufacture (a rectangular basis vs classic round shape), Evian accepted it, and decided to develop a new production line for this specific bottle.


  • 它暗示着如果你想要变苗条,健康,迷人——喝依云吧。” 将一瓶简单的瓶装水美丽健康挂钩,这就是依云成功的秘诀。

    The link between bottled water and the health and wellness movement was a recipe for success.


  • 达能除了推出依云矿泉水外,还推出了依云命名有机护肤产品系列同样依云”命名的,还有法国豪华度假村

    In addition to the mineral water, Danone Group USES the Evian name for a line of organic skin care products as well as a luxury resort in France.


  • 覆盖在阿尔卑斯山顶永恒积雪一个欢庆红色瓶盖代替,更是使这件玻璃雕塑品更加炫眼也充分体现依云品牌精神

    The everlasting snow covered mountain tops have been replaced by a festive red tinted bottle cap, which illuminates this glass sculpture and expresses the spirit of the brand.


  • 不会看见红色窗户上摆POSE不过你会发现它们咖啡馆香香地嚼着饼干或者在一家上流酒店里喝依云(Evian)。

    You won't see any pooches posing in red-tinted Windows, but it's not out of the ordinary to find them munching on designer biscuits at a canal-side cafe, or slurping on Evian at an upmarket hotel.


  • 这些新颖褶皱设计和鲜活闪亮花朵一生手中萌生绽放,装点生活重要的能量,象征着青春,就象天然依云矿泉水

    Sprung from Issey Miyake, the innovative pleated clothes of the designer, an imaginary shimmering flower decorates the most essential source of life, symbol of youth, the natural mineral water evian.


  • 猎人湿地中心(HWCA)赢得了2005年拉姆萨尔公约教育奖特别依云,以此庆贺20年来湿地中心内外开展湿地教育活动

    Indeed HWCA was joint recipient of the Ramsar Conservation Award (Education) and Special Evian Prize in 2005, celebrating some 20 years of wetlands education work on and offsite.


  • 应地依陈那么广大照旧那么的洒脱应当泣并不带走世界

    If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my le ave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.


  • 应地依陈那么广大照旧那么的洒脱应当泣并不带走世界

    If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my le ave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.


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