• 通过实验研究了设备动态运行特性供水量特性。

    By experiments, investigates the characteristics of dynamic operation and water supply of the unit.


  • 供水量氮肥施用量影响农田硝态氮淋失主要因素

    The water and nitrogen applications are the two main factors that affect the nitrate leaching on farmland.


  • 供水量氮肥施用量是影响农田硝态失的主要因素。

    A simulative analysis of influence of precipitation on water leakage and nitrogen leaching in irregated farmland;


  • 供水量都能不同施氮量下提高叶片中钾元素的含量。

    Potassium concentration was enhanced in low water and any nitrogen addition.


  • 系统根据管网压力自动调节供水量,实现了供水目的。

    The water flow was adjusted automatically according to the pressure of pipes, and guaranteed the constant pressure of the pipes.


  • 经济效益大为目标建立灌溉供水量最优分配分解协调模型

    The maximum economic benefit is set as the objective to establish the dissociation and coordination model for optimal deployment of irrigation water supply.


  • :2002年自备供水量减少较多,因此全市供水总量出现下降

    Note: For the great decrease of self-supplied water volume in 2002, the total volume of water supply reduced.


  • 如果紧急供水量不足,那么要优先考虑实行配额供水保证公平分配

    If immediately available supplies of water are insufficient, priority will be given to rationing supplies and ensuring equitable distribution.


  • 世界其他地方澳大利亚产量预报令人沮丧,反映了供水量的情况。

    In the rest of the world, a dismal production is forecast in Australia, reflecting extremely low water availability.


  • 最大限度提高水利工程供水能力供水可靠性确定水利工程优化供水量

    And enhances the ability and the reliability of water supply in order to confirm the optimal water supply of the irrigation works.


  • 蓝色和平组织报告特别指出,地区许多重要供水供水量快速下降

    The Blue Peace report highlights the rapid decline in many of the region's major water sources.


  • 利用支持向量机推求管网节点水头供水泵站供水量供水压力非线性关系

    The nonlinear relation between node pressure head of the pipe network and water capacity and pressure of water supply pump station was deduced by SVM.


  • 在各生育期蒸腾速率光合速率及产量水分利用效率供水量的下降而下降;

    Transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate, yield and water use efficiency are decreased, as water supplydecreased.


  • 应用时间序列厦门城市供水量进行预测误差分析,具有较强实用价值

    The time sequence method which is quite valuable for use, is applied to the forecast and error analysis of daily water supply amount in Xiamen City.


  • 无论哪种种植方式最大供水量范围之内,灌溉定额大,作物产量水平高。

    In the most ration of water supplying, yield of crop was enhanced when irrigation ration was increased no matter what planting pattern was applied.


  • 目前有日供水2.5万自来水一座,日供水量5万吨的自来水厂正在筹建中。

    There are daily water supply 25 thousand tons of water plant with a daily water supply capacity of 5 million tons of new water plant is under construction.


  • 新增供水量区域水资源开发利用潜力评价也是区域需水量增长可行性依据

    The new increased water supply is the estimate of exploitation utilization potential of area water resource, is also the feasibility base of the area water supply increase.


  • 结合实例两种方法进行比较联合供水调度使水库供水量增加原因进行了探析

    Comparison of the two methods was conducted based on case study and the reason why joint water supply operation can increase water supply was analyzed.


  • 溪河广州市主要生活饮用水源之一沿途水厂供水量广州市生活饮用水的70%。

    Liuxi river is one of the important city's water resources. The supply quantity of water plants along the river is about 70% of the total amount in Guangzhou city.


  • 未来6年里新兴海水脱盐工厂每天全球供水量增加了13亿加仑相当于一条科罗拉多的水量。

    Within the next six years new desalination plants may add as much as 13 billion gallons a day to the global water supply, the equivalent of another Colorado River.


  • 通过对水库来水量、供水量开发利用现状分析提出提高浍河水库水资源利用效益措施

    Analyses the water measure, supply water quantity and the present condition of huihe reservoir, puts forward the measures of raise the utilization of the resources of water of huihe reservoir.


  • 地表水利用量。应包含现有水利工程供水量设计水平年内规划拟建水利工程所能提供的水量。

    The available surface water resources are consist of available water supplied both by built works and intended works in design average year.


  • 根据城市实际供水情况进行城市化综合指数城市供水量相关关系分析论证水资源城市化中的作用;

    According to the city's actual water supply situation for the city composite index and the correlation between urban water supply analysis, demonstration of water in the city's role;


  • 未来30用水量预计猛增50%,污染气候变化已经在威胁着供水量尤其是非洲中东和南亚地区。

    Water use is expected to jump 50 percent over the next 30 years, and yet pollution and climate changes are already threatening water supplies, particularly in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.


  • 意味着通过污水回用可以现有供水量不变情况下使城镇可用水量增加50%以上,是一笔巨大的资源。

    This means under the constant circumstance in current amount of water supply can make the town increase 50% in amount of water through the reuse of sewage water.


  • 基础上,再利用神经网络非线性特征对灌区灌溉供水量进行预测并且山东聊城彭楼灌区的数据进行了验证

    On the basis of it, nonlinear function of nerve network is used for forecasting irrigation supply in irrigation area, and examine the data of Penglou irrigation area in Liaocheng of Shandong.


  • 单一阶段土壤相对含水率超过87.84%,幼树叶片SOD活性在中前期—生长前期和生长盛期随供水量的增加而增大。

    When the relative soil moisture was more than 87.84% at any single growth stage, the SOD activity of a.


  • 单一阶段土壤相对含水率超过87.84%,幼树叶片SOD活性在中前期—生长前期和生长盛期随供水量的增加而增大。

    When the relative soil moisture was more than 87.84% at any single growth stage, the SOD activity of a.


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