• 使那些看似必要建设工程地区我们必须找到较少资源满足需求方法同时尊准则使预算费用少。

    Even in regions where new projects seem warranted, we must find ways to meet demands with fewer resources, respecting ecological criteria and to a smaller budget.


  • 他们一次一次的生死帮助众生轮回之苦中解脱出来使我们大部分重生轮回之外。

    They live and die again and again to help others be free from Samsara, while most of us are reborn out of attachment to Samsara.


  • 如果一些狭隘的想法使蒙蔽这些想法就死亡,从而一些开阔,更深刻更具世界性的东西重生

    And if something parochial is blinding you, that needs to die for something more cosmopolitan and broader and deeper to be reborn.


  • 表面法国似乎为分离过去使国家进步而正在经历那些使国家周期性重生又不可避免动荡不安。

    On the face of it, France seems to be going through one of those convulsions that this nation born of revolution periodically requires in order to break with the past and to move forward.


  • 复活生命,是好牧人、是使男女信众重生神。

    He was the Resurrection and the Life, the Good Shepherd, the God who made men and women to be born again.


  • 过程带来蛋白质分子化学修饰,并通过定位细胞某一区间的独特结构发生联系使化学修饰进一步多样化

    Multiple biochemical processes create chemical modifications of protein molecules, further diversified by association with distinct structures at defined locations of a cell.


  • 日本研究者们于今年发起研究,通过克隆技术使早已灭绝猛犸象复生,5时间里将古老的厚皮动物重生

    Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in around five years time.


  • 建筑师没有选择拆除这座160平方米建筑而是进行改造。“使建筑在恶化状态重生”,公司说道

    Rather than tearing down the 160-square-metre building, the architects opted to renovate it. "The building was revitalised from a state of deterioration, " said the firm.


  • 洗礼本身不能使重生使洗礼基督联合

    Baptism does not itself regenerate or necessarily unite the baptized to Christ.


  • 然而身上发生大事使一个团体重生了﹐一个追随基督团体。

    However, a great event had happened to her, and she was reborn into a new community, a community of the fellowship of Christ.


  • 移除所有定身恐惧陷阱移动限制效果使状态下的能量重生提高100%,增加你在状态下的生命总值的20%。

    Old: Removes all Stun, Fear, Snare and Movement Impairing Effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form.


  • 使斯拉夫民族的民间艺术得到重生,并散发出新的光辉成为世界性的艺术形式

    The Slavic folk art was reborn by her hand. Not only it gained its glory again but also became a worldwide art form.


  • 感谢胶原蛋白富有胎盘素和维生素使患处得以完全重生

    The burned area had been totally regenerated thanks to the collagen, in reality a placenta full of vitamins.


  • 十分体贴使对她重生情愫

    Her kindness made him regard her with renewed affection.


  • 这个研究里,骨髓细胞基因缺陷的小白鼠不能动员这些细胞跑到受损部位使受损的心脏重生

    In the study, mice with defective c-kit bone marrow cells, could not mobilize these cells to race towards the injured site and regenerate the injured heart.


  • 知道火鸟即将解除他们身上的咒语,让他们的灵魂重新回到他们身体里,使他们获得重生

    He knows the Firebird will soon remove the spell he has put upon them and return their souls bringing them back to true life.


  • 同时又借用了现代艺术形式技巧新的元素使传统的艺术精神在他的手里获得重生

    Meanwhile, he used the new elements of modern art, such as forms and skills, to recover the spirit of traditional art.


  • 柏斯克法新社电话访问中表示虽然使绝种动物重生技术有朝一日可能会出现,但那将会他用斯马尼亚的方式一样。

    Pask told AFP in a telephone interview that while recreating extinct animals might be possible one day, it could not be done with the technique his team used on the Tasmanian tiger.


  • 人类基因组计划成果使生活癌症心脏病阴影中的人们又重生解脱希望

    As a result of the Human Genome Project, there will be new hope of liberation from the shadows of cancer and heart diseases.


  • 对于丛林中,我们使更容易重生速度快值钱

    For the jungle we want to make the small camps easier and respawn faster, but less valuable.


  • 原则上我们找到方法第三使一些原有角色重生会以不同背景以及语调出现。

    We have found a way, in principle, to have a reinvention in Season 3 with some of the same characters, but a very different milieu and very different tone.


  • 到了点子击中要害精神状态抓起,使困难企业重生勃勃生机

    This caught the idea, hit the key, starting from the mental state to make life difficult for business vitality.


  • 到了点子击中要害精神状态抓起,使困难企业重生勃勃生机

    This caught the idea, hit the key, starting from the mental state to make life difficult for business vitality.


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