• 我们目标就是魔法带到软件开发人员生活中,使魔法可以蔓延每个人的身上。

    We aim to bring that magic into the life of software developers so they can spread it around to everybody else.


  • 燃料穿压力容器,并开始使放射性蒸汽不断空中,在周围蔓延

    The fuel could also burn through the vesseland start forcing radioactive steam continuously into the sky and spreading it around.


  • 科学家警告说柔顺剂消毒剂洗发香波其他家居清洁产品使抗药细菌蔓延

    Fabric softeners, disinfectants, shampoos and other household products are spreading drug-resistant bacteria around Britain, scientists have warned.


  • 伦敦(CNN)——经过骚乱抢劫后,警方的重拳出击终于使伦敦平静下来但是,骚乱仍然在不断蔓延英国的其他城市

    London (CNN) — Heavy policing has brought calm to London after several days of rioting and looting, but trouble has continued to spread to other cities around the country.


  • 我们认为国际社会采取联合行动制止冲突蔓延使地区紧张局势尽快缓和下来

    We are of the view that the international community should take concerted action to stop the spread of conflicts and quickly ease the tension in the region.


  • 欧洲债务危机蔓延中国房产泡沫破灭以及在刺激中反弹美国经济的回落,使人们担心复苏中的经济又遭殃

    Fears are growing that the global recovery will falter as Europe's debt crisis spreads, China's property bubble bursts and America's stimulus-fuelled rebound Peters out.


  • 由于这个原因,关键确保提供足够的教学材料好的例子以及验证工具使不好的例子不至于蔓延

    Because of this, it's critical to ensure that enough instructional matter, good examples, and validation tools are available to make sure that bad examples do not proliferate.


  • 德国公司水平储蓄使德国经常项目出现可观盈余掩盖欧元区内暗流蔓延的担忧。

    The high level of saving by German firms contributes to this handsome surplus and masks a worrying fault line running through the euro area.


  • 原先由于无法生长蚊子会携带疟原虫进入城市传播疟疾,使疾病蔓延

    And malaria will be more common as the mosquito which carries it moves into countries which were formerly too cold.


  • 但是没有信誉的新闻机构——事实上,很快纠正自己错误——已经使谣言蔓延如此错误

    But no reputable news agency - that is, fact-based, one that corrects its errors quickly - has spread such inaccuracies.


  • 日本研究者2001年发表一个小型研究认为海豚疗法可以湿疹这个调查结果使人们盲目的轻信蔓延开来,马里

    Japanese researchers published a small study in 2001 suggesting that dolphin therapy can somehow treat eczema, but that finding stretches credulity, Marino says.


  • 消防员火速赶到使火势得以控制没有蔓延

    The firemen arrived quickly, and the fire was prevented from spreading.


  • 他们一些控制火势使不再蔓延开去。

    They cut down some trees to knock down the fire and prevent it from spreading further.


  • 据报导静脉注射的毒瘾使引发艾滋病艾滋病毒阿富汗不断蔓延

    Intravenous injection habits are reported to be fueling an epidemic of the AIDS-causing HIV virus in the country.


  • 虽然使机器人有点脆弱防止损坏蔓延使机器人轻易回收以日后修复重新使

    Though this makes the droid somewhat fragile, it does prevent the spread of damage and allows the droids to be easily salvaged for future repair and reuse.


  • 全球金融危机爆发蔓延使本来就十分火爆中国教育培训市场受瞩目

    The breakout and spread of the global financial crisis makes the education training market in China more popular.


  • 要想使方法成为防止人类艾滋病蔓延有效措施,还对抗HIV分子包括人类单克隆抗体进行深入研究

    And the methods to prevent the spread of human AIDS and effective measures needed to combat HIV, including the human monoclonal antibodies and so on, for more in-depth research.


  • 计算机网络病毒全球范围迅速蔓延,在普通用户造成危害同时使全球特别是亚洲地区的因特网主干网一度瘫痪。

    Computer viruses are now spreading quickly over the Internet worldwide, which are extremely harmful not only to common users but also to the network infrastructure.


  • 然而近几年来,非洲艾滋病蔓延使肺结核流行速度加快大大超过了DOTS治疗推广速度

    However, in recent years, the spread of AIDS in Africa so that the prevalence of tuberculosis accelerated greatly exceeded the rate of promotion of DOTS treatment.


  • 森林着火之后,火向四周上下不断蔓延使大片森林发生火灾,森林生态系统人类带来一定损失

    A forest fire, after it breaks out, will spread speedily and burn a large area of forest if it is not killed timely, thus, causing losses to both the forest ecosystem and the mankind.


  • 不断蔓延致死病毒已经使英国本土橡树大面积受到感染,这种病毒已引起专业人士以及环境保护组织的深切关注

    The continuing spread of a deadly disease that affects the UK's native oak trees is causing concern among tree professionals and conservation groups.


  • 19世纪霍乱成为世界致命疾病之一,它在整个世界的蔓延使它成为一种大流行病。

    In the 19th century, cholera became one of the world's deadliest diseases. Cholera epidemics spanned the entire world creating what is known as a pandemic.


  • 金融市场充斥著谣言包含:终止欧洲恐惧蔓延以及使欧元重新站稳脚跟。

    The financial markets are now filled with rumors of plans to halt the contagion in Europe and place the euro back on firm footing.


  • 安娜使火焰更加蔓延

    The Santa Ana winds helped fan the flames.


  • 课桌文化反映大学生矛盾困惑玩世不恭,但任其发展蔓延势必使校园受到精神上污染。

    The desk culture reflects the contradiction, perplexity and cynicism of the college students. If the desk culture spreads out of control, the spirit of the campus is sure to be polluted.


  • 课桌文化反映大学生矛盾困惑玩世不恭,但任其发展蔓延势必使校园受到精神上污染。

    The desk culture reflects the contradiction, perplexity and cynicism of the college students. If the desk culture spreads out of control, the spirit of the campus is sure to be polluted.


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