• 细节弧形运用使稳定有力中英文字体具有灵性动感很强视觉识别性

    The use of arc in the details on the stabilization of the powerful English font is more spiritual and dynamic, have the very strong visual recognition.


  • 来自两个反应堆建筑资料显示那里对于人类开展工作是个“恶劣环境”,使稳定已损坏反应堆工作变得复杂

    The readings from two reactor buildings showed a "harsh environment" for humans to work in, complicating efforts to stabilise the damaged reactors.


  • 联系持续时间足够长,使个人通过相对稳定预期连结在一起叫做关系

    When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.


  • 生态学家曾一度认为物种多样性使生态系统变得稳定

    At one time, ecologists believed that species diversity made ecosystems stable.


  • 夏天街道热又满是灰尘,太阳那么明亮甚至穿透焦化镇上空的阴霾使人们不能稳定看到它。

    The streets were hot and dusty on the summer day, and the sun was so bright that it even shone through the haze over Coketown, and could not be looked at steadily.


  • 实际上诊断没有什么帮助当然让我了解身体,我的局限性使我走上稳定症状的道路。

    In practical terms, the diagnosis did little to aid me. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilise my symptoms.


  • 船体帆船更深因此可以装载更多货物更高稳定使可以增加多个桅杆

    It had a wider and deeper hull than the galley and hence could carry more cargo: increased stability made it possible to add multiple masts and sails.


  • 我们飞机时候通常已经很累了,而拥挤空间稳定网络使工作更具挑战性。

    We are usually tired already by the time we get on a plane, and the crowded space and unstable internet connection make work more challenging.


  • 科巴,玛雅人围绕着一个湖泊修建堤坝提高水位使供水更加稳定可靠

    At the city of Coba the Maya built dikes around a lake in order to raise its level and make their water supply more reliable.


  • 实际上诊断没有什么帮助当然使了解身体,我的局限性使我走上稳定症状的道路。

    In practical terms the diagnosis did little to aid me. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilise my symptoms.


  • 生命融到他们之中吧,就像束明亮稳定光芒使他们欢悦而静谧

    Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.


  • 杏仁中的蛋白质纤维稳定血糖水平,减缓消化速度从而调节人体能量水平,使人能保持稳定的能量储备

    The protein and fiber in almonds stabilizes blood sugar and slows digestion, which helps regulate energy, so you have steady reserves over time.


  • 客户需要了解开发者试图使程序稳定时期内,应用程序可能会很少甚至没有新特性

    The client needs to understand that there's going to be a period of few to no features while you get things stabilized.


  • 应该使社会工作成为一个稳定职业他们可以通过关爱震区中受灾的青少年或是照顾孤独老人,使社会达到稳定

    Make social work a steady career and they could help stabilize communities by caring for distressed teenagers or senior citizens in earthquake areas.


  • 创造稳定同时,却使这一时期充满畏惧

    This has created stability but at the price of a reign of fear.


  • 尽管程序代码本身稳定,不过那些使成为便携程序部分不是想要

    Although the program's code itself is stable, the parts of it that make it a portable app are not what you expect.


  • 用户一种不可预期方式环境搞坏时,使他们回到稳定时的状态通常明智的。

    Users muck around with environments in unpredictable ways, and getting them back time to a stable state is often tricky.


  • 某种程度是因为恰当的结构改变使美国经济更加稳定

    Partly this is due to welcome structural changes that have made the economy more stable.


  • 接着危机到来了,危机证明所有所谓现代金融降低了风险使金融体系更加稳定说法完全一派胡言

    Then came the crisis, which proved that all those claims about how modern finance had reduced risk and made the system more stable were utter nonsense.


  • 这样能产生更为稳定代码使开发人员不必创建基础结构级别的代码。

    It also produces more stable code and relieves the developer from having to create infrastructure level code.


  • 不过一些关键变化已经使整体稳定质量得到了提高

    However, several key changes have improved overall stability as well as quality.


  • 合成泥浆矿物质聚合物海水组成黏稠混合物使井壁保持稳定

    Synthetic Mud: a viscous cocktail of minerals, polymers and seawater stabilizes the borehole walls.


  • 当然地球东西过去数千年中都非常稳定使人类文明得以立足

    Sure, things here on Earth have been pretty stable over the past few millennia, allowing human civilization to gain a foothold.


  • 静态SQL益而无一害——使响应时间稳定减少安全风险增加吞吐量增强可管理性。

    You get all of the gain of static SQL, including making response time stable, reducing security risks, increasing throughput, improving manageability, and none of the pain.


  • 使自信内心稳定

    It makes you feel centered, grounded and stable.


  • 这种体态使稳定从而容易使呼吸肌。

    This posture stabilizes the upper chest and shoulders, making it easier to use the accessory breathing muscles


  • 使软件稳定运行、执行良好能进行伸缩满足所有功能需求,至关重要的一点针对软件的运行环境量身打造软件。

    Tailoring your software to the environment it runs in is critical if you want the software to be stable, perform well, and scale to meet the demand placed upon it.


  • 但是浮动汇率市场上,投机商赚钱只有帮助稳定市场而不是使市场更加动荡

    But in floating exchange rate markets, speculators can only make money if they help to stabilise the market, not if they make it more unstable.


  • 但是浮动汇率市场上,投机商赚钱只有帮助稳定市场而不是使市场更加动荡

    But in floating exchange rate markets, speculators can only make money if they help to stabilise the market, not if they make it more unstable.


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