• 零件装配使用渐变背景选项。”

    Use to gradually change background in the spare parts and the assemble body "options."


  • 使用渐变保证好的视觉重要:请保守而精致地使用渐变

    When working with gradients, it is important to keep a nice visual flow: use gradients sparingly or subtly.


  • 使用渐变使边缘平稳地消失。选择渐变工具,在选项面板创建下面渐变

    Hide the edges smoothly using a gradient mask. Pick the gradient Tool, create the below gradient in the Options Panel.


  • 创建一个图层,使用渐变工具(G)设置白色透明线性渐变然后填充,下面一样

    Create a linear gradient using the gradient Tool (g) set to white and transparent. Then drag and drop from up to down to achieve something similar to below.


  • 设置图层版,然后使用渐变工具(径向渐变)前景色设为黑色就像刚才那样加瓢虫的部位。

    Make a mask for this layer. Then using the black Gradient Tool (g) set to Radial, lighten the ladybug, as I did below.


  • 由于我们SWT组件shell内部并且我们打算shell本身使用渐变背景所有组件都必须透明的。

    As we have SWT widgets inside our shell and we intend to use a gradient background on the shell itself, all the widgets need to be transparent.


  • 使用自由变换工具(弯曲)弯曲光线使图像边缘使用渐变工具(黑色透明)完成褪色效果

    Use the Free Transform Tool (with Warp) to bend the light so that it gets thinner towards the left edge of the image. Use the Gradient Tool (black to transparent) to fade the effect.


  • 使用渐变工具,设置黑色0%不透明渐变,从画布底部向上点击拖拉渐变行星位置,然后,从画布顶部点击拖拉渐变到行星顶端

    Using the gradient Tool (g) with a Black to 0% opacity gradient, click and drag a gradient from the bottom up into the planet for the bottom and from the top down for the top of the planet.


  • 现在我们必须清楚一点,使用漂亮渐变并不仅仅是因为它们漂亮。

    Now we to be clear here, he's not just using pretty gradients because they're...


  • 不过配置这个特殊KDE桌面避免背景标题颜色渐变使用极少动画效果

    However, I have configured this particular KDE desktop to avoid color gradients on the background and title bars, and use a minimum of animation effects.


  • 使用这些像素坐标用于渐变标绘地图中随后图像将被加注普通图像直线

    Using these pixel coordinates for the shaded plotted map, the image is then annotated with the usual boxes, images, and lines.


  • 不要使用阴影渐变三维图像

    Do not use drop shadows, gradients, or three-dimensional images.


  • 人们不会特地网站上来膜拜使用渐变文字排版——他们只是来看网站内容的,如此而已。

    People don't go to a site to admire the way I use color gradients or the web typography I composed - they go to consume content.


  • 人们不会特地网站上来膜拜使用渐变文字排版——他们只是来看网站内容的,如此而已。

    People don’t go to a site to admire the way I use color gradients or the web typography I composedthey go to consume content.


  • 接下来就是使用蓝色渐变内容(也就是放留言数继续阅读等的区域),这个地方也是导出瘦长的区域然后横向重复就能达到其效果。

    The lower section of the content panels however use a slight blue gradient, this can simply be exported as a thin strip that will be repeated horizontally.


  • 渐变应该已经自动设置我们一步使用的参数(你需要做相应修改——译者注)。

    The gradient should already be set to the same one we created in the previous step.


  • 现有地图工具API可以标绘世界各地的地理点,但是可能需要一种轻松方法根据特定数据国家地区使用色彩渐变效果。

    Existing mapping tools APIs may allow you to plot points worldwide, but you might want an easy way to shade in a state, country, or region based on certain data.


  • fill()方法使所有子路径封闭起来,然后逐个填充每个子路径,期间使用fillStyle颜色一个渐变对象决定如何绘制填充

    The fill() method closes any subpaths and then fills each subpath in turn using fillStyle (which can be a color, or, as discussed later, a gradient object) to determine how to draw the fill.


  • 一眼看去,CSSNinjas似乎使用的是平直颜色不过其实每个色彩区域微弱的渐变,创造迷人的材质效果。

    CSS Ninjas appears to use flat colors at first glance, but each colored area has a subtle gradient, which gives it texture.


  • 我们将要使用同样工序创建另一个色彩渐变但是这次渐变画布左边右边轻微角度拖拉出来,这样我们对合成效果感觉自然

    We are going to create another color gradient using the same process but this time it will be at a slight angle from the left to right so that we have a little more of a natural feel.


  • 证据显示,烹调以及使用刀叉等餐具的进步使人类牙齿渐变得弯曲不整齐使人的面部变小。

    But there is evidence that the advance to cooking and using knives and forks is leading to crooked teeth and facial dwarfing in humans.


  • 使用唇膏的时候,最好坚持使用嘴唇自然稍微一点的颜色,因为嘴唇随着年龄的改变会逐渐变薄。

    With lipstick, it's best to stick to hues that are only a little darker than the lips' natural color, since lips tend to thin with age.


  • 可以让文稿进入全屏模式按原样运行包括动画渐变同时仍然可以使用OLIVE客户机进行协作。

    You can enter presentation mode in full screen and run it as-is with animations and transitions, all while being in the OLIVE client and participating in-world.


  • 使用这些技术地理编码模块地图工具无数种选择可以创建地区色彩渐变和按城市标绘的地图。

    With these techniques and the geocoding modules and mapping tools, you have myriad options for creating region shaded and city-plotted maps.


  • 选中渐变工具(G),使用黑色0%不透明度渐变图片上部点击拖拉山顶位置

    Click on the gradient Tool (g) and using a Black to 0% opacity gradient click and drag the gradient from the top of the photo to about where the mountains start.


  • 正如看到的,植物卷曲叶子使用了一张渐变贴图

    As you can see, I used a gradient map for the stem and curly leaves.


  • 使用颜色渐变看上去陷下去了一样

    I've used the Gradient to make it seem indented.


  • MediaTemple网站一个页面使用渐变不过渐变使用节制精妙才是设计成功关键

    Media Temple has gradients on nearly every page of its website, but moderation and subtlety are the keys to the design's success.


  • MediaTemple网站一个页面使用渐变不过渐变使用节制精妙才是设计成功关键

    Media Temple has gradients on nearly every page of its website, but moderation and subtlety are the keys to the design's success.


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