• 片海严重污染的报道使扩大旅游业努力化为乌有。

    Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the sea is highly polluted.


  • 呼吸时胸部肌肉使胸廓扩大空气吸入肺部

    In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.


  • 几乎我们打交道每个机构宣布扩大一些职权,自然而然使担心我们未来会面临什么

    Almost every agency we deal with has announced some expansion of its authority, which naturally makes me concerned about what's in store for us for the future.


  • 作为肯尼迪中心爵士乐艺术顾问莫兰希望扩大爵士乐的听众范围,使爵士乐容易被人接受保护爵士乐的历史文化

    As the Kennedy Centre's artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.


  • 世界希望现代能源使范围扩大十亿左右没有能源的同时减少使地球变暖燃料

    World looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet.


  • 是否可以扩大技术使成为超越便携式低能量系统形成大规模海水淡化装置,以提供许多中东国家饮用水这个问题还有待进一步的观察。

    Whether this technique can expand beyond portable low-energy systems, and into the sort of large-scale desalination that provides many Middle Eastern countries with potable water, remains to be seen.


  • 我们努力扩大获取资金的途径,使良好经营理念企业家能够获得信贷他们能够他们想法付诸实践。

    We will work to expand access to capital so entrepreneurs with a sound business concept will have access to credit to enable them to put their ideas to work.


  • 除非我们扩大现有聚居带,使之与北部群落相连,否则贡贝黑猩猩很可能几十年间由于疾病近亲繁殖而灭绝

    Unless we can enlarge existing habitat corridors linking the park to communities in the north, the Gombe chimpanzees could succumb to disease or inbreeding within decades.


  • 我们不能为什么消费者使具有所有权媒体多少上一直扩大产品使这些概念乐趣打了折扣。

    We couldn't say why consumers would buy a product that's constantly expanding in size using proprietary media, but hey, that's half the fun of these concepts.


  • 法国农业信贷银行希望帮助中信证券实现国际雄心能够使自己扩大中国业务

    Credit Agricole hopes that helping Citic Securities realize its international ambitions will enable the French bank to expand its business in China.


  • 这个基金通过银行分担风险使银行能够安心扩大中小型企业提供贷款

    By sharing risk with Banks, the facility provided the comfort Banks needed to help expand lending to SMEs.


  • 为了扩大医保范围,医改方案在网上建立市场以此使承保程序简化同时标准化

    To expand coverage, the plan would create internet-based marketplaces that would simplify and standardise insurance offerings.


  • 一位首席执行官说:“几乎我们打交道每个机构宣布扩大一些职权自然而然使担心我们未来准备了什么

    One CEO said to me, “Almost every agency we deal with has announced some expansion of its authority, which naturally makes me concerned about what's in store for us for the future.


  • 一位首席执行官说:“几乎我们打交道每个机构宣布扩大一些职权自然而然使担心我们未来准备了什么。”

    One CEO said to me, "Almost every agency we deal with has announced some expansion of its authority, which naturally makes me concerned about what's in store for us for the future."


  • 不惧知识挑战选修汉语经济世界音乐课程扩大视野,使自己成为一个跨学科思想家

    I took intellectual risks by taking unfamiliar courses such as Mandarin, economics, and world music to broaden my mind and make me an interdisciplinary thinker.


  • 反映了一个事实就是企业家全世界每个角落涌现使日益扩大战场复杂

    This reflects the fact that entrepreneurs are springing up in every corner of the world, complicating the battlefield still further.


  • 气温升高降雨模式改变使戈壁沙滩扩大威胁他们游牧生活方式

    Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns could expand the Gobi desert, threatening the nomadic way of life.


  • 但是我们需要扩大这些规划规模使他们产生全国性区域性乃至全球性效应

    But we need to scale up these approaches, so that we can have national, regional and global impact.


  • 事实上同样可能扩大不同——至少使人们更加意识到不同。

    In fact, it is equally likely to amplify differences - or at least make people more aware of them.


  • 科技使博识的更加通晓天下事,没有使关注新闻人群范围有所扩大

    Technology has enabled well-informed people to become even better informed but has not broadened the audience for news.


  • 洛克韦尔,造成种动物栖息地重叠原因有两个:灰熊洛基山脉东面南面正在扩大它们的生存范围结果使它们的数量不断增长

    The reason for the potential habitat overlap is twofold: grizzliesseem to be expanding their range east and south from the Rockies, mostly as a result of their growing population, says Rockwell.


  • 扩大癌症防治范围使数以百万计患者及受到癌症威胁人们能够得到救助,才是当务之急。

    Extension of cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment to millions of people with or at risk of cancer is an urgent health and ethical priority.


  • 市场不断上涨全球化力量使相对较少能够积聚庞大财富从而使得上述差距日益扩大

    The gap has been exacerbated by rising markets and the forces of globalisation, which have allowed a relatively small number of people to accumulate vast fortunes.


  • 气候变化环境因素使疾病模式发生改变使某些疾病再次出现或者使传播范围扩大公共卫生系统必须应对这种改变。

    Public health systems must also respond to changing disease patterns resulting from climate change and environmental factors, which may cause the wider spread or resurgence of some diseases.


  • 因此,亚洲模式要求贸易顺差高高在上且不断扩大使亚洲制造商能够生产远远超出亚洲消费者购买力产品。

    The Asian model consequently required high and rising trade surpluses that allowed Asian producers to produce far in excess of what Asian consumers could afford to absorb.


  • 衍生扩大问题趋势使人们要求监管者取缔某些种类的衍生品,他们认为这些衍生品引发系统风险能力大大超过经济实用性

    Derivatives' tendency to magnify problems has led to calls for regulators to ban some types.Their economic usefulness, it is argued, is far outweighed by their capacity to create systemic risk.


  • 衍生扩大问题趋势使人们要求监管者取缔某些种类的衍生品,他们认为这些衍生品引发系统风险能力大大超过经济实用性

    Derivatives' tendency to magnify problems has led to calls for regulators to ban some types.Their economic usefulness, it is argued, is far outweighed by their capacity to create systemic risk.


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