• !嗨!喜欢女朋友没门!没门!我认为需要一个新的

    Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one.


  • 如果需要一个新的金融卡电脑冰箱-值得还清了在未来几个月-您想拥有一张,四月

    If you need a card in order to finance a new computer or refrigerator - something that you'll pay off over the course of the next several months - you'll want a card that has a low APR.


  • 挥之不去问题阻碍了许多企业脚步,即“为什么需要?”或者也许说明问题的是,“为什么需要知道这个?”

    The persistent question of "Why do I need that?"—or, perhaps more tellingly, "Why do you need to know that?"—dogs the steps of many new ventures.


  • 挥之不去问题是“为什么需要?”——或者也许说明问题的是,“为什么需要知道这个?”——-阻碍许多踏入新的冒险脚步

    The persistent question of "Why do I need that?"—or, perhaps more tellingly, "Why do you need to know that?" —dogs the steps of many new ventures.


  • 每天都这样做,只需要几分钟,就能以干净整洁的办公桌开始每一个新的一天。

    If you do it every day, it will only take a few minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy desk.


  • 如果短信照片或者视频文件传送另外一个苹果公司产品上,不管是iPadiPhone还是iPod Touch,我们都不再需要传统的传送模式,iOS都会自动提供新的专属服务,我们它为iMessages(它不是一项单独的应用,而是已经被植入到了现有的短信应用程序当中。

    If you’re sending a text, photo or video to another iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, iOS automatically uses a new, proprietary service called iMessages instead of sending a traditional text message.


  • 然而如果此时就需要新的系统没有必要过时缓慢缺陷的系统上耗着。

    However, if you need a new system now, there is no need to suffer with an outdated, slow, or defective system.


  • 知道什么时间说“不”:如果孩子已经参加大量活动但是仍然参加一个就要讨论一下还有什么活动或者需要放弃目前活动腾出空间参加活动。

    Know when to say no: If your child is already doing a lot but really wants to take on another activity, discuss what other activity or activities need to be dropped to make room for the new one.


  • 为了抓住需要定制已有应用程序,或是甚至建立一个新的应用程序。

    To pounce on it, you need to customize an existing application or maybe even build a new one.


  • 不论决定新的什么样事情,从而在2011年能够领先别人必须需要有条理快速开始

    Whatever you decide there are a few things you can do to get ahead of the game and get 2011 off to an organized and speedy start.


  • 如果它们同时被到了两个级别中,需要定义新的级别说明其中不同或者根据它的特征合并其中已经存在的级别中。

    If it falls right between two levels, you may need to define a new level to account for the difference, or incorporate the characteristics into one of your existing levels.


  • 如果平台可以新的需要做出响应那么商业将可以一个高度复杂严格控制环境(比如银行界)下有所响应。

    If your platform can respond to new requirements, then the business can respond, even in a highly complex and regulated environment like the world of banking.


  • 对于半个习惯优势承认需要经历过渡期旧习惯习惯

    An advantage to half habits is that you accept that you need to go through a transition period from old habit to new habit.


  • 如果拓展的交际面以便能够得到一个新的高层次工作那就需要找出能够获得他人力量地方

    If you are looking to increase your exposure so you can land a new high-profile job, then seek out the places where people in power hang.


  • 这会一个漫长而痛苦过程因为需要找出所有使用服务器应用程序,并且明确开始切换的时候,要如何重新它们进行配置使用新的服务器。

    This becomes a long a painful process because you need to find all the applications that use this database and figure out how to reconfigure them to use the new server when the cutover happens.


  • 如果不能减少目前任务,那么可能需要寻找一个新的职位或者公司或者其他地方

    And if you can't cut back in your current role, you might need to find a new position, either within your company or elsewhere.


  • 一些情况需要创建SDO对象(一系列sdo对象)新的实例并且将其序列化一个XML中。

    There are also situations when you would need to create a new instance of an SDO object (or a graph of SDO objects), and serialize that into XML.


  • 一般情况下,我们需要秒钟集中记忆能够一个新的信息转化成长期记忆。

    It takes about eight seconds of intense focus to process a new piece of information into your long-term memory.


  • 因此团队需要一个喜欢探索最新软件的团队软件测试环境推荐新插件

    Therefore, you need someone on your team who revels in exploring the latest software and recommending additions for your team's software test environment.


  • 另外一个合适控件完全替换当前控件可不容易需要删除这个控件,然后将控件拖入窗体重新配置

    Completely replacing one control with another more relevant control is not as simple; you will need to delete an existing control, drop a new one on the form, and reconfigure it.


  • 如果学校里最弱一门功课获得A”,需要学会如何养成一个新的学习习惯或者时间高效地学习

    If you want to get an "a" in your weakest subject in school, you need to learn how to come up with new study habits or spend time studying more efficiently.


  • 如果错过了两个连续阶段的锻炼需要找到原因,同时增加一个新的动力来源

    If you miss two consecutive workouts, you need to look at why, and add a new motivation.


  • 除了现有服务退役之外,SDLC过程需要一个关于如何部署服务新服务版本清晰模型

    Your SDLC process needs to have a clear model for how to deploy new services and new versions of services, in addition to how to decommission existing services.


  • 实际上个新的网站上线没有任何秘密你需要的只是市场时机一个产品辛勤工作

    There really is no secret to launching a site, its all down to market timing, a good product and hard work.


  • 因为如果汽车引擎故障了,可能修理或者需要一个新的

    Because, in that case, if your car's engine is out of order, you will have to fix the whole car or purchase a new one!


  • 参加一个新的俱乐部或者可以英语活动需要使用不同类型的英语;

    By joining a new club or going to events where you know English will be spoken, you will need to use a different register of English.


  • 参加一个新的俱乐部或者可以英语活动需要使用不同类型的英语;

    By joining a new club or going to events where you know English will be spoken, you will need to use a different register of English.


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