• 私人教练经验能力都各个不一,因此雇佣之前务必核实他们的教练证书确保他们真的能够突破步调

    Personal trainers can range in experience and ability so be sure to check out their credentials before hiring anyone and make sure that they are really going to put you through your paces.


  • 都是依旧有些公司需要保留写稿,可能是因为他们雇佣中使用笔迹学,需要通过研究分析手写稿。

    However there are some companies that many want a sample of your handwriting; it is possible they employ graphology, which is the study and analysis of handwriting.


  • 雇佣优秀的员工并且成功的激励他们之后,也不能松懈

    Once you have hired the best employees and have challenged and motivated them, you can not relax.


  • 初级经济学表明如果最低工资提高而增加雇佣低技能工人成本雇主降低他们需求

    Elementary economics would suggest that if you raise the cost of employing the lowest-skilled workers by increasing the minimum wage, employers will demand fewer of them.


  • 照看孩子的夫妇也许会减少晚上需要看护的时间,他们兴趣雇佣作为课外看护

    The couple you babysit for might cut back on evenings out, but they could be interested in hiring you for after-school care.


  • 不幸的是(来说是幸运的),他们无法雇佣如此抢手

    Unfortunately (fortunately for you) they won't be able to hire you because you're in so much demand!


  • 人士经理如果雇佣的话,他们尤其拿捏得很好,这时不要匆忙做出决定

    Hiringmanagers have been known to put the squeeze on, especially if theyreally want you, but don't rush into decisions.


  • 刚才提到韩方雇佣保安人员公寓保安人员,能否具体介绍一下他们的身份?

    Q: Could you give us more details on the two types of security guards, those hired by South Korea and those of the apartment?


  • 其余情况可以雇佣他们帮助,这样就有时间从事那些高价值工作

    At other times you can hire them to help you, thereby freeing you up to do higher-value work.


  • 他们进行筛选进行选择,否则的话雇佣升职创造都会受影响,施乐也是一样

    You screen them, you select them because if you don't, it is about the hiring, it is promotion, it is creating in Xerox too.


  • 如果轻蔑支金元打造球队嘲讽地形容他们为“雇佣军团”,那么先问问自己愿意的主队遇上这样个对手么?

    If you’ve scoffed at the fortunes spent and uttered the phrasea bunch of mercenaries’ in the past couple of years ask yourself this…would you like your team to face them at the moment?


  • 家公司雇佣,然后向钱,他们不会

    A company "hires" you in exchange for a fee, but they're not really hiring you.


  • 如果认为他们知道太少,解雇他们并且雇佣聪明的;如果认为自己聪明的,那么最好辞职

    If not, get rid of them and hire smarter people. If you think you are the smartest one, resign.


  • 忘了花些时间研究研究有可能雇佣的公司,好好看看他们网站

    Don't forget to spend time checking out your potential employer's website.


  • 不要谈论老板雇佣得到什么而是客气指出如果录用他们会损失什么。

    Don't just talk about what your new employer will gain by giving you the job, but also respectfully point out what they stand to lose if they don't take you on.


  • 还要雇佣公司提供技术文档日后解决问题时参考重复他们工作

    Also be sure that the company you hire will supply documentation allowing you to retrace their steps if necessary to solve a problem or duplicate their work at a later date.


  • 不论雇佣他们共度长的时光

    No matter who you hire, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with him or her.


  • 这个没有Linux认证的专家补充,“取决于雇佣经理但是那些知道Linux的经理他们通常都会查看认证之外他们更倾向于接受‘做什么’。”

    Accada, who doesn't have a certification adds, "It depends on the hiring manager, but managers who know Linux, always look beyond the certifications, they prefer the 'what can you do' approach."


  • 他们认为必须雇佣认为一上任就能投入到公司业务运作去的求职者

    They say that you must hire the candidates whom you believe can hit the ground running in your company.


  • 尽管单子大部分工具都是围绕支持者的,但LinkedIn职业网络联系密切些,使可以雇佣员工查看他们专业知识

    While most of the tools on this list are for engaging supporters, LinkedIn is more for connecting to your professional network, recruiting professionals and tapping into their expertise.


  • 然后他们需要雇佣新员工时,即便从未申请过该工作,他们也会询问的意愿。

    Then, when they need to hire someone, they will ask you, without you ever having to apply.


  • 一旦雇佣了员工,需要时间恰当地培训他们他们做好工作需要工具

    Once you hire people, you must take the time to train them properly and give them the tools they need to do the job right.


  • 他们认为过去行为能预测将来表现指出策略使雇佣赢家

    They believe that " past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior" and suggest that this is the strategy that will enable you to hire winners.


  • 雇佣这些人时或许不是为了利用他们创造力

    But you probably didn't hire these people for their creativity.


  • 记住他们雇佣同事和谐相处的展示随和优雅的一面。

    Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are!


  • 记住他们雇佣同事和谐相处的展示随和优雅的一面。

    Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are!


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