• 要告诉他们他们知道的,是他们寻找的。

    You told them everything they needed to know. You gave them what they were looking for.


  • 他们国家挑选接着告诉他们英国

    They will give you your pick of countries, and you will tell them that you want to go to England.


  • 听说他们离婚了。告诉吧,并不感到意外,因为他们总是争吵

    I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised—they were always arguing.


  • 他们沿着河边散步时,汤姆说:“爸爸,总是告诉学新东西。说实话,我不想做任何改变。”

    While they were walking along a river, Tom said, "Dad, you always tell me to learn something new. To be honest, I don't want to make any change."


  • 如果一个严格素食者,家长准备晚餐时,确保(女)朋友已事先告诉他们

    If you're a strict vegetarian or vegan and the parents are hosting dinner, make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend tells them beforehand.


  • 所以如果听众没有明显的发现他们所感兴趣的,就告诉他们为什么非得说不可。

    So if your audience don't have an obvious reason to be interested, tell them why they should bother listening to you.


  • 他们半个小时而后汤普森先生儿子说:“汤姆现在告诉一个有益的教训。”

    They drank for half an hour, and then Mr. Thompson said to his son, "Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson."


  • 我们早晨大约两点钟时候得救了;必须在这里告诉事情更重的是,他们边境巡逻队员

    They reached us at around two in the morning; and here I must tell you that, on top of everything else, they were members of the border patrol.


  • 调整自己最佳状态,但是如果身边总是一小堆人在打扰的话那么把握好机会告诉他们怎么的。

    You have to find your own groove, but chances are that you have to tell people what you think if you’ve got a small crowd bothering you all the time.


  • 孩子小时候准备食物的时候,告诉他们正在做什么,并他们制作过程,以及颜色味道

    When your babies are young, talk what you're doing as you prepare food, teach them about the produce, the colors and the flavors.


  • 同事或许会询问的含义,则可以选择是否要告诉他们了。

    Your co-workers may ask about them and you have the choice of telling them the whole story.. or not.


  • 他们来说猜测什么困难因而他们倾向告诉更多

    It will be more difficult for them to guess what you're thinking, and they will be more likely to tell you more.


  • 如果离开时间告诉他们哪儿,务必说定时间回来打电话

    If you will be away for a time, tell them where you are going and make sure you return or call at the time you say you will.


  • 清楚告诉他们管理人员会重视这些问题并且已经开始着手偿还这些技术债务了。

    Make it clear that the Management appreciates the problem and is prepared to start paying down the debt.


  • 教育大众,不仅是说明存在而且告诉他们他们一样

    You want to educate the general population, not only to your presence, but also to the fact that you are just like them.


  • 每个人告诉时刻备份电脑他们什么意思啊?

    Everybody always tells you to make sure that you are backing up your PC, but what does that really mean?


  • 他们告诉应该怎样做,在那里什么。

    They tell you where you're supposed to be, where you're supposed to stand, what you're supposed to say.


  • 当然告诉他们实情了,毋庸置疑获得惊讶和赞美,但是内心深处你要明白,这么好的照片拍的而不是相机,人是最关键

    You can tell them the answer, but inside, you'll know it's not the camera responsible for those great pictures. It's the photographer.


  • 告诉朋友他们非常信任这会他们感到自己很重,让他们以后说闲话之前仔细考虑问题轻重。

    Say you trust them as it will make them feel important and think twice before gossiping in future.


  • 即使孩子长大离开了……告诉他们三句话永远都,“,我以棒!”

    Even if your kids are grown and gone... it is never too late to tell them, "I love you, I am proud of you, and you are so good!"


  • 他们尊敬片土地告诉孩子大地上到处都我们亲属生命

    So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the Earth is rich with the lives of our kin.


  • 忙着写的客户电邮时,不停下来去同事弄电子表格,告诉他们现在个很重的email一旦处理完就会去帮助他们

    Tell them that you have an important email to send and you will help them with the spreadsheet as soon as you are done.


  • 如果告诉他们一些事情告诉他们但是感觉英语会很傻那么就用自己的母语说吧这种神秘感足以使他们痴迷发狂

    If you tell them that you have something to say to them, but feel silly saying it in English, and then say it in your own language, the mystery alone is enough to make them go crazy.


  • 给了他们报告的拷贝,并且告诉他们我们需用重新设计网页

    I gave them a copy of your report and I told them that we needed to have the website redesigned.


  • 如果告诉他们你要木筏横渡太平洋他们一定认为是个疯子。

    They must think you are a madman if you tell them you want to cross the Pacific on a raft.


  • 拉美西斯:不会成为懦弱君王!告诉同胞,从今天起,他们工作量加倍上帝所赐或是……拜所赐?。

    Rameses:I will not be the weak link! Tell your people as of today. . . their workload has been doubled, thanks to your God. Or is it thanks. . . to you?


  • 人子阿,要告诉本国子民使刀剑临到哪一国,一国的他们中间选立一人守望的。

    Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman.


  • 找出喜欢语言——如果而言生命关键的更好的理解十分的,要告诉他们

    Identify your preferred language - and if it's really important to you that the key people in your life understand you better, tell them about it.


  • 这个时候,害怕请求暂停,可以告诉老板一会儿来和探讨这个问题或者和客户这个问题你要研究一下,稍后给他们回电

    Don't be afraid to call a timeout — ask your boss if you can meet later to continue the discussion, or let your client know you'll research the issue and call them back.


  • 这个时候,害怕请求暂停,可以告诉老板一会儿来和探讨这个问题或者和客户这个问题你要研究一下,稍后给他们回电

    Don't be afraid to call a timeout — ask your boss if you can meet later to continue the discussion, or let your client know you'll research the issue and call them back.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定