• 早上首先处理邮件深陷其中。

    Checking email first thing will get you stuck in email for awhile.


  • 深陷可怕过去现在可能的未来景象声音

    You are bombarded with an awesome array of the sights and sounds of past, present and probable futures.


  • 一旦深陷其中,永不翻身,社会网络上的三教九流要挟。

    Once you have it, it's never coming off, and you will get blackballed from many societies and networks.


  • 心怀怨气不仅仅深陷过去痛苦,无法体会到当下的快乐

    Holding all of this anger inside of you doesn't just keep you living in the pastit keeps you from experiencing true happiness now.


  • 工作容易就感到限制尤其是深陷于有着荧光灯少数窗户办公室

    It's easy to feel cooped up at work, especially if you're stuck in an office with fluorescent lights and few Windows.


  • 记住不是谈恋爱这件事深陷险境,而是流言蜚语,指责报复这些东西会接踵而来

    Remember, it's not the love affair that will get you canned, but the stalking, accusations, and retribution that sometimes follow.


  • 即使是这些年轻健康人们需要因为车祸或是不可预见疾病就会深陷财务困境

    Even those who are young and healthy need it, since a car accident or unforeseen illness can put you in a giant financial hole.


  • 如果发现深陷他人评价焦虑泥塘不能自拔,可能得了社会焦虑症需要寻求专业人员帮助

    If you find your anxiety about what others think of you feels out of control, there's a chance you could be suffering from Social anxiety and might need to seek help.


  • 深陷这种困境会会容易犯一个这样错误不舍得辛苦的血汗钱,或者更坏的是不再珍惜宝贵毛囊

    When you're this desperate, it's easy to make a mistake that could end up costing you lots of hard-earned cash, or, worse yet, precious hair follicles you don't have to spare.


  • 之后便是人尴尬的巴黎重逢坐在一起咖啡然后追忆往事如梦,会随之深陷下去——还不到影片第三十五分钟。

    By the time the two former lovers are shyly reminiscing about Paris, sitting in a cafe and summoning the past as if it were a dream, you’re deep in it with them — and not yet at the 35-minute mark.


  • 由于现在有这么专业基金经理都一动不敢而且绝大多数人都深陷恐惧愤怒,此时的应该现金勇气发挥作用。

    With so many professional money managers afraid to act, with most of the public in the grip of fear and anger, you should put your cash and your courage to work.


  • 如果已经深陷债务信用卡一个陷阱它们会把拉入更深的债务中去。

    If you're in debt, credit CARDS are a trap. They only put you deeper in debt.


  • 可以说没有什么深陷一个紧缩时代告诉人民没有办法

    You can say there's nothing we can do, wallow in an age of austerity, tell people there is no alternative.


  • 看到恐惧不要深陷恐惧,否则持续不断自己恐惧的理由

    Recognize your fears but don't obsess or you'll continue to give yourself more reasons to be afraid!


  • 如果即将到来某事担心,深陷已经发生调息带给回到现在

    If you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened, breathe. It will bring you back to the present.


  • 如果怎样……”的怪圈,循环永远无法得到需要结果

    If you get stuck in "What about..." loops, you'll never get the results you seek.


  • 完全取决于的选择,和如何看待困境的心态。把每件事看做学习机会能让生活更加愉悦,特别是深陷困境的时候

    It all depends on perspective; on how you see the situation. Viewing everything as a learning experience makes life more pleasurable, even during the hard times.


  • 可能现在深陷困境由于所面对情况显得难以处理不合情理或者不公平感到灰心丧气。

    You may be going through difficult times right now. You're discouraged because the situation you face seems unmanageable, unreasonable, or unfair.


  • 眼科医生考虑其他因素例如深陷眼睛手术困难更有风险

    Your eye doctor will take into account additional factors. For example, deep-set eyes may make the surgery more difficult and risky.


  • 即使现在真的真的深陷情网,总有一天还是的。

    Even if you're really, really in love right now, you're still going to die eventually.


  • 恐惧事情保持联系不会深陷恐惧。

    Let it keep track of the things you fear so you don't crash into them.


  • 还有可能染上重病并且深陷绝境,以致因此而死去除非能获得异常昂贵的,紧急护理

    Moreover, you might get hit by an illness and then you could be in desperate trouble that you will die unless you get some kind of emergency care, which might be very expensive.


  • 如果感到深陷杂务几个星期以前一样,那么一下几个步骤帮助因为他们已经帮助

    If you feel that you are stuck in a rut, just like I did a few weeks ago, then here are a few steps that can help you and that have already helped me.


  • 碰到这种应该意识到,他们我们深陷困境的主要原因

    And when you do encounter such a person, you should be aware that people like that are a major reason we're in so much trouble.


  • 简简单单活着包括坚信的选择人生的目标,害怕外界的职责和别人影响这个过程是艰苦的,相信我,我也深陷其中。

    Simple living involves being secure with your choices and your direction in life, without fearing the judgment and influence of others.


  • 不过如果发现于对控件调用(原文是theguts of the control,不好翻译),也许没有采取最佳方式

    However, if you find yourself getting deep into the guts of the control, then you are probably not taking the best approach.


  • 成了急躁、愤怒害怕无可控制深陷其中的人。

    You are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped.


  • 默默地放在心里一声不响是否知道已经深陷我心

    You silently in my heart, silent, but did you know that you already deep in my heart.


  • 默默地放在心里一声不响是否知道已经深陷我心

    You silently in my heart, silent, but did you know that you already deep in my heart.


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