• 是主人,可以让他们到厨房帮你做点什么,这样只是让他们离开当时的环境。

    If you're the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation.


  • 这个年轻人回答:“遗憾,可以点什么呢?”

    That's a shame, replied the young man, is there anything I can do for you?


  • 又过了一会律师问到:“你做点什么? ”。

    A while later, the lawyer asked "What do you want me to do?" "Nothing. Just stand there."


  • 好些时间医生问到:“你做点什么? ”。

    After standing for some time, the doctor asked "What do you want me to do?" "Nothing. Just stand there."


  • 不要害怕接受别人帮助意味着他们足够尊敬点什么

    Don't be afraid to accept help from other people, it means they respect you enough to help you with something.


  • 哦,是啊。请进。欢迎来到中国进出口商品检验局能为点什么

    Sure. come on in. welcome to China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau. What can I do for your.


  • 另外如果仅仅希望市场点什么或者相信市场的,那么市场感觉是在和作对。

    Furthermore, it will feel like the market is against you but only if you expect it to do something for you, or if you believe that it owes you something.


  • 抱歉对于一类事情总是迟到那么我能为什么吗?我听说准备几个关于旅游的问题。

    Excuse me, I'm always late to these sorts of things. So what can I do for you? I heard you had some questions for me about travel.


  • 所有观光都提供了相当有用的信息所以大家尽可能多看资料如果知道记住什么,请观光结束测试

    At all the attractions there is helpful information, so please read as much as you can, and if you want to see what you've remembered, please do the quiz after your visit.


  • 唯一解决办法随便什么只是对于任务没完成的小小安慰而已。

    The only real solution is to do something, anything, but that’s small consolation when a project is taunting you with its unfinishedness.


  • 学校优秀老师之一——我们必须点什么

    You're one of the best teachers in the school -- we have to do something.


  • 提醒自己什么的烟还有之中多么出色 ——或者支持戒烟的成员家人朋友这一

    Remind yourself why you've quit and how well you've doneor have someone in your support group, family, or friends do this for you.


  • 节省燃油固然是件好事可能高科技能为乘客改善乘机环境什么呢?

    Saving fuel is all very well, you may be thinking, but what can technology do to improve conditions for passengers?


  • 什么应用程序手机充电时有用的事呢?

    Why not let your app phone do something useful while it's charging?


  • 但是如果地球大部分中的一员,建议如下:如果改善什么,现在就开始改善,如果想要点什么好处的事情呢,现在就开始

    But if you're like most other humans on earth, here's my advice: if you want to change something for the better, start to change it. If you want to do something positive, start to do it.


  • 如果发现找不到每个孩子独处时间(无论是否多个孩子)设置约会是个办法一起点什么

    If you have trouble finding alone time with each child (whether you have one child or more than one), setting up "dates" can be a good way to ensure that you do things together.


  • 这两个同一个么?,已经写了一小块代码,可以提供这个功能,但是知道的我可以的,简单的事情就是说好?,等等,我什么直接看看,这两个东西相等不相等呢?

    Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?


  • 如果梦想计划每天点什么那个梦想越来越近。

    If you have a dream to pursue make a plan, do something everyday to move you closer to that dream.


  • 最喜欢组织打个电话,看看帮忙做点什么,这都会重要贡献

    Calling your preferred organization and finding out how you can be of assistance would be an important contribution.


  • 时间浏览一下非营利性组织的视频资料,也许从中就能受到启发,自己可以什么可能碰巧就会发现完全符合的东西。支持他们,跟上他们的步伐吧。

    Spend some time browsing nonprofit videos for ideas about what you can do. Most likely you will come across something with a style or tone that you think is perfectly appropriate for your message.


  • 无论什么必须的事,每天至少休息三四即使只有分钟外面走走,呼吸新鲜空气

    Whatever you have to do, take a break at least three or four times a day, even for just a few minutes and go outside and get some fresh air.


  • 网站上发文章有好处,就兼职突然什么想法,随时写下来

    The nice thing about websites is as a moonlighting thing you can write as often as you want on a whim.


  • 经验喜欢那些人来了之后,主人主动提出要求后会帮着点什么,而且任何时间叫他们都行。

    In my previous experience, I found the best visitors are those who make themselves available at any time just for the asking.


  • 其它的事情——差不多什么感觉两个小时电视好。

    Find something else to doalmost anything will help you feel better than you would feel after watching an hour or two of television.


  • 其它的事情——差不多什么感觉两个小时电视好。

    Find something else to do - almost anything will help you feel better than you would feel after watching an hour or two of television.


  • 真实性战斗可不轻松但是还是可以什么找回偷走个性

    The battle for your authenticity is not an easy one, but there are some things you can do to get started on the road to recovering your stolen identity.


  • 不要别人批准行动,起来做点什么努力回报的。

    Don't wait for someone else to sanction your actions.Stand up and make a difference.Your efforts will be rewarded.


  • 不要别人批准行动,起来做点什么努力回报的。

    Don't wait for someone else to sanction your actions.Stand up and make a difference.Your efforts will be rewarded.


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