• 13生命中积累了7,015名具名作者贡献的14,760个模块

    In its 13 years of existence it has accumulated 14,760 modules representing the work of 7,015 known authors.


  • 阅读原文了解相关附加信息包括本文其他作者作者贡献联合财政公开资金援助等等

    Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, financial disclosures, funding and support, etc.


  • 无论是爆炸性科技新闻业内人士的观点或是寻找玩世不恭幽默任何主题下都有着乐于分享的作者贡献出不可胜博客文章

    Whether it's breaking tech news, an insider's point of view, or irreverent humor you're seeking, there are an infinite number of blogs on any subject whose authors will be happy to oblige.


  • 他们的作品中这些作者倾向赞颂妇女边疆生活贡献

    In their works these authors tended to glorify women's contributions to frontier life.


  • 为什么作者美国农业部本可以通过制定膳食指南从而应对气候变化方面做出很大贡献

    Why does the author say the USDA could have contributed a lot to lowering the climate cost through its dietary guidelines?


  • 是关于当下以及一个人对当下所做出的贡献,因为阅读是作者与读者之间的相互交流。

    It's about the now and what one contributes to the now, because reading is a give and take between author and reader.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,保罗·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩尔、麦克斯韦·安德森、桑顿·怀尔德、威廉·萨罗扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 很多作者继续在不同的领域做出贡献,包括采矿农工业林业

    A variety of authors continue to contribute on topics that stretch from mining to agro-industries and forestry.


  • 编者按约瑟夫哈佛大学的‘大学杰出贡献教授’,以及未来实力》一书作者,该书二月份由公共事务出版社出版。

    Editor's note: Joseph S. Nye is University Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard University, and author of the "the Future of Power," which PublicAffairs press will publish in February.


  • 很可能我们不会这种读者作者之间联系因为人们不再感到贡献必要

    Probably, we would not be able to make this connection between readers and writers, because people would no longer feel a need to donate.


  • 提交记录这个修订开发人员,作者是对这个修订贡献的开发人员。

    The committer is the developer who physically recorded the revision, while each author receives an attribution recognizing his or her contribution to the revision.


  • 愿意贡献而且大部分作者也会这么做。

    I'm willing to contribute a couple of titles, and my guess is that most authors would.


  • 作者感谢下面这些作出贡献,他们花费了大量时间来编写测试这些示例portlet

    The authors wish to thank and acknowledge the following people for their contributions and time spent in writing and testing those sample portlets.


  • 作者感谢全球化认证实验室中的全体员工提供的帮助特别是JinBoXu,谢谢本文所作的贡献

    The authors want to thank all the guys at Globalization Certification Laboratory for their help, especially Jin bo Xu, for his contributions to the article.


  • 作者希望感谢ChristopherJaun本篇文章作出的杰出贡献同样感谢DanielLee对本文的编辑支持

    The author wishes to acknowledge Christopher Jaun for his many contributions to this article, as well as Daniel Lee for editorial support.


  • 作者真诚地感谢Tim HanisJimBonanno 作为技术评论家对本文所做的评论贡献

    The author wishes to thank Tim Hanis and Jim Bonanno for their comments and contributions as technical reviewers.


  • 作者感谢DougPhillipsWilliam Trotman,感谢他们审阅了本文提供了宝贵的建议贡献

    The author would like to thank Doug Phillips and William Trotman for reviewing the article, and providing valuable Suggestions and contributions.


  • 作者特别感谢项目负责人YingChun (Daisy)Guo感谢本文贡献

    The author extends a special acknowledgment to the Project Leader, Ying Chun (Daisy) Guo, for her contributions to this article.


  • 作者希望感谢以下IBM专家本文贡献

    The authors wish to thank the following IBM experts for their contributions to this article.


  • 作者希望感谢以下同事本文贡献

    The authors would like to thank the following colleagues for their contributions to this paper.


  • 作者以下人员所作出的贡献表示感谢

    The authors would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this document.


  • 另外感谢Dan本专栏提出主题建议、招募了作者我们读者随时了解IBM支持社区最新贡献

    Additional thanks to Dan for suggesting topics, recruiting authors, and keeping our readers up to date on the very latest offerings from the IBM support community.


  • 文章作者认为他们的工作会未来的“人-机器人”合作产生重要影响——那些梦想在作出独创性(Singularity贡献上传智慧的人带来希望

    The paper's authors argue that their work could prove important for future human-robot collaborationsand give hope to those dreaming of uploading their brains after the Singularity.


  • 他们大约1000作者将他们贡献描述成“a proto-Woodstock ofhighvisualculture”。

    There were about 1,000 of them, and the author describes their commitment as “a proto-Woodstock of high visual culture”.


  • 他们大约1000人。作者他们贡献描述成“a proto-Woodstock ofhighvisualculture”。

    There were about 1, 000 of them, and the author describes their commitment as “a proto-Woodstock of high visual culture”.


  • 今天我们庆祝卫生作者我们社会以及对我们的生活作出巨大贡献

    Today we celebrate the great contribution to our society, and to our lives, made by health workers.


  • 活动家社会作者贾维斯夫人用来表达愿望一天一个人必须履行所有母亲生活和死亡,赞扬他们作出贡献

    An activist and social worker, Mrs Jarvis used to express her desire that someday someone must honor all mothers, living and dead, and pay tribute to the contributions made by them.


  • 资金筹集这些不可思议时间智慧财富贡献表达感谢一个机会从而成为连接读者作者之间的桥梁。

    Fundraisers are an opportunity to say "thanks" for this incredible donation of time and intellectual wealth, and thereby connect readers and authors.


  • 2006年至2008年,塞内加尔推出特殊承包体制体制偏远农村地区成功招募医疗作者以及重新开设卫生站做出了贡献

    Between 2006 and 2008, the introduction of the special contracting system contributed to the successful recruitment of health workers in remote and rural regions and the reopening of health outposts.


  • 2006年至2008年,塞内加尔推出特殊承包体制体制偏远农村地区成功招募医疗作者以及重新开设卫生站做出了贡献

    Between 2006 and 2008, the introduction of the special contracting system contributed to the successful recruitment of health workers in remote and rural regions and the reopening of health outposts.


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